



    原因之一 one reason is that…

    担忧 to worry about

    笑话 to laugh at…

    当小孩看 to treat somebody like a child

    强迫……接受……to force somebody to accept…

    给出……建议……to give me good advice介意于mind doing



My Mother

     I like talking with my mother. One reason is that she truly listens to me. She laughs at my jokes and worries about my problems. Another reason is that when we talk, mother does not treat me like a child.She never forces me to accept her opinion, and she does not mind hearing “no” from me. The last reason is that mother can give me good advice. After she hears the whole story, she quickly suggests ways to solve my problem.


1. 你会发现到处都在讨论这个话题。
    You'll find the topic _____ everywhere.
2. 因为正在被使用着,所以这台机器不能借给别人。
    _____, the machine can't be lent to others.
3. 他受到批评后对一些事情看得比较明白些了。
    _____ helped him see things more clearly.
4. 我还记得小时候曾被带到上海。
    I still remember _____ to Shanghai when I was a child.
5. 参观了实验室之后,我们被带去参观图书馆。
    _____ the labs, we were taken to see the library.
6. 我的钟表跑得有点快,需要维修。
    My clock runs faster so it needs _____.
7. 在被带往医院的路上,孩子哭着见妈妈。
    _____ on the way to hospital, the child cried to see his mother.(作状语)
8. 史密斯先生喜欢学生问问题。
    Mr. Smith likes _____ by his students.
9. 在那时所有的村民都听到他们县被敌人攻击。
    Just then all the villagers heard their county _____ by the enemy.
    _____ in the cage for half a day, the bird became very hungry.
11. 露西因上个月被作为老师送往西部而感到很高兴。 
    Lucy is so happy for _____ to the west as a teacher last month.
12. 正在讨论的问题很重要。
    The problem _____ is of great importance.
    They don't like the design of the new bridge _____.

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