

A.历史观点和历史解释 B.历史观点和历史结论

C.历史结论和历史解释 D.历史叙述和历史解释


What is success? I am not going to try to explain success. I think a precise meaning is impossible! Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel Prize? What else? I believe personal success could be anything at all- it does not have to involve public recognition. Who is more successful? A millionaire who is unhappy, or an unnoticed person, who has led a simple, quiet, sincere and happy life? The simplest definition of success, I think, is “to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it.

The first step on the road to success starts with belief. Believe you can succeed and you will. Achieving success in whatever endeavor(努力)you choose may be the goal of life; because it gives you freedom from worry. Could that be?

Success means different things to every one of us. Some people believe it is measured in financial term; others believe it is helping others rather than helping themselves. However, most people are motivated to a great extend by public recognition. How many people are really happy? How many people are really doing what they want to with their lives? Incidentally, to imagine makes us different from animals.

Most important of all, I believe success is a matter of personal growth. If every day you are developing or growing just a millimeter, I believe one is successful. Just being a slightly better person each day for me is success. I’ve got a very long way to go them!

Finally, always remember success is a process and is not simply a matter of arriving at a destination. It’s the journey that really matters. Success is what you become in the often very difficult and dangerous journey down the river of life.

1.What is personal success according to the author?

A. Winning public recognition

B. Being an unhappy millionaire

C. Something impossible to define simply

D. Succeeding in doing what you want

2.Which plays an important role in your success?

A. Intelligence B. Confidence

C. Wealth D. Kindness

3.According to he text, humans are different from animals in_______.

A. belief B. freedom

C. imagination D. success

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. What is success B. No true success

C. How to be successful D. Success is reaching a destination

Last fall, before Thanksgiving, I was making my way in my car out of the shopping center parking lot. I was bored in the car. I ______ a woman heavily loaded with ______ and her two boys, one carrying a pumpkin and the other another bag.

They were headed, I ______, to the bus stop across the major road. ______ it was too far to walk with all those ______ to any of the nearby bus stops, on a random impulse(冲动),I rolled down my window and asked if they were indeed headed to the ______. “Yes,” the mother ______. I asked, “Would you like a ______? “Oh, yes!” was their ______ reaction.

I was also delighted,and,after driving out of the way of other ______, I stopped and the boys piled into the back seat . The mother started to push ______ beside them. I ______ her by saying, “Oh, you come on up here ______ me. I’m not a taxi driver!” So off we went.

Right away, I decided to take them a mile and a half to their home, since I had ______ and they had bags. All the way, I had just a fine time listening and talking with all of them. It felt so good to be able to do this little ______ and showed that with such a small ______ I could make a big difference to a tired mother. I’m not sure ______ got the most out of it.

______, this was special for me ______, as a disabled person, I often receive help and now I know how especially good it feels to be ______.

1.A. noticed B. asked C. helped D. thanked

2.A. baskets B. cases C. bags D. bottles

3.A. advised B. thought C. hoped D. wondered

4.A. Since B. Although C. While D. If[

5.A. vehicles B. distances C. directions D. purchases

6.A. shop B. bus stop C. parking lot D. hotel

7.A. commented B. promised C. regretted D. responded

8.A. drink B. try C. ride D. break

9.A. shocked B. surprised C. excited D. mixed

10.A. traffic B. streets C. signals D. stops

11.A. along B. off C. on D. in

12.A. invited B. comforted C. stopped D. stressed

13.A. with B. by C. for D. to

14.A. money B. plans C. time D. duty

15.A. work B. trip C. business D. task

16.A. attention B. idea C. anxiety D. effort

17.A. where B. who C. whether D. when

18.A. By the way B. In other words C. In all D. Generally speaking

19.A. however B. so C. or D. because

20.A. useful B. thankful C. special D. healthy

“My wallet!Where is it?”were my first words when I found out my wallet was lost.I searched my memory for a few good seconds,and then ______that I had left my precious wallet in the library.To be ______ ,it was in the public toilet of the library!

_______the library was then closed,I had to wait until the next morning to begin my ______.When I got there early the next day,all I found was a ______bathroom.

At that time,all I could ______was that the person who cleaned the restroom had ______my wallet.So I ______ approached an old lady at the front desk.“Excuse me,is there a wallet found in the restroom yesterday?”She walked through a door and ______ for a moment.Then she came back to the desk.“No,”she said.I quickly thanked her and walked off,_______.

Finally,I painfully______ the fact that my wallet had gone.

A week later,I received a mysterious ______in the mail.Sure enough,it was my ______! And most surprisingly,______ in it was missing! And there was a little yellow piece of paper folded up inside.I slowly unfolded it and a little medal of Christ fell off.The paper______like his:

Always______ this medal with you,whatever your religion is,so the angel that was watching over you last ______ will always be close.

