
I was in the kitchen making lunch when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. I could only see his back. He  56  to be walking with a great effort, trying to be as  57  as possible.
A few minutes after he disappeared into the   58 , he came running toward the house again. I went back to making sandwiches,   59  that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later,  60 , he was once again walking slowly toward the woods.
 61 curiosity, I walked out and followed him on his journey. He was  62  both hands in front of him as he walked, being  63  not to spill the water he held in them. I secretly walked   64  behind him as he went into the woods and I saw the most amazing  65  .
Several large deer loomed in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. I almost  66   at him to get away. A huge male deer with elaborate(精美的)antlers was   67  close. But they didn’t even move as Billy   68  . And I saw a small deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from   69 and extreme heat, lift its head  70  to drink the water cupped in my beautiful boy’s hands.
It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of  71 . You know, we hadn’t had any rain for three months and our crops were   72 . As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly   73  by other drops. I looked up at the sky. It was  74  God was moved to weep. The rain came that day and saved our farm, just like the  75  of one little boy who saved another.
A.WithinB.Out ofC.BeyondD.In spite of
A.holdingB.wavingC.surrounding D.cupping
A.ran awayB.turned outC.knelt downD.settled down
A.in turnB.in silenceC.with appreciationD.with difficulty
A.whenB.as ifC.becauseD.that

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age.
One fairly interesting event happened when I was eight. As a kid, I was always climbing trees, poles, and __31__ around upside down from the rafters (房梁) of our house. So, it __32__ to no surprise for my dad to __33__ me at the top of a 30-foot tree swinging back and forth. Without realizing the tree could break or I could get __34__, I just thought it was__35__ to be up so high.
My cousin, Tammy, was in the same tree. She was hanging on the first big __36__ about ten feet below me. Tammy’s mother also __37__ us at the exact time my dad did. About that time a huge gust of wind came over the tree and I could feel the tree begin to sway. I remembered my dad’s __38__ over the wind yelling, “Bart, __39__ on tightly.” So I did.
The next thing I know, I heard Tammy __40__ at the top of her lungs, __41__ flat on the ground. She had fallen out of the tree.
I came down the tree to __42__. My dad later told me why Tammy fell and I didn’t. __43__, when Tammy’s mother felt the wind, she yelled out, “Tammy, don’t __44__!” And Tammy did do that.
My dad then __45__ to me that the mind has a very __46__ time dealing with a negative image. In order to deal with the __47__ of not falling, Tammy’s brain had to first imagine falling, and then tell the brain not to do what it just imagined. However, my eight-year-old brain __48__ had an internal image of hanging on tightly.
This “Self-Talk” is especially useful when you are __49__ to break a habit or set a goal. You can’t imagine not doing something in your mind. The only way to accomplish it is to find a word for what you want to do.
I’m now a pretty good football player, because all my internal dialogue is __50__ and encourages me to win. All this I owe to my dad.
A.walking B.hangingC.foolingD.playing
A.ApparentlyB.Unbearably C.VividlyD.Unbelievably
One day in summer I stepped into a tiny coffee shop to drink a cup of black coffee. As I entered, I found a very old woman bent   小题1:  a table near the door. Her back was so   小题2:twisted(弯曲) by some sadness that her face nearly 小题3: the table-top. I sat down facing her two tables away.
"Poor woman," I thought. "What does she  小题4: life? Why does God let people live so 小题5: past their prime(黄金时期)?"
As I thought,   小题6:  aged lady entered the shop and sat down with her. Soon the two of them were talking about    小题7: . They talked of how little the shop had  小题8:  in 70 years... In minutes the two of them were   小题9:  with laughter.
I looked again at the   小题10: woman, then in the mirror on a nearby wall,   小题11: a picture of  myself.
I was wearing a dirty shirt. She was well dressed in white, gold rings on her fingers.
I was in   小题12:  spirits. She was laughing, smiling.
I was putting the  小题13:   of my life together. She had millions of wonderful   小题14:  to recall.
She was   小题15:   the day with a good friend. I was   小题16:  worried about getting old. She was old but it wasn't  小题17: her.
