
  _____  for a strong and fair climate agreement at the key UN summit in Copenhagen, 50,000 people in London wore blue and went to the streets.

A. Call   B. Calling   C. To call    D. Called


Xu Shu was much valued by Liu Bei for his strategic talents. After several victories on the battleground against Cao Cao, Xu was made the chief military advisor. Cao Cao was greatly surprised at the news. “If you want this person,” one of his advisors said, “you can bring his mother to Xuchang and send a forged letter in his mother's handwriting, asking Xu Shu to desert Liu Bei and come here. As Xu is well-known for a strong filial(孝顺的) affection, surely he will come.” This plot worked. For Xu, on receiving the letter, cried tearfully, asking Liu Bei for an immediate departure. Feeling sad, though, Liu persisted in his stay for another night, during which the two aired their sad feelings.

The next day Liu laid a banquet outside the city for Xu. Holding the latter's hand, Liu said,  “After we separate today, only heaven knows when and where we will meet again.” He wept bitter tears.

After setting off on his way, Xu suddenly turned his horse and returned. “I almost forgot an important matter.” He said to Liu. “Ten kilometers from Xiangyang City, in a place called Long zhong, there is a talent called Zhuge Liang. Do you want to meet him?” Liu expressed his willingness at once, but also aired doubt about whether Zhuge Liang was as talented as Xu. “He tells positions of stars in the heavens,” Xu assured him, “and recognizes everything on earth. He knows a person's real nature at the first meeting----the number one talent under the heaven. If you have him as your military advisor, you'll have the country under your name.” Liu suggested a visit to Zhuge by Xu on his behalf. At this, the latter shook his head in disapproval. “You must go and offer your invitation personally, and his acceptance depends entirely on your sincerity.” With these words said, Xu turned his horse and left. Later, Liu paid three trips to Zhuge's straw house, another favorite story among Chinese people.

The underlined word “forged” in Paragraph 1 probably means__________.

A. forced                          B. false                             C. friendly                        D. touching

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Zhuge was able to tell a person’s personality at first sight.

B. No sooner did Xu receive the letter than he departed for Cao Cao.

C. Liu showed little interest in visiting Zhuge because he was doubtful of the stranger’s ability.

D. Liu showed his disapproval when Xu advised him to call on Zhuge in person.

The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably means __________.

A. There was no doubt that Zhuge was competent as a military advisor

B. No one would be better than Zhuge in terms of giving military advice

C. Zhuge was such a talent that he could make the country named after Liu

D. With the help of Zhuge, Liu would be able to rule the whole country

The paragraph following the last one most probably deals with __________.

A. why people considered Zhuge as a talent

B. the difficulty Xu met with on the way to meet his mother

C. the plot Cao Cao made to bring Xu’s mother to Xuchang

D. how Liu sincerely invited Zhuge to assist him in military affairs

The text is developed in the order of __________.

A. space                           B. logic                             C. time                            D. cause and result

One day, four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road. There had been a rain. Water was dripping(滴) from the trees, and the grass was wet. They rode slowly, talking and laughing. Suddenly they heard some noises from the tree above them. “What is the matter?” asked the first lawyer. “Oh, it’s only some old birds!” said the second lawyer. “The storm made one of the babies fall out of the nest. It is too young to fly, and the mother bird is very worried.” “What a pity! It’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer. “It doesn’t matter. It’s only a bird,” said the second lawyer. Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and took the little one in his big warm hands.
“Never mind, my little fellow,” said Mr. Lincoln. “I will put you back in your little nest.” He climbed up the tree and put the bird softly into their warm little home. A few minutes later, Mr. Lincoln joined them again. His shoes were covered with mud and he was wet. Then the other three laughed at him. They thought it was foolish for a strong man to do so much just for a young bird. “Gentlemen,” said Mr. Lincoln, “I could not sleep tonight if I had left the helpless bird in the grass.” Later Abraham Lincoln became very famous as a lawyer. He also became the president of America. He was one of the greatest American presidents.
61. The reason why the mother bird was worried was that ______.
A. there was a rain  B. the lawyers were under its tree
C. one of its babies fell out of the nest    D. it could not fly
62. We can learn about the other three lawyers from the passage that ______.
A. the second lawyer was kind         B. they were all cold-hearted
C. they did something to save the baby bird   D. the third lawyer put the bird into its nest
63. The underlined phrase “little fellow” in paragraph 2 means ______.
A. the mother bird   B. Lincoln’s little friends
C. the other three lawyers      D. the baby bird
64. The other three lawyers laughed at Lincoln because ______.
A. he climbed the tree     B. he was wet
C. his shoes were covered with mud       D. they thought it foolish for him to do so
65. From the passage we know Lincoln ______.
A. liked riding horses   B. was very kind and loved birds and animals
C. liked being laughed at D. wanted to be the president of America then

