When I was 12, all I wanted was a signet (图章) ring. They were the "in" thing and it seemed every girl except me had one. On my 13th birthday, my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials(姓名首字母) carved into it. I was in heaven.

What made it even more special was that it was about the only thing that wasn't being "replaced". We'd been burnt out in fires that swept through our area earlier that year and had lost everything—so most of the " new" stuff (东西) we got was really just to replace what we'd lost. But not my ring. My ring was new.

Then, only one month later, I lost it. I took it off before bed and it was missing in the morning. I was sad and searched everywhere for it. But it seemed to have disappeared. Eventually, I gave up and stopped looking for it. And two years later, we sold the house and moved away.

Years passed, and a couple of moves later, I was visiting my parents' when Mum told me that she had something for me. It wasn't my birthday, nor was it Easter or Christmas or any other gift-giving occasion. Mum noticed my questioning look. " You'll recognize this one," she said, smiling.

Then she handed me a small ring box. I took it from her and opened it to find my beautiful signet ring inside. The family who had bought our house 13 years earlier had recently decided to do some redecorations, which included replacing the carpets. When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom, they found the ring. As it had my initials carved into it, they realized who owned the ring. They'd had it professionally cleaned up by a jeweler before sending it to my mother. And it still fits me.

1.The underlined word "in" in the first paragraph probably means "_____".

A. fashionable B. available

C. practical D. renewable

2. When she got the ring back, the writer was about _____.

A. 13 years old B. 15 years old

C. 26 years old D. 28 years old

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer's family moved several times.

B. The writer never stopped looking for her ring.

C. The writer's ring was cleaned up by the new house owner.

D. The writer lost her ring in the morning when she took it off.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. My New Ring B. Lost and Found

C. Lost and Replaced D. An Expensive Ring


There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.

First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.

Second, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example, they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.

Third, there may occur the danger of a leak (泄漏) or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two dangers, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection (不赞成,反对) to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.

Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.

1.Which of the following is not true?

A.It is likely that a leak or an explosion occurs at a power station.

B.It is not usual for radioactive materials to be conveyed across land.

C.The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.

D.Nuclear wastes remain risky in most cases for many years.

2.The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are __________.

A.easy B.impossible

C.reasonable D.ineffective

3.What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.The power station is a place that frees from danger.

B.The dangers of nuclear energy could be prevented.

C.The general public are opposed to the nuclear program.

D.By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to lead to much worry.

4.What is this passage about?

A.Uses of nuclear power.

B.Dangers from nuclear power.

C.Public anger at nuclear power.

D.Accidents caused by nuclear power.


Researchers around the world have been trying their hand at making better use of the huge amount of wind energy available in nature to produce clean energy.Apart from this,studies are being carried out to harness(利用) usable wind energy produced by man-made technologies.

One useful source identified by Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan about two years ago is a speeding train,which produces fierce wind that can be transformed into electricity.

According to Pradhan’s proposal,with a few small improvements in existing trains running in Mumbai,the largest city in India,at least 10,000 megawatts(兆瓦) of electricity could be harvested each day.

Building on this principle,designers Ale Leonetti Luparinia and Qian Jiang from Yanko Design have created a device(装置) called T-Box that harnesses wind energy from speeding trains.

T-Box can be placed within the railway tracks.It is half-buried underground between the concrete sleepers(水泥枕木),which does not disturb the normal train operating at all.According to Yanko,around 150 T-Boxes can be fitted along a 1,000-meter railway track.

A train running at a speed of 200 kph can produce winds blowing at 15 miles a second.Based on this calculation,150 T-Boxes can produce 2.6 KWH of electricity per day.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in last year’s Lite-On Awards and was exhibited last summer at the Xue Xue Institute in Taipei,Taiwan Province.

Though the figures look impressive,it is important to remember that the design is still at a conceptual stage and hasn’t taken into account issues such as pieces of waste material produced by the device and the efforts and costs involved in the maintenance(维护) of the device.

We can expect the technology to see the light of the day only after it clears these issues.If so,rail travel,one of the greenest forms of travel,will become greener and 1.What can we learn about T-Box?

A.It will be fitted on the trains.

B.It is based on Pradhan’s idea.

C.It can turn electricity into light.

D.It was invented by an Indian scientist.

2.How much electricity can be produced per day by T-Boxes along a railway track of 100km?

A.260 KWH. B.2.6 KWH.

C.150 KWH. D.1.5 KWH.

3.It can be concluded from the last two paragraphs that ______.

A.T-Box has proved to be effective in harvesting wind

B.the maintenance of T-Box will be costly

C.there is much to do about T-Box

D.T-Box will come into use soon

4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan invented the speeding train.

B.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in Lite-On Awards last year.

C.Rail travel has become one of the energy-efficient technologies in the world.

D.The India harvests 10,000 megawatts of electricity each day on average.

5.The passage is mainly written to _______.

A.encourage more people to travel by train

B.explain the advantages of electricity

C.tell readers how to save energy and money

D.introduce a new invention to readers


It’s a time when school,homework,active social lives and pare-time jobs keep teenagers busy from early in the morning until late at night.They are likely to try to make up for a lack of sleep by “sleeping in” on the weekends.Unfortunately,this causes irregular sleep and actually makes the problem worse.

Most teenagers are not able to fall asleep until late at night.Since many teens aren’t sleepy until around 11 pm.but need to be at school by 7:30 or 8:00 am .They cannot get enough sleep .During puberty(青春期),the biological clock in the brain naturally re-sets to a later time ,and this causes teens to fall asleep later.Then ,when it’s time to get up ,a teen’s body clock is likely to still be producing the night-time hormones .This makes it hard for them to feel active and energetic in the morning.

A growing body of research suggests that starting high school later improves attendance,achievements and grades.A few years ago in an important study ,test scores on the SAT college entrance exams in Edina,Minnesota jumped more than 100 points on average,when the morning school bell rang an hour later.Unfortunately,most schools are not set up to start later and fail to satisfy teen’s sleep needs.

1.What effect does “sleeping in” on the weekends have on teenagers?

A.Improving their health

B.Weakening their energy

C.Disturbing their biological clock

D.Making up for their hormone loss

2.The study in Minnesota shows that starting morning school one hour later helps to______.

A.make teenagers grow faster

B.change teenagers’ sleep needs

C.do more research on teenagers

D.improve students’ achievements

3.The text helps us to know more about teenagers’______.

A.daytime activities B.sleeping habits

C.mental problems D.studying methods

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