As I left the shop, I thought of my   小题18:  questions about God letting people live past their prime. Why, that woman was more  小题19:  and more sensitive than I was.   小题20:  has not bent her spirit. But I am always filling my mind with something unpleasant.
A.to B.on C.over D.toward
A.heavily B.badly C.slightly D.hardly
A.struckB.reached C.stuckD.touched
A.get out ofB.get off C.get away withD.get into
A.hardB.long C.slowlyD.rapidly
A.otherB.the very C.anotherD.a certain
A.bright futureB.recent history C.the present dayD.childhood days
A.changedB.improved C.rebuiltD.developed
A.jumpingB.trembling C.burningD.running
A.olderB.poor C.firstD.younger
A.watchingB.taking C.searchingD.catching
A.highB.low C.goodD.sad
A.dreamsB.pages C.piecesD.hopes
A.affairsB.sufferings C.incidentsD.memories
A.spending B.enjoying C.sharingD.wasting
A.certainlyB.completely C.naturallyD.secretly
A.hurting B.choking C.defeating D.beating
A.funnyB.foolish C.seriousD.curious
A.aliveB.strong C.usefulD.powerful
Every country had its heroes. The heroes are the people that nation and especially the young peo­ple 21_____ . If you get a list of the 22   _____of a nation, it will tell you the potential (潜力)of the nation.
If today in America ’ you ask the high school students to list their heroes their 23____ would prob­ably divide into three groups. rHie first group of heroes would be the rock stars—the people 24 _____with rock music. There is no doubt that such people do have talent (天才)but one 25_____ if one should hold up rock stars as model. The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life isnot all that — 26 ____  . The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles (时装).However oneshould 27 _____more in a hero than such things as 28______ and fine clothes.
A second type of heroes for the American youth are sports stars. Again you have a person who has a great talent in one area_ 29 _____. However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit 30_____. Too frequently drugs and drinking are a part of 31_____ of the sports stars.
A third group of heroes are TV or movie stars. These people may have lots of 32___ ,tal­ent and are quite handsome. However ’ the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and should not be held up as a 33____  for young people.
Today,the rock stars,the sportsmen  and the actors 34____ have become the models of the youth in America. Really,do you hear a young person say that his 35____ is a doctor, a teacher or a scientist? These people are not 36____ and do not wear fashionable clothes. However, they are 37____ people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.
What is really sad is that the young try to 38____ their heroes. They like to wear the same clothes as theirs, if the heroes of today for the American youth are 39 ____only to rock stars, sportsmen and actors, the future does not look too 40_____ .
A.gatherB.spendC.putD.be after
One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister.On this occasion,the work was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend.I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children.Later,I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.
I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out.I called home with this happy news.But instead of hearing his cheerful,grateful voice on the other end of the line,all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.
It was,I should point out,after 10 p.m.,when the two younger children should have been in bed.and when the two older children should have been answering the phone.“I’ll give him a lesson.”I said.I decided they must be outside.Why they might be outside at 10∶30 on a winter night I had no idea,but it was the only explanation I could come up with.
Finally,in desperation,I called his girlfriend’s house.After what seemed like countless rings,his girlfriend answered.“Yes,”she said brightly,“He’s right here.”
He came on the phone.I was not my usual calm,rational(理智的)self.After all,one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can’t trust modem teenagers.“Where are the children?”I said.He said they were with him.They had done nothing wrong.My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend’s house just for ice cream and cake.This was too good to be believed.Well,it turns out that I shouldn’t have believed it.It was only part of the truth.
The following Saturday evening we were at my parents home,celebrating my birthday.My oldest son gave me the children’s gifts.Mounted and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children,dressed in their best clothes,and wearing their most wonderful expressions.They are pictures to treasure a lifetime,all taken by the father of my son’s girlfriend.
小题1:The author went out and left her eldest son in charge of the younger children
because       .
A.she knew that her eldest son was a good baby-sitter
B.she thought it no hard work to take care of the younger ones
C.she believed he could do well with his girlfriend’s help
D.she could not find a baby-sitter on that winter night
小题2:When the author called home that evening,she found that       .
A.two younger children had already been in bed
B.the children were preparing a birthday gift for her
C.her son was quarrelling with his girlfriend
D.there was no one answering the telephone
小题3:What can you learn from the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph?
