
[1] Imagine a magical forest where the trees touch the sky. Due to enough rainfall, the trees grow huge and spread wide. Their tallest branches are so thick-leafed that they create a thick curtain. Even the wind does not find enough space to blow as it pleases. The climate is good for life forms of all kinds- from trees to animals, birds and insects.

[2] These forests are called tropical rainforests. Most of them are located near the equator, in Asia, Africa and South America. The rainforest of the Amazon basin in South America is one of the lushest(茂盛的) rainforests in the world. You will find more varieties of trees or animal life here than anywhere else in the world.

[3] The tropical rainforests are called the green lungs of the planet. They absorb carbon dioxide from around them to process their food and release oxygen into the air. They also contain the largest number of trees with medicinal value.

[4] But now human beings are out to        . Many companies all over the world, especially in the West, have been attacking these rainforests for a variety of reasons – some want to make profit by cutting down trees and selling timber(木材); others are trying to be the only ones to make profit out of medicinal plants.

[5] To the outside world, the rainforest has always seemed a very dangerous place. Generations of films and literature have shown the people who live in the rainforests as dangerous and violent people who have a strange way of life.

[6] But actually, these people have a better understanding of their relationship with their environment than modern man has. Greed for profit by destroying the planet’s resources is a unique quality of societies that have become modern and use technology. One should then ask, who is more violent?

1.What is the best title for the text?(no more than 5 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)

Nowhere on earth                                          as much wildlife as in the rainforest.

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


4.Why are the tropical rainforests called the green lungs of the planet?(no more than 10 words)


5.What does the underlined word “it” (line 3,paragraph 1) probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)





1.The magical tropical rainforest

2.will/can you find

3.harm/ destroy the rainforests

4.They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air

5.The wind.



1.开篇点题,根据文章开头第一段第一句话Imagine a magical forest where the trees touch the sky想象一片森林,在森林里树可以触到天空和第二段第一句话These forests are called tropical rainforests这些森林被称谓热带雨林第三四五六段都是对森林的介绍,所以最好的题目是The magical tropical rainforest。

2.根据第二段最后一句话You will find more varieties of trees or animal life here than anywhere else in the world.你将发现比世界上其他任何地方更多的各种各样的树木和野生动物,所以得出答案will/can you find.

3.根据第四段空后Many companies all over the world, especially in the West, have been attacking these rainforests for a variety of reasons – some want to make profit by cutting down trees and selling timber(木材); others are trying to be the only ones to make profit out of medicinal plants.

世界上有许多公司,尤其在西方一直攻击这些雨林,有的是从砍伐和销售木材获利,有的是从药用植物中获利,所以对人类破坏雨林,所以答案是harm/ destroy the rainforests。

4.根据第三段第二句话They absorb carbon dioxide from around them to process their food and release oxygen into the air.得出答案:They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air

5.根据全句Even the wind does not find enough space to blow as it pleases.甚至风找不到足够的空间随意的吹,as 按照(它的意愿),所以答案是the wind .





  Judgment of character can be influenced by somehting as simple as the temperature of a drink held in our hands.according ot a US study published today.

  Researchers form Yale University conducted experiments that showed that people perceive(认知)others as more generous and more attentive if they have just been holding a hot cup of coffee, and that the inverse is true for cold drinks.

  A second study found that people are more likely'to give somethine to others if they held.something warm, and more likely take something for themselves if they something cold, In the study.published in the current issue of the journal Science, the research team built on earlier studies that show the physical distance between indivduals also influences social judgment about others.

  The experiment suggests that the warmth of an object or the distance that is felt between people means more than simple metaphors(暗喻).Both instances, researchers said, are literal examples of trust first experienced between motehr and child during infancy.

  “When we ask whether someone is a warm person or cold person.they both have a temperature 0f 98.6(Farenheit,37 Celsius),”said Yale psychology professor John Bargh, who co-authored the study with Lawrence Williams at the University of Colorado.“These terms indirectly explains the primitive experience of what it means to be warm and cold·''

  “Physical temperatures affect not just how humans see each other,but also how humans behave,”said Bargh,“The power of temperature on character assessments has been backed up by recent brain imaging studies.”He added.“Physical warmth call make us see others as warmer people, ________ cause us to be warmer,more generous and trusting as well

  The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

1.What is the main idea ofthe passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)


2.List two aspects that affect social judgment about others.(Please answer within 10 words.)



3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(PleaSe answer within 6 words)


4.Mlich sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Recent studies on brain imagin ghas supported temperature's effect on judgment of character

5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.


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