1. 多么希望我听了你的建议!(wish)
2. 亚运会的开幕式吸引了全国的观众.(appeal)
3. 我想要一份薪水高一点的工作,但另一方面我又喜欢目前在做的.(on the other hand)
4. 在紧急情况下,急救知识至关重要.(make a difference)
5. 请告知我他走的时间,以便我去送他.(inform…of)
1. 多么希望我听了你的建议!(wish)
2. 亚运会的开幕式吸引了全国的观众.(appeal)
3. 我想要一份薪水高一点的工作,但另一方面我又喜欢目前在做的.(on the other hand)
4. 在紧急情况下,急救知识至关重要.(make a difference)
5. 请告知我他走的时间,以便我去送他.(inform…of)
1. How I wish I had followed your advice!
2. The opening ceremony of the Asian Games appealed to the audiences throughout the country.
3. I would like a job paying more, but on the other hand, I like the job I am doing now.
4. A knowledge of first aid really makes a difference in emergency.
5. Please inform me of when he will leave so that I can see him off.
2. The opening ceremony of the Asian Games appealed to the audiences throughout the country.
3. I would like a job paying more, but on the other hand, I like the job I am doing now.
4. A knowledge of first aid really makes a difference in emergency.
5. Please inform me of when he will leave so that I can see him off.
