

第一节短文改错(10分) (2013 •陕西)

下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地 方增加、删除或修改某个单词。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ) ,并在其下面写 上该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后 的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不 计分。

   My grandfather and I enjoy fishing.

   One Sunday morning we go fishing at a lake. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. As soon as we arrived,so we dropped the lines into the water. Before waiting for about half an hour,I was beginning to get impatiently. I wanted to give up,and my grandfather told me to wait a little longer. Finally,there were a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught. Within the next few minute,my grandfather also caught a fish.

Felt hungry,we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish. It was delicious.

1. 第二句go改为went解析:由时间状语 one Sunday morning以及本篇文章的时态可


2. 第三句ours改为our解析:形容词性物主 代词作定语,修饰fishing poles。

3. 第四句去掉so解析:从属连词as soon as 与并列连词so不能同时使用。

4. 第五句Before改为After 解析:由句意 可知。

5. 第五句 impatiently 改为 impatient 解析:get


6. 第六句and改为but 解析:表示转折, 用 but。

7. 第七句were改为was解析:主语是a sudden pull , 谓语用单数形式。

8. 第七句and后加a解析:此处表示“一条 鱼”,用 a fish。

9. 第八句minute改为minutes 解析:few修饰可数名词复数。

10. 第九句Felt改为Feeling解析:feel与yve是主谓关系,因此用现在分词作状语。


  In 1989 an 8. 2 earthquake almost flattened America,killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder,a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be,only to 16 that the building was 17 .

    After the unforgettable shock,he 18 the promise he had made to his son,u No matter 19 happens,I'll always be there for you!” And tears began to 20 his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins,it looked hopeless,but he kept remembering his 21 to his son. He rushed there and started digging 22 the ruins.

   As he was digging,other helpless parents arrived,saying, “It's too 23 ! They’re all dead!24 , face reality,there's nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with one 25 Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son,stone by stone.

   Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know 26 himself, “Is my boy T!or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours. .. 12 hours. .. 24 hours. .. 36 hours. . , then,in the 38th hour,he 28 back a large stone and heard his son's 29 He screamed his son name, “ ARM AND!” He heard back, “Dad,it's me,Dad!I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive,you would 30 me and 31 you saved me,they’d be saved. You promised, ‘No matter what happens,I'll always be there for you! ’ You did it,Dad!” “What's going on in there?” the father asked.

“There are 14 of us left 32 33, Dad. We’re scared, 33 , thirsty and thankful you’re here. When the building collapsed,it made a 34 , and it saved us. ”

“ Come out,boy! ”

“No,Dad!Let the other kids out first,35 I know you’ll get me!No matter what happens,I know you’ll always be there for me!”

16. A. know   B. discover

   C. think   D. realise

17. A. as flat as a pancake   B. as high as a mountain

   C. as strong as an ox   D. as weak as a kitten

18. A. memorised   B. forgot

   C. kept   D. remembered

19. A. what   B. how   C. which   D. who

20. A. fill   B. flow   C. come   D. follow

21. A. picture   B. promise

   C. present   D. encourage

22. A. for   B. through

   C. out   D. into

23. A. dark   B. early   C. thick   D. late

24. A. Come out   B. Come again

   C. Come on   D. Come off

25. A. word   B. sound

   C. row   D. line

26. A. for   B. of   C. by   D. to

27. A. lovely   B. living

   C. alive   D. lively

28. A. got   B. paid   C. sent   D. pulled

29. A. breath   B. voice

   C. noise   D. tone

30. A. see   B. save

   C. visit   D. miss

31. A. when   B. because

   C. even if   D. though

32. A. for   B. behind

   C. out of   D. over

33. A. excited   B. happy

   C. hungry   D. sad

34. A. promise   B. space

   C. room   D. triangle

35. A. because   B. though

   C. when   D. even though

    Scientists are trying to teach robots to read,so they can understand road signs and shop names to “live” for themselves. Experts believe developing literate artificial intelligence should be relatively simple because computers are already able to turn scanned books into text.

    A team of roboticists are working on a test robot— named Marge—which has been fitted with advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) reading software. It is hoped the fledgling technology can be used in rescue operations and work out where they are going inside buildings from signs. The early prototype version has been fitted with a dictionary and spellchecker so it can interpret text which is not clearly written.

     Doctor Ingmar Posner,a roboticist at the University of Oxford,says that a machine that can read will be a significant step forward. “By reading a label on a closed door you can sometimes get a good idea of what can be found behind it,he tells New Scientist. u Reading can help you detect things you cannot directly see. M However,the robot has had difficulties working out what is and is not writing—and still cannot read text on curved surfaces.

    Dr Posner adds, “The OCR software does not cater for the fact that it might not be seeing text. It tries its level best to force everything into text一brick walls,chimney stacks,everything. ”

    Once Marge has successfully read a word,it scans news websites like the MailOnline to look at its context and establish a meaning. It has already been able to work out that Barclays is a bank and Strada is a restaurant.

   Dr Posner is working on the scheme with Peter Corke at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Gregory Dudek,from McGill University in Montreal,Canada,describes teaching machines to read as ‘‘ refreshingly original I personally believe that exploiting OCR methods in a mobile robotics context makes a lot of sense, ” he says. “In fact,once you reflect on it,there is no doubt it will be highly useful. ”

46. According to the passage,robots are taught to read to

   A. let them guide the way for people

   B. help doctors to make operations

   C. develop their potential intelligence

   D. make them do things by themselves

47. According to Gregory Dudek,applying OCR to robots is.

   A. simple   B. useful

   C. creative   D. successful

48. The underlined word “detect” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by

   A. remember   B. discover

   C. control   D. ensure

49. Which column of the newspaper is the passage probably taken from?

   A. Science. B. Education.

   C. Travel. D. Economy.

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