
8.-Dear me!It's you,Bob!I ______ to recognize you at first sight!
-Nor did I!Time has changed us a lot!(  )
A.failB.failedC.have failedD.had failed

分析 --哇塞!是你啊Bob!我第一眼没认出你!

解答 解答方法一:根据第一句句意"第一眼我没认出你"可知这件事情发生在过去,故动词需使用一般过去时;因此本题答案为B选项.
解答方法二:根据答句中的did可知上一句的时态也为一般过去时,故本题答案为B选项.拓展:Nor/Neither do I意为"我也不…".

点评 本题考查时态,做此类题目时需要根据题目中的时间状语来确定使用何种时态;如果没有明显的提示,则可以根据句意来推测,本题第一种解法即是如此.

19.Driving in New Zealand is not difficult but there are a few surprises.(36)D.The following hints should help you have a safe trip.
Driving is always kept on or below the legal speed limits indicated on road signs.The maximum speed on any open road is 100km/h.The maximum speed in urban areas is 50km/h.Adjust your speed as conditions demand.
(37)E.Although distances may seem short,New Zealand roads often include hilly,narrow or winding areas,which slow down your journey.If you're used to driving in the city,take care when driving on the open country roads,and watch out for single-lane bridges.
New Zealand accepts the national driving licenses of all other countries for tourists staying less than 12months.You must carry your license while driving.After a period of one year,you must apply for a New Zealand driver's license.(38)F.
Most open roads are a single lane each way,except for motorways coming into larger cities (Auckland,Wellington and Christchurch).Before overtaking,make sure you will have at least 100m of a clear road in front of you.Do not pass on double yellow lines-these indicate that it's too dangerous to overtake.
Road conditions are variable.Off the main highways some roads may be not opened and extra care needs to be taken.(39)C Ask your rental car company to mark these roads on your map before setting off.
In winter some roads may be dangerous due to ice or snow,particularly around mountain passes.(40)B Do not brake suddenly on ice.In some cases chains may be required (rental cars usually come with chains supplied).Make sure you're familiar with how to fit them.
A.If you have an international driving permit,you can drive for one year after you
first arrive in New Zealand.
B.Look out for signs indicating slippery surfaces and drive slowly.
C.A few of them are not safe for vehicles and insurance does not cover them.
D.You should be aware of our road rules and driving restrictions before you set out.
E.Don't underestimate driving time.
F.You will have to pass a theory test,and a practical test.
G.Check rental agreements before hiring a car to drive.
20.Students usually have two long holidays a year,but have you heard elephants have holidays?
The Indian elephants from a temple are sent on a north-long holiday with massages(按摩) and baths to relax.The 64elephants will be fed with a lot of food,enough for them to put on 700~800pounds.
A temple veterinarian said that those Indian elephants would be treated after spending a month walking on roads,living on leaves and bananas and giving shows during lots of temple festivals.Their daily diet includes special rice and other special food,which are very nutritious and can make them healthy and strong.All of these are made by professional people.
This treatment will also calm them down ahead of a busy work schedule in upcoming events later in the year where they are the main attractions.The special holiday has cost the temple about£12,500,but extra money is ready for being used to treat the animals.
Indians believe that doing something good to elephants can help them get wisdom and power.Having elephants is a traditional symbol of honor for temples across southern India.All temples,however,never buy their elephants.The elephants were donated by people.
32.The Indian elephants can have aC holiday.
33.The elephants can do the following during their holiday EXCEPTB.
A.eating delicious food
B.giving performances
C.taking a shower
D.having a massage
34.What does the underlined word"nutritious"in Paragraph 3mean?B
35.People give these elephants a special holiday in order toD.
A.save a lot of money
B.make friends with them
C.make their temples famous
D.make them get ready for the coming work.
17.Think about the last time you felt afraid.Was it a fear of height?Did you oversleep on a weekday and fear you'd get into trouble at the office?In any case,you know what it feels like to feel fear.
But one woman doesn't.The woman,code-named"UM",gave her first-ever interview after years of being studied by a team of researchers.The woman is given a code name because the researchers want to protect her from anyone who would take advantage of her inability to feel afraid.
UM can't tell you what fear is because she's never experienced it."I wonder what it's like to actually be afraid of something,"she said.The formal name for the disease is Urbach-Wieth disease,which is characterized by a hoarse(粗哑的)voice,small bumps around the eyes,and calcium deposits(钙沉积的)in the brain.
In the case of UM,the disease has transformed the part of her brain that controls the human response to fear.In the interview,UM talks about an event in her life where she was held at knifepoint and gunpoint,"I was walking to the store,and I saw a man on a park bench.He said.‘Come here,please,'so I went over to him.He grabbed me by the shirt,put a knife to my throat and told me he was going to cut me.I told him,‘Go ahead and cut me,'I wasn't afraid at a11.And for some reason,he let me go."
Doctors who have been studying UM's condition for years have been trying different things that could strike fear into her.They finally figured something out-increasing UM's carbon dioxide levels.Extra carbon dioxide concentration in the blood is known to cause fear and panic in health individuals.Increasing UM's carbon dioxide levels did manage to give her a fright.
8.The text starts byC.
A.challenging the reader
B.solving daily problems
C.1isting situations
D.giving explanations
9.Why is the woman with Urbach-Wieth disease given a code name?D
A.To tell her case from other patients.
B.To respect her privacy.
C.To meet the researchers'demands.
D.To ensure her safety.
10.From UM's case,we can know that Urbach-Wieth disease mayA.
A.stop the brain from functioning normally
B.1ead to a decrease in calcium deposits
C.stop the brain from responding quickly
D.1ead to an increase in carbon dioxide
11.What will probably happen to UM?B
A.Dying of the Urbach-Wieth disease.
B.Getting the sense of panic.
C.Experiencing another danger.
D.Speaking with a hoarse voice.
20.Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son's soccer team.It was the final quarter.The score was two to one,my son's team in the lead.Parents surrounded the playground,offering encouragement.
With less than ten seconds remaining,the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son's teammate,Mickey O'Donnel.With shouts of"Kick it!"echoing(回响)across the playground,Mickey turned around and gave it everything he had.All around me the crowd erupted(爆发).O'Donnel had scored!
Then there was silence.Mickey had scored all right,but in the wrong goal,ending the game in a tie.For a moment there was a total hush.You see,Mickey has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症) and for him there is no such thing as a wrong goal.All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey.He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.
The silence was finally broken when Mickey,his face filled with joy,hugged my son tightly and shouted,"I scored!I scored.Everybody won!Everybody won!"For a moment I held my breath,not sure how my son would react.I need not have worried.I watched,through tears,as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five(致礼)salute and started chanting,"Way to go Mickey!Way to go Mickey!"Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey,joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.Mike happily and everyone sent their wishes to him.
Later that night,when my daughter asked who had won,I smiled as I replied,"It was a tie.Everybody won."
56.Which is the most correct description of the author's too?He was/hadC.
A.brave          B.honest         C.sympathy       D.pride
57.The underlined word"hush"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to"B."
A.stare          B.silence        C.congratulation D.noise
58.After Mike scored,the author help his breath,becauseD.
A.Mike cheated everyone           
B.everyone would accept the fact
C.the score was out of his expectation              
D.his son might get angry with Mike
59.We can infer from the passage that MikeA.
A.was cared about by his teammates
B.was hared by his own team
C.was corbarrassed when he realized the fast
D.was warm-hearted and played soccer for both teams.

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