
【题目】The professor’s lecture has left a deep___________ on me and up till now I can still remember every word of it.

A. impression B. belief C. consequence D. influence



试题分析:考查名词。A. impression印象;B. belief信念;C. consequence 结果;D. influence影响。固定搭配leave a deep impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象。句意:教授的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象,直到现在我仍能记得它的每个字。故选A.


【题目】One of the main decisions you must make when traveling is deciding where to stay. A good place to stay can often make a holiday. Whether you are looking for a classy hotel or a night under the stars, we can guide you through your different options.

Bed and Breakfast

An English invention, bed and breakfasts offer exactly what they suggest, a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning. People who hate the anonymity of hotels but want more luxury than a hostel often choose to stay at bed and breakfasts. “B&B’s”, usually someone’s private home, are often found in the countryside.


For those traveling on a tight budget, hostels are the best accommodation option. Informal places usually with a friendly youthful vibe(氛围), they offer dormitory beds for rent. Bathrooms are usually down the hall.

Remember to check reviews by previous guests online before you book your hostel.

Couch Surfing

An unusual but interesting option, couch surfing is a growing trend among young internationals. The idea is that you become a member of the online couch-surfing community (www. couchsurfing. com) and then when you travel, look up other members in that country and ask to stay on their couch (沙发). Most hosts will suggest sightseeing trips and take you out in the evening, making it a great way to see things that aren’t in your guidebook. And remember, it may be free but don’t forget to offer to buy your host a drink or dinner.


Sleeping under the stars! For budget travelers staying at camping grounds is the cheapest way to travel. The drawback is that you have to carry a tent with you. Camping grounds can be found across Europe, America and Australia. However, if you intend on camping in busy cities, check first where the nearest campsite is. More often than not, they are on the outskirts, which can mean lengthy bus rides into town when you want to eat or see the sights.

1Hostels are popular among budget travelers because they provide _____.

A. a friendly atmosphere

B. dormitory beds for sale

C. reviews by previous guests

D. beds and bathrooms as well

2The advantage of couch surfing is that _____.

A. you don’t have to pay any money

B. you can have a couch to sleep on

C. you can explore the nightlife there

D. the host will charge you for sightseeing

3The disadvantage of camping is that you have to ______.

A. sleep in the open air

B. take some extra articles

C. camp near big cities for safety

D. take a long distance bus to the campsites

4You want a better but not too expensive place to stay, you may choose _____.

A. Bed and Breakfast B. Hostels

C. Couch Surfing D. Camping

【题目】‘Well,’ began Enfield, ‘I was coming home about three o’clock on a black winter morning, when suddenly I saw two people. The first was a short man who was walking along the street, and the second was a little girl who was running as fast as she could. Well, the two bumped into each other and the child fell down. Then a terrible thing happened. The man calmly walked all over the child’s body with his heavy boots, and left her screaming on the ground. It was an inhuman thing to do. I ran after the man, caught him and fetched him back. There was already a small crowd around the screaming child. The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very evil look, which made me feel sick in my stomach. The child’s family then arrived, and also a doctor. The child had been sent to fetch the doctor for a sick neighbor, and was on her way home again.

‘“The child is more frightened than hurt,” said the doctor and that, you would think, was the end of the story. But, you see, I had taken a violent dislike to the short man. So had the child’s family that was only natural. But the doctor, who seemed a quiet, kind man, was also looking at our prisoner with murder in his eyes.

‘The doctor and I understood each other perfectly. Together we shouted at the man, and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated.

‘He looked back at us with a proud, black look. “Name your price,” he said.

‘We made him agree to a hundred pounds for the child’s family. With another black look, the man led us to that door over there. He took out a key and let himself into the building. Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds in gold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts’s Bank. The name on the cheque was a well-known one.

‘“See here,” said the doctor doubtfully, “it isn’t usual for a man to walk into an empty house at four in the morning and come out with another man’s cheque for nearly a hundred pounds.”

‘“Don’t worry,” said the man with an ugly look, “I’ll stay with you until the banks open, and change the cheque myself.”

‘So we all went off, the doctor and the prisoner and myself, and spent the rest of the night at my house. In the morning we went together to the bank. Sure enough, the cheque was good, and the money was passed to the child’s family.’

【1】Which of the following is true according to the passage above?

A. The little girl was frightened as well as seriously hurt.

B. The doctor did not trust the short man and disliked him.

C. The short man willingly paid the little girl’s family a hundred pounds.

D. The doctor was present at the spot to see what was wrong with the little girl.

2Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “Presently” in the fifth paragraph?

A. Instantly. B. Constantly.

C. Consequently. D. Merely.

3Which of the following makes Enfield, the narrator of the story, puzzled most?

A. The doctor’s attitude towards the short man.

B. The validity of the cheque accepted by the bank.

C. The name on the cheque the short man produced.

D. The short man’s attitude towards what he had done.

4The cheque was written by ________.

A. Mr. Utterson, an upright lawyer

B. Mr. Jekyll, a well-known doctor

C. Doctor Lanyon, Mr. Jekyll’s friend

D. Mr. Hyde, the short man mentioned in the passage above

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