


1. Find out about the trail and surroundings, be sure that you have enough time to complete the entire route before darkness falls. Do not stray off the path to chase after animals.

2. Use good judgment regarding the fitness level required for the trek(徒步跋涉), and know your physical limits.

3. Always inform the park officials or let someone know of your plans and destination for the day, especially if going alone.

4. Take plenty of water and pack a few easy to eat snacks to keep energy level up. Unless trekking with a local guide, it is not advisable to eat jungle fruit or drink from any water source.

5. Be as quiet as possible to avoid scaring any wildlife. Getting an early start during the dawn provides the best chance to sight animals seeking food and the warmth of the early morning sun.

6. Wear thin, loose, preferably cotton clothing to remain comfortable.

7. Cover arms and legs with long trousers and long-sleeved shirts to ward off mosquitoes and to provide protection against thorny plants.

8. Be prepared for sudden rain showers by carrying a poncho that wraps over both body and your carrying pack to keep everything dry.

9. Choose footwear with proper ankle support and good traction.

10. A wide brimmed hat helps to shade a trekker from the heat of the tropical sun.

1Before an adventure, a trekker should ______.

A.tell the park officials his destination and time schedule

B.pack up some jungle fruit juice and pre-cooked meals

C.consult a local guide about the most adventurous route

D.have his fitness level assessed at the tourist center

2Which of the following is NOT suitable for a rainforest trekking?

A.Long-sleeved cotton shirts.B.Tight sports shorts.

C.Hiking boots.D.A wide brimmed hat.

3If a trekker starts out at dawn, he may ______.

A.escape being caught in the rainB.sight scared wildlife

C.enjoy the heat of the tropical sunD.see animals seeking food







1细节理解题。根据第三点"Always inform the park officials or let someone know of your plans and destination for the day especially if going alone.(一定要通知公园管理人员,或者让别人知道你当天的计划和目的地,尤其是一个人去的时候。)"可知在冒险之前,旅行者应该告诉公园管理人员他的目的地和时间安排。故选A

2推理判断题。根据第七点"Cover arms and legs with long trousers and long-sleeved shirts to ward off mosquitoes and to provide protection against thorny plants.(用长裤子和长袖衬衫盖住胳膊和腿,以防止蚊子叮咬和保护身体不受带刺植物的伤害。)"可知紧的运动短裤不适合热带雨林徒步旅行。故选B

3细节理解题。根据第五点中"Getting an early start during the dawn provides the best chance to sight animals seeking food and the warmth of the early morning sun.(在黎明时早起,是看到动物寻找食物和清晨温暖阳光的最佳时机。)"可知如果一个旅行者在黎明时分出发,他可能会看到动物在寻找食物。故选D


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