This person didn’t even leave a return ______,so I couldn’t thank whoever it was.

From that day on,I promised myself to ______this example when I was in a similar situation.I will make others as ______as I was when I opened that package !

1.A. predicted B. realized C. explained D. imagined

2.A. obvious B. honest C. exact D. clear

3.A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. Even

4.A. work B. reading C. research D. search

5.A. crowded B. noisy C. clean D. deserted

6.A. run after B. hope for C. remember D. declare

7.A. hidden B. picked C. ignored D. found

8.A. secretly B. aimlessly C. politely D. angrily

9.A. disappeared B. hesitated C. rested D. escaped

10.A. surprised B. disappointed C. satisfied D. ashamed

11.A. accepted B. considered C. changed D. covered

12.A. present B. invitation C. notice D. package

13.A. wallet B. book C. reward D. treasure

14.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

15.A. exposed B. described C. read D. announced

16.A. keep B. equip C. compare D. connect

17.A. month B. fortnight C. week D. year

18.A. reminder B. date C. message D. address

19.A. set B. follow C. give D. take

20.A. annoyed B. puzzled C. crazy D. happy


材料 1978年底,安徽省凤阳县小岗村18户农民为摆脱贫困,暗中自发将集体耕地包干到户。1979年2月,中共安徽省委召开会议,决定在肥西县山南公社进行包产到户试点,指出:许多干部一讲到包产到户,就心有余悸,可以说谈“包”色变,但农民普遍希望包产到户,这是矛盾,必须要在实践中加以检验。会议强调试点不宣传、不报道、不推广。1979年9月,中共中央下发文件,认为因某些副业生产的特殊需要和边远山区、交通不便的单家独户可以实行包产到户,一般不加以提倡。1980年9月,中央下发《关于进一步加强和完善农业生产责任制的几个问题》,指出:“在生产队领导下实行的包产到户是依存于社会主义经济,而不会脱离社会主义轨道的,没有什么复辟资本主义的危险。”1982年9月,中共“十二大”对以包产到户为主要形式的农业生产责任制改革予以肯定,包产到户在农村迅速推广。1980年11月,全国农村实行包产到户的生产队为15%;到1983年初,这一比例达到93%。




Amazon is breaking into physical retail in a new way. The online retail giant revealed a new kind of physical store concept in a video published on Monday.

The store, called Amazon Go, doesn't work like a typical Walmart or supermarket. Instead, it's designed so that shoppers will use an app, also called Amazon Go, to automatically add the products that they plan to buy to a digital shopping cart by scanning a QR code(二维码). They can then walk out of the building without waiting in a checkout line because Amazon will charge their Amazon account and send them a receipt.

The first Amazon Go store is located in Seattle, where Amazon is headquartered. For years, there have been rumors the e-commerce company would expand its dominance from digital to physical shopping. Amazon began experimenting with physical bookstores a year ago, but Amazon Go may mark its boldest bet on physical ones yet. By removing much of the staff needed to operate a store, Amazon keeps costs lower than traditional competitors. It's also in a strong position to bring together data on its customers' shopping habits online and offline to make better suggestions in all situations.

However, Amazon's move deeper into physical retail shops comes in a sensitive political climate. The company could be perceived as being a threat to some of the 3.4 million Americans who work as cashiers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos for “getting away with murder tax-wise” and having “a huge antitrust(反垄断) problem.” Will the President& shy; elect add “job killer” to the list of criticisms?

Amazon's effort to launch a new kind of retail store predates(在……之前) the rise of Donald Trump. “Four years ago we asked ourselves: what if we could create a shopping experience with no lines and no checkout? Could we push the boundaries of computer vision and machine learning to create a store where customers could simply take what they want and go?” The company says on an informational page about Amazon Go. For now, Amazon is starting slow. The Amazon Go is only open to Amazon employees in our Beta program, and is scheduled to open to the public in early 2017.

1.In Amazon Go, people can ________ .

A. buy products by paying cash

B. buy carts without scanning a QR code

C. have no bother to check out and queue

D. use an app to wait in a checkout line

2.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. Amazon has dominated the physical bookstores.

B. Amazon can contribute to reducing the cost of staff.

C. Amazon manages to take the place of physical shopping.

D. Amazon can ignore each customer's advice in all situations.

3.The reason why Donald Trump repeatedly criticized Amazon Go is that Amazon Go ________ .

A. would result in a political crisis

B. would threaten the career of cashiers

C. may result in a huge antitrust

D. is No.1 job killer in the list of criticisms

4.The main purpose of writing the passage is ________ .

A. to introduce the Amazon Go store

B. to explain how Amazon Go works

C. to arouse people's interest in Amazon

D. to indicate Trump's attitude to Amazon

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