
The microphone enabled them to keep in touch, in other words, it made it _____ for them to contact each other.

  A. likely    B. capable    C. possible    D. probable



able有才能的,有能力的,指人的才智,而且是受过实际锻炼的才干。Capable“有才能的,能胜任的”(有褒、贬 二义),如:He is capable of anything.(他什么事都干得出来。)此句含有明显得贬义。此外,作表语时,able接不定式,capable接of. capable还有一意思是“有可能 的”,例如:The car is capable of being repaired .(这辆汽车是有可能修好的。)用于此义时,be capable of 后常接被动语态动名词或有动作意义的名词:The situation is capable of improvement .possible 强调客观可能性,“可能的”程度比probable"大概的,很可能的低一些。

  [注意]likely与possible在结构搭配上的区别。Likely可用于下列句型中:1)It is likely that...例如:It is highly likely that he will succeed.(很可能他会成功。)2)think(feel, consider)it likely ...例如:I think it likely that we will ultimately get a certain amount of money.3)be likely to do sth.例如:He is likely to see you again .但下面的句型是错误的,It is likely for sb to do sth.所以think it likely for sb. to do sth.也是错误的,故本题不能选likely.


Ruben lived in a small village. There was no school there and he had to study in a school in the town. It was nearly five kilometres away from his village. His father couldn't buy a bike for him and he had to go to school on foot. He got up early in the morning. Usually he had to run there in order not to miss the first class. He kept running every day and it was helpful to him. He's strong and tall now and he ran faster than any other man in his village. He took part in several sports meetings and won some medals. The young man is proud of(以……自豪)it and always wants to have a race with others.

One day his mother was ill and his father told him to buy some medicine for headache in the town. The young man got there soon. There were many people in the chemist's shop while he was waiting there. And when his turn came, he could't find his money. An old woman hinted(暗示)a young man had stolen it. He saw the thief had already left the shop. He ran towards him quickly. The thief found it and began to run. He was happy and tried to catch up with him.

“Let's have a race and see who will run faster, ”Ruben called out behind.

Soon after that he caught up with the thief. But he didn't stop and went on running. At a crossing one of his friends asked, “What are you running for, Ruben? ”

“I'm running after(追)a thief. ”

“Where's the thief, then? ”

“He wants to show that he'll run faster than me, but he's fallen behind!”

59. Ruben had to run to school because ____.   

A. he had no bike                            B. he hoped to win some medals

C. his village was a little far from the school       D. he was afraid to be late for class

60. ____ , so he won some medals.    

A. Ruben is good at running                   B. Ruben went to school on time

C. Ruben often took part in the sports meetings.   D. Ruben likes to have a race with others

61. The phrase “a chemist's shop”in the story means ____.   

A. 化工商店   B. 药店   C. 化工厂   D. 制药厂

62. Ruben's money was stolen ____.  

A. on his way to the town              B. before he went in the shop

C. when he was waiting in the shop      D. after he had left the shop

63. Ruben was happy because ____.    

A. he could easily catch the thief          B. he had a chance(机会)to have a race

C. he knew who had stolen his money      D. he would win another medal that day

 More surprising, perhaps, than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and thriving(旺盛的). As Skolnich notes, Americans are a marrying people: relative to Europeans, more of us marry and we marry at a younger age. Moreover, after a decline(衰退)in the early 1970s, the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing. Even the divorce(离婚)rate needs to be taken in this pro-marriage context: some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry. Thus, marriage remains by far the preferred way of life for the vast majority of the people in our society.

  What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family. Twenty-five years ago, the typical American family consisted of the husband, the wife, and two or three children. Now, there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children, and there are many marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife’s previous marriage, or the husband’s, or both. Sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage; sometimes they are shared between the two former spouses(配偶).

  Thus, one can find every type of family arrangement. There are marriages without children; marriages with children from only the present marriages; marriages with“full-time”children from both the present and former marriages; marriages with“full-time”children from the present marriage and“part-time”children from former marriages. There are stepfathers, stepmothers, half-brothers and half-sisters. It is not all that unusual for a child to have four parents and eight grandparents! These are enormous changes from the traditional nuclear family. But even so, even in the midst of all this, there remains one constant: most Americans spend most of their adult lives married.

By calling Americans a marrying people the writer means that ________.

  A. Americans are more traditional than Europeans

  B. Americans expect more out of marriage than Europeans

  C. there are more married couples in the USA than in Europe

  D. more of Americans, as compared with Europeans, prefer marriage and they accept it at a younger age

Divorced Americans ________