A.The author didn’t believe what her son had told her.
B.The author had complete confidence in her son.
C.The author believed her son was telling the truth.
D.The author was moved by what her children had done.
小题4:What might the children do that evening?
A.They had a birthday party.
B.They framed some photographs.
C.They had their pictures taken.
D.They made some beautiful clothes.
小题5:What does the author intend to teIl us by the story?
A.Modem teenagers are not worth trusting.
B.It is no easy job to look after young children.
C.It’s no good to have a girlfriend at an early age.
D.Her children have a caring and tender heart.
I keep hammering this because I keep seeing people who don’t do it.
1. Look up English to Elvish.
2. Look up the Elvish word in the best Elvish dictionary you have, and, preferably, find out the context(上下文) in Tolkien’s language dictionary.
3. Change the word to suit rules of grammar: singular or plural, mutations, verb tenses, etc.
You cannot leave out any of these steps. If you do, you’re almost certain to have errors. Why you have to do step 2:
Languages never match up one- to-one. English and Elvish are closer than usual, but there are still problems. And English has strange idioms: why are there no baths or beds in public bathrooms or restrooms? You can’t translate literally(逐字地). You have to understand the meaning behind each word.
In Elvish this is even more true, since our dictionaries contain more or less questionable reconstructions, and words that Tolkien later threw away or replaced. Find the best one you can.
Consider the word “fair”. We tend to use it to mean “just”. Tolkien tends to use it to mean “beautiful”. In Elvish, these are two entirely different words. So when you look up “fair”, you’ll have to go to the Elvish dictionary to see that you’ve got the right one.
Consider the nightmare(噩梦)of He left the bar. Is “left” the opposite of “right” (which also has two meanings) ? Is “bar” extruded steel(型材钢), or something to do with law? You have to know what words mean in both languages.
And you’d be amazed at how many people ignore step 3, forgetting that language is more than a string of words, and there are rules about how to fit those words together. You can’t simply look up the word “I” and use it everywhere. Sometimes you need “me” or “my”. There’s a reason it takes a while to learn a language: you have to learn the rules.
It drives me completely mad when people give a questionable translation they insist is right because “it’s in the dictionary”. A dictionary is a tool, a resource. but its entries(词目)should not be mistaken for a finished product. They are raw materials.
小题1:The underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to         .
A.consulting the dictionaries when translating between languages
B.finding out the true meaning in context
C.ignoring the rules of grammar
D.leaving out some of the three steps the author mentions
小题2: According to the author, you have to do step 2 because         .
A.you have to understand the meaning behind each word
B.Elvish and English are quite different in forms
C.there are no baths or beds in public bathrooms
D.Elvish has some words which are hard to find
小题3:Grammar is also very important because it         .
A.helps fit the words together
B.takes a while to learn a language
C.is a rule to obey
D.is often forgotten in translating
小题4:In the last paragraph, the author shows         .
A.his impatience to those who insist their wrong translation is right
B.his puzzle to the questionable translation
C.the importance of the correct use of dictionaries
D.the mistaken entries in the dictionaries
小题5: The passage is mainly about how to         .
A.learn a foreign language with a dictionary
B.avoid errors when looking up a dictionary
C.understand the meaning of a strange word
D.use a dictionary to translate between languages
Five years ago, I was sent to a better middle school. For me, everything there was new and strange. After I had been there for two months, there was an important test in the middle of the term. It covered all my courses. In that test, I didn’t get a good grade, but most of my classmates got an A or A’.
It made me upset for a long time. I felt everything in the world was changing. I thought my classmates were all better than me. During those days I was very unhappy.
One day, my aunt, after talking with my teachers, talked to me. She told me to think about what I had done in the past and what I should do in the future. I was shocked by her words. I thought about what I had done during the past months, and I found I had done nothing to improve my grades. I thought I should work harder.
After that, I paid more attention to the teachers’ talking in the classes, and I asked my teachers or my classmates when I didn’t understand something. I studied very late at night when I met with difficult problems. Most of all, I came to understand the importance of taking notes in class. As a result, I did better in some tests.
About three months later, the most important test came at the end of the term. This time, I stood out not only in my class but also in the grade. From then on, I have tried to do my best when I do something because I know if I want something, I should work hard for it.
