
Robert Ballard is probably the most famous deep-sea explorer in the past 100 years. While he is best known for his historic discovery of the wreckage(残骸) of the R.M.S. Titanic which sank to the bottom of the sea in 1912, he also discovered the wreckage of the Bismarck and the Yorktown. Over his career, Dr. Ballard has completed over 120 deep-sea journeys and continues to push exploration to new depths with new technologies and strategies. His new high-tech Inner Space Center at the University of Rhode Island links scientists all over the world and makes it possible to identify new discoveries in realtime.

Reporter: What were you like as a kid?

Ballard: I was a very “active” kid with lots of interests including sports (football, basketball, and tennis), fishing, and studies.

Reporter: Do you have a hero?

Ballard: My hero is Captain Nemo from the book, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and his submarine the Nautilus.

Reporter: What do you daydream about?

Ballard: I dream about undersea exploration.

Reporter: How did you get into your field of work?

Ballard: It started with a scholarship to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, in the summer of 1959 when I was a junior in high school. That summer, I went to sea on two separate expeditions in Baja California with various oceanographers(海洋学家). During one of those expeditions, I met Dr. Robert Norris, a Scripps graduate with a Ph. D. in marine geology, who invited me to come to the University of California, Santa Barbara where I ended up getting my undergraduate degree in Geology and Chemistry with minors in Math and Physics.

Reporter: What’s the best piece of advice that anyone has ever given you that you can share with us?

Ballard: Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone talk you out of them.

Reporter: Do you have any good jokes?

Ballard: I prefer sayings to jokes. My favorite is, “Never get into the thick of thin things.”

1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that Robert Ballard ________.

A. is president of a university and travels a lot

B. is the most famous deep-sea explorer in history

C. is still contributing to the development of deep-sea exploration

D. is best famous for the discovery of the wreckages of three ships

2.From the passage we know Nemo ________.

A. is Jules Verne’s nickname B. is the name of a ship

C. is a sailor on a submarine D. is a character in a book

3.What can we know about Ballard?

A. He was lucky to meet Dr. Robert Norris.

B. He once wrote a book about the sea.

C. He loves jokes more than proverbs.

D. He used to be tired of studying.

4.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The great achievements of Robert Ballard.

B. An interview with a famous deep-sea explorer.

C. A brief introduction to famous Robert Ballard.

D. What a famous deep-sea explorer is like.


Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be "green gyms". They are better replacements(代替物) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it's free.

1.Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?

A. Motor racing in the desert.

B. Cycling around a lake.

C. Playing basketball in a gym

D. Swimming in a sports center.

2.The author uses power walking as an example mainly because_________.

A. it is an outdoor sport

B. it improves our health

C. it uses fewer resources

D. it is recommended by experts

3.What do we know about golf from the passage?

A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

B. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.

D. It causes water shortages around the world.

4.The author writes the passage to ________.

A. show us the function of major sports

B. discuss the major influence of popular sports

C. encourage us to go in for green sports

D. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports

In an effort to discourage people from using plastics,scientists have been hard at work inventing alternative packaging products.From water bottles made from seaweed to cutlery(餐具) made from rice and wheat,a number of inventions are set to change the way we eat while we are on the go,or having a relaxing picnic in the park.

The idea of using seaweed to make eco-friendly(环保的) water bottles has been around for a few years.Recently,Ari Jonsson took his invention—a water bottle made from red seaweed—to show off at a festival. The bottles will only hold their shape as long as they are filled.As soon as these bottles are empty they will begin to break down,though they would be perfectly safe to eat.Ari Jonsson’s bottles are a step closer to a widely used alternative to the current plastic ones.

The eatable water container is not the only product to add to our image of the future.Narayana Pessapaty has also created eatable spoons.After the success of his spoons, Mr Pessapaty is ready to expand and introduce forks and chopsticks to his menu.His aim is to largely reduce the amount of plastic waste,which is a huge problem for waste sites all over the world.It is a product that may take up to 500 years to break down,and recycling companies worldwide are struggling to deal with it.

Aside from the obvious benefits to the environment,this new packaging is also cheap to produce and therefore cheap to buy.Even better is the fact that similar eatable cutlery can be made at home,possibly a science project for children or just fun with friends.Why not get experimenting and create your own recipes?

1.Why do scientists invent alternative packaging products?

A. To make people’s life more convenient.

B. To reduce the amount of plastic waste.

C. To charge the way we picnic outside.

D. To show off their inventive talents.

2.What makes Ari Jonsson’s water bottles eco-friendly?