One day,four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road. There had been a rain. Water was dripping (滴) from the trees,and the grass was wet. They rode slowly,talking and laughing. Suddenly they heard some noises from the tree above them. “What is the matter?” asked the first lawyer. “Oh, it's only some old birds!” said the second lawyer. “The storm made one of the babies fall out of the nest. It is too young to fly, and the mother bird is very worried.” “What a pity! It’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer. “It doesn't matter. It's only a bird,” said the second lawyer. Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and took the little one in his big warm hands.
“Never mind, my little fellow ,” said Mr. Lincoln. “I will put you back in your little nest.” He climbed up the tree and put the bird softly into their warm little home. A few minutes later, Mr. Lincoln joined them again. His shoes were covered with mud and he was wet. Then the other three laughed at him. They thought it was foolish for a strong man to do so much just for a young bird. “Gentlemen,” said Mr. Lincoln, “I could not sleep tonight if I had left the helpless bird in the grass.” Later Abraham Lincoln became very famous as a lawyer. He also became the president of America. He was one of the greatest American presidents.
【小题1】The reason why the mother bird was worried was that __________.

A.there was a rain
B.the lawyers were under its tree
C.one of its babies fell out of the nest
D.it could not fly
【小题2】The underlined phrase “little fellow” in paragraph 2 means __________.
A.the mother bird
B.Lincoln's little friends
C.the other three lawyers
D.the baby bird
【小题3】The other three lawyers laughed at Lincoln because __________.
A.he climbed the tree
B.he was wet
C.his shoes were covered with mud
D.they thought it foolish for him to do so
【小题4】From the passage we know Lincoln __________.
A.liked riding horses
B.was very kind and loved birds and animals
C.liked being laughed at
D.wanted to be the president of America then

One day,four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road. There had been a rain. Water was dripping (滴) from the trees,and the grass was wet. They rode slowly,talking and laughing. Suddenly they heard some noises from the tree above them. “What is the matter?” asked the first lawyer. “Oh, it's only some old birds!” said the second lawyer. “The storm made one of the babies fall out of the nest. It is too young to fly, and the mother bird is very worried.” “What a pity! It’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer. “It doesn't matter. It's only a bird,” said the second lawyer. Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and took the little one in his big warm hands.

“Never mind, my little fellow ,” said Mr. Lincoln. “I will put you back in your little nest.” He climbed up the tree and put the bird softly into their warm little home. A few minutes later, Mr. Lincoln joined them again. His shoes were covered with mud and he was wet. Then the other three laughed at him. They thought it was foolish for a strong man to do so much just for a young bird. “Gentlemen,” said Mr. Lincoln, “I could not sleep tonight if I had left the helpless bird in the grass.” Later Abraham Lincoln became very famous as a lawyer. He also became the president of America. He was one of the greatest American presidents.

1.The reason why the mother bird was worried was that __________.

A.there was a rain

B.the lawyers were under its tree

C.one of its babies fell out of the nest

D.it could not fly

2.The underlined phrase “little fellow” in paragraph 2 means __________.

A.the mother bird

B.Lincoln's little friends

C.the other three lawyers

D.the baby bird

3.The other three lawyers laughed at Lincoln because __________.

A.he climbed the tree

B.he was wet

C.his shoes were covered with mud

D.they thought it foolish for him to do so

4.From the passage we know Lincoln __________.

A.liked riding horses

B.was very kind and loved birds and animals

C.liked being laughed at

D.wanted to be the president of America then




     阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息,请将答案填涂在答题卡标号为56-60的相应位置上。(注意:如选E,则同时填涂A 和B ; 如选F,则同时填涂C 和D 。)

    A. Located in the village of Misenheimer, North Carolina, Pfeiffer University

is a small private school with about 1,000 undergraduates. The small-town atmosphere fits with those who come from smaller high schools or feel more secure in a close-knit environment as opposed to a large state school with 20,000 undergraduates.

    Changes have made the school even better than ever, new science and lab buildings, a cafeteria, and upperclassmen dorms provide great opportunities for incoming students. For athletes, Pfeiffer has sports teams for baseball, lacrosse, men’s and women’s basketball, and soccer, as well as many others, including intramurals.

B. Set in a city, Rutgers has an enrollment of 3,700 undergraduates. With over 40 majors, the college is known for engineering and business accounting. Rutgers is a commuter campus with half of first –year students living in college housing and

fewer than 20 percent of undergraduates living on campus. The college is located a mile from Philadelphia.

     Rutgers has many sports as well as lots of activities available. There are many courses in business accounting major. And there are even seven types of engineering majors. More than half the applicants are accepted , and more than 75 percent of the students return for sophomore year.

C. The United States Naval Academy is one of the best in the world and has trained cadets since 1845. The academy is a four-year college; the campus offers appointments for citizens until the age of 23. USNA has career options such as political science and helps students become commissioned officers in the Navy or Marine Corps.

    The United States Naval Academy offers 21 majors, and the dropout rate is less than five percent. This school is difficult, but anyone can pass if they’re willing to work hard. It takes four years to earn a bachelor’s and more for a master’s degree, depending on what you want to study. In addition, cadets are trained to have discipline. During the summer, they can join overseas units for training.

   D. The University of Delaware has over 16,000 undergraduates and almost 3,000 graduate students in a midsize college town atmosphere. Even with so many students, U of D still provides the highest quality undergraduate education available. The University of Delaware has over 100 majors for undergraduates, ranging from accounting to wildlife conservation. It also has world-class programs in business, chemical engineering, and biotechnology. It is one of only four schools in North America with a major in art conservation.

     If academics aren’t all you want in a college, the University of Delaware has many athletic programs too. Its 23 varsity sports compete in the NCAA Division I.

    E. Bennett College is a small, private, historically black liberal arts school for women founded in 1873. The college offers an education conducive to excellence in scholarly pursuits; preparation for leadership roles in the workplace, society; and the world; and life-long learning in a technologically advanced, complex global society.

     With small classes for individual help, students are able to excel and build purposeful relationships with teachers. The college offers a variety of majors and dual majors with surrounding schools. Bennett takes great pride in its academic and social reputation and is highly looked upon by other schools and organizations.

   F. In an age when attending your first – choice college could mean spending $30,000 or even $40,000 a year, the small –town atmosphere yet big-name reputation of Truman States University is appealing. The Princeton Review ranks Truman as the fourth best public college value in the nation.

      Truman provides countless opportunities for student involvement, on-campus activities, and athletics. The town of Kirksville has a feeling  of home away from home. You can attend Truman for $11,540(including room and board) if you live in-state. In addition, 94 percent of freshmen are awarded scholarships, and 97 percent receive some financial aid.

  The learning environment will prepare students for life after college. Last year Truman placed 99.5 percent of graduates in a graduate/professional program or on to the first step in their career path. Even more impressive,54 percent of graduates attended top graduate, medical, dental, and law schools.

 以下是几位学生的信息, 请匹配每个人应选择的院校:

56. Adam is inquiring about service academies and plans to trade in his college partying for discipline and a rewarding career after college.

57.  Ray is looking for a strong academic school in a small-town setting with a competitive athletics program to continue his academic career.

58.  Robert is searching for a midsize college in an urban setting with plenty of activities. It offers excellent academics and a competitive sports program.

59.  When Kathy was starting the college search process, she made a list of attributes that she wanted in a school. They are affordable, academically competitive and personal.

60.  Mike wants to major in business accounting and is looking for a school which is relatively easy to get in. 


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