小题1:Why did the writer fall behind in the new middle school?
A.Because the teachers didn’t treat him well enough.
B.Because the subjects were becoming more difficult.
C.Because he hated the life in the new school.
D.Because he didn’t put his heart into study.
小题2:What did the writer’s aunt do to help him out?
A.She punished him for not working hard.
B.She helped him find out the reasons for his poor performance.
C.She forced him to work harder.
D.She asked his teachers to talk with him about his problems.
小题3: Which of the following studying methods helped the writer most?
A.Asking teachers for help when in difficulty. B.Working deep into the night every day.
C.Making notes in class. D.Listening to every word his teachers said.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.The writer failed again in the exam. B.The writer did very well in the exam.
C.The writer became the cleverest in the class. D.The writer was very proud of his progress.
Recently I gave my adult students homework. It was “go to someone you love and tell them you love them.” It has to be someone you have never said those words to before or at least haven’t shared those words with for a long time.
It sounds like very tough homework since most of the men were over 35 and were raised in the generation of men that were taught expressing emotions is not “macho (阳刚之气).” Showing feelings or crying was just not done. So this was very threatening homework for some.
At the beginning of our next class, I asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved them. I fully expected one of the women to volunteer, as was usually the case, but on this evening one of the men raised his hand, quite moved and a bit shaken.
As he unfolded out of his chair (all 1.85 meters of him), he began by saying, “Dennis, I was quite angry with you last week when you gave us this homework. Who were you to tell me to do something that personal?”
“But as I began driving home my conscience (良心)started telling me that I knew exactly who I needed to say ‘I love you’ to.”
“Five years ago, my father and I had a severe disagreement and really never settled it since then. We avoided seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, we hardly spoke to each other.”
“So last Tuesday by the time I got home I had convinced myself. I was going to tell my father I loved him. It’s strange, but just making that decision seemed to lift a heavy load off my chest.
小题1: The homework is threatening for some students because_________.
A.they are middle-aged peopleB.they are not macho enough
C.they were taught to hide their emotionsD.they didn’t know how to show feelings
小题2: From the passage we know that_________.
A.the adult students have classes in the day time only
B.not all the adult students in the writer’s class are male
C.the man refused to meet his father after their quarrel
D.the man quickly decided to say “I love you” to his father
小题3: The underlined phrase “unfolded out of his chair” in Para 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A.stood on his chair straightB.sat quietly in the chair
C.bent himself over his chairD.raised himself slowly from the chair
小题4: What does the man imply by saying the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.He felt it too strange to say “I love you” to his father.
B.He felt relaxed just thinking of saying “I love you” to his father.
C.He felt very relaxed after saying “I love you” to his father.
D.He had to lift a heavy load off his chest before saying “I love you”.
I was walking along the main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking for somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to contact the AA Company. Low grey clouds were gathering across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet every time I crossed one of the side streets. It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare trees that lined the street. I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat.
There was no sign of a call box, nor was there anyone at that early hour whom I could ask. I had thought I might find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds, but the town was completely dead. The only living thing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside a small restaurant.
Then suddenly I found what I was looking for. There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight in a dark narrow street. Next to it was the town’s only public call box, which badly needed a coat of paint. I hurried forward, but stopped in astonishment when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside. He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blue plastic raincoat. I could not see his face and he didn’t raise his head at the sound of my footsteps.
Carefully, I remained standing a few feet away and lit a cigarette to wait for my turn. It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noticed something bright red trickling from under the box call door
小题1: At what time was the story set?
A.An early winter morningB.A cold winter afternoon
C.An early summer morningD.A windy summer afternoon
小题2: Which of the following words best describe the writer’s impression of the town?
A.cold and frighteningB.dirty and crowded
C.empty and deadD.unusual and unpleasant
小题3: The underlined word “ trickling” in the last paragraph means_______________
A.rushing out suddenlyB.shining brightly
C.flowing slowly in dropsD.appearing slowly
小题4: Why didn’t the man raise his head when the writer came near?
A.He was annoyed at being seen by the writer.
B.He was angry at being disturbed by the writer.
C.He was probably fast asleep.
D.He was probably murdered.

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