A. They can be made at home.

B. They are cheap to produce and buy.

C. They will hold their shape when they are filled.

D. They will break down themselves when empty.

3.What do Ari and Narayana’s inventions have in common?

A. They are convenient to carry. B. They are safe to eat.

C. They can be used for a short time. D. They are heavier than plastics.

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Home-made eatable cutlery is likely to be popular.

B. Eatable cutlery’will completely replace plastics in the near future.

C. No recycling companies can breakdown plastic waste.

D. It’s unsafe for individuals to invent eatable cutlery at home.

Walking alone on a remote beach in southwest Florida, I was surprised to hear splashes coming from the water. As I walked in the _______ of the sounds, I saw a manatee(海牛) show its head out of the water, _______a great snuffling(带鼻音的) breath. It seemed that it was in _______and trying to get out of it.

I'd never seen a _______ like this before. I wanted to _______, but there was no one else on the beach. So I went into the shallow water and went toward the animal. I came _______enough to make out the manatee. Then, a second manatee, much smaller, appeared beside it. _______, the manatees were also moving toward me. Soon I was _______by several manatees. I could clearly see the larger manatee _______the little one up with her flipper(鳍状肢) and pushed it to the ________beside me.

As the two slipped underwater, two other manatees moved up from behind, one on either side, ________gently against my body as they swam past. They circled and________ the action, this time ________by the mother and her baby. I held my hand out touching their back as they passed me. Since they obviously enjoyed touching me, I began ________each of them as they swam by.

I stood there enjoying the scene, ________to move, until finally the rising tide forced me back to the shore. Later I knew exactly what took place that morning. The manatees ________me in their celebration of a birth and I was welcome to meet the ________member of their family.

During that unexpected scene, I felt more involved in the rhythms of ________on our earth than ever. Each year, I head for that ________for a quiet little birthday picnic on the shore. After all, you never know who might ________up for your party.

1.A. direction B. condition C. middle D. side

2.A. making out B. putting out C. coming out D. letting out

3.A. force B. trouble C. loss D. action

4.A. look B. feel C. sight D. smell

5.A. leave B. see C. find D. help

6.A. close B. soon C. quick D. straight

7.A. Luckily B. Personally C. Unexpectedly D. Sadly

8.A. watched B. surrounded C. attacked D. separated

9.A. turn B. eat C. throw D. hold

10.A. field B. surface C. pool D. bank

11.A. rubbing B. preventing C. surfing D. comforting

12.A. practiced B. changed C. repeated D. showed

13.A. seen B. followed C. taught D. ordered

14.A. moving B. hitting C. catching D. touching

15.A. unwilling B. ready C. unable D. afraid

16.A. invited B. protected C. included D. fought

17.A. best B. oldest C. toughest D. newest

18.A. life B. music C. world D. development

19.A. boat B. hill C. beach D. scene

20.A. build B. show C. look D. step


Palm oil(棕榈油) is the most widely used vegetable oil worldwide.It’s found in a wide variety of products from of vitamins to chocolate and bread.1. The former makes it easy to spread,while the latter makes it good for our body.

But the oil’s popularity comes at a high price.2. As a result,thousands of acres of rainforests in Indonesia,the world’s biggest palm oil producers,are being destroyed to make room for them.

With half of the world’s palm oil coming from Indonesia,orangutans(猩猩) have suffered a lot.3. What’s worse,in 2015,wildfires endangered one-third of the remaining orangutans.Palm oil farms have also threatened tigers and elephants and caused water and air pollution.

4. However,it’s not easy given that no other natural vegetable oil has both of its qualities.Now,scientists are creating a new oil to replace it by using food waste and M.pulcherrima,a yeast(酵母) that grows on leaves,fruits and flowers.5. Besides, the yeast can be widely produced in any weather.The scientists say their biggest challenge was to find a cheap way to change the sugars in the food waste to a form that the yeast can take in easily.The team is now trying to test if they can produce the oil at a lower cost.

A.Palm trees need lots of land to grow.

B.The easiest solution is to stop using palm oil so widely.

C.The palm oil is so expensive that many families can’t afford it.

D.In the last 20 years,over 80% of their habitat has been destroyed.

E.There are many things we can do to protect the endangered wild animals.

F.The oil is popular because it has a high melting point and contains healthy fats.

G.It eats the sugars from the waste and turns it into thick oil that has similar qualities to palm oil.

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