
3.The arts,especi ally music,should be part of every school's lessons at every grade level.Students would be much smarter if they had some musical experience.They could improve their classroom skills,like paying attention and following directions.People develop all these skills when they learn music.Making music also lets children use their imagination.It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.
Music not only makes children better students,but also gives them something positive to do.In a music program,children can be part of a band instead of joining a gang (团伙).Parents can enjoy listening to their children's music instead of seeing themglued to a computer or TV screen.In a school band,students get to be part of a team.They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.
Music builds self-confidence,too.It gives children a sense of achievement and success.Making music is something for them to be proud of,and it lets kids practice performing in front of an audience.Music gives children an opportunity for self-expression,and that helps develop their self-confidence.
Once again,music is important because it can make children better students,give them something positive to do,and build their character.That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.

21.According to the passage,music could make students smarter byB.
A.improving their classroom skills and paying attention
B.improving their classroom skills and imagination
C.improving their attention,direction and imagination
D.learning music,making music and trying out their own ideas
22.What does the underlined phrase"glued to"in the second paragraph mean?C
A.unwilling to turn on                 B.always looking
C.unwilling to leave                   D.always playing
23.What's the advantage of being in a school band according to the writer?A
A.It helps children to be popular.
B.It helps children join a gang.
C.It makes the school life short and happy.
D.It makes the parents happy.
24.What's the best title of this passage?A
A.Music is a must as a course at school       
B.Music builds children's self-confidence
C.Music makes students much smarter       
D.Learning music and making music.

分析 本篇文章讲述了音乐课在学校的重要性,它不但会使学生有丰富的日常生活,而且会使他们性格更加出色.

解答 21.B.理解推断题.由第一段They could improve their classroom skills,Making music also lets children use their imagination,可知音乐可以使学生改变听课技巧,使用想象力,故选B.
22.C.词义推断题.由第二段Parents can enjoy listening to their children's music instead of seeing themglued to a computer or TV screen,可推知是家长愿意听到孩子们表演音乐而不愿看到他们只知道玩电脑看电视,由此应该是unwilling to leave,故选C.
23.A.理解推断题.由第二段They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music可知,音乐使他们更好地交友,因此是更受欢迎,故选A.

点评 本篇文章难点在推理判断题上.推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断.这种推理方式比较直接,考生只要弄清事实,即可结合上下文推断出合理的结论.

13.Not long ago my daughter's favorite shoes were cut with a knife.She cried.I took them to the shoemaker to get them(36)A.The young apprentice (学徒) (37)Bat the cuts quickly and said,"I can do (38)Cexcept replace the uppers."The master looked at them and said,"(39)Byou trust me,I will add more cuts to both of the shoes."I was (40)Cand asked why.He (41)B,"As if the cuts were made on purpose for special style."I didn't fully understand him,(42)BI decided to leave the shoes.
Two days later,I went to collect the shoes.At first(43)AI found there were indeed more cuts on each shoe,but all of them were(44)Dwith red thread around.The shoes looked more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn't help but praise his (45)C.
Another time,my wife's white skirt had an opening.My wife checked it(46)Aand said,"I'll mend it myself."Three days later,seeing the skirt again,I was shocked:the (47)Dhad been repaired by thin and white thread and it looked like a flower.I (48)Awith praise,"It's just as beautiful as a piece of art!"
"I got the(49)Cfrom that shoemaker.Patches (补丁) are supposed to be ugly,but a skillful person can make it look perfect."replied my wife.
(50)Ashe said set me thinking:perfection is (51)Cto achieve in everything; patches are unavoidable(不可避免的),so is human's life,which will appear(52)D  the form of injury,disability or disease.(53)Ayou can't change the existence of them,all you (54)Bdo and have to do is to deal with the wound by patches and try your best to bloom(盛开)a most beautiful flower on the wound,and that is the meaning of (55)A.

39.A.Even ifB.IfC.ThoughD.While
53.A.Now thatB.In thatC.So thatD.In order that
15.Eva Houston became a member of  Westside High School's marching band when she entered her freshman year in the fal l,but after sitting on the sidelines (边线) during the first two games of the season,she came home and told her parents that she wanted to get more involved.
The 14-year-old,who has played the trumpet (小号) since 5th grade,has cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹) and uses a wheelchair,which makes it impossible to march like her band-mates.
"We emailed the band instructor to see what we could do for her and he said he'd be happy to get her into the practice,if someone can push her,"Eva's dad,Kevin Houston,said."Eva came to me saying she really wanted me to do it,and how do I say no to that?"
Kevin,w ho works in the IT department of an insurance company,leaves the office four days a week to push his daughter's wheelchair as she plays the trumpet during practice.On Friday nights,you can find him on the field during halftime and in the stands next to his wife,Vicky,the rest of the time.
Kevin realized how much it meant to Eva after he joined her in doing the practice.She turned to him and said happily,"That was so much fun!"
One of his favorite parts about the experience is that he now knows all of her friends and their personalities.
"When she says Megan did this,I can now actually picture  Megan doing that,"Kevin said."You drop your kids off at school and you don't get to experience their day with them,so I'm very grateful to be part of her life."
24.At first,Kevin tried to help his daughter mainly becauseD
A.Eva had just entered the school 
B.the band instructor asked him to
C.he wanted to get involved in Eva's life
D.he found it hard to refuse such a request
25.What can you probably see in the band now?B
A.Kevin marching in front of Eva.
B.Kevin pushing Eva's wheelchair.
C.Kevin cheering for Eva's performance.
D.Kevin and his wife following the band closely.
26.What do we know about Kevin?D
A.He has given up his job to support Eva.
B.He also plays the trumpet in the band now.
C.He helps Eva to practice every Friday night.
D.He has become quite familiar with Eva's friends.
27.What does the underlined word"picture"in the last paragraph mean?A
12.Tom was a clever boy,but his parents were poor,so he had to work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education.In spite of this,he managed to get to university,but it was so expensive to study there that during the holiday,he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to make enough money to pay for his studies.
One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher's(屠夫) shop during the daytime,and another in a hospital at night.In the shop he learned to cut meat up quite nicely,so the butcher often left him to do all the serving while he went into a room behind the shop to do the accounts(算账).In the hospital,on the other hand,he was,of course,allowed to do only the simplest jobs,like helping to life people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another.Both at the butcher's and at the hospital,Tom had to wear white clothes.
One evening at the hospital,Tom had to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she was to have an operation(手术).The woman was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation before he came to get her,but when she saw Tom,that finished her.
"No!No!"she cried."Not my butcher!I won't be operated on by my butcher!"and she fainted(昏倒).
21.Tom made enough money byC.
A.studying in the university.
B.working in a butcher's shop.
C.doing two jobs.
D.cutting meat well.
22.The woman patient recognized(认出) Tom becauseB.
A.he was wearing white clothes.
B.he had sold meat to her.
C.he was now working in the hospital.
D.he was going to operate on her.
23.Tom was a student,but at the same time he wasC.
A.a butcher and a doctor.
B.a manager and a doctor.
C.a helper.
D.a manager.
24.When she saw Tom,that finished her.The sight of TomD.
A.made her feel worried about the boy
B.made her decide not to have an operation
C.broke her heart            
D.took all her strength(力气) and courage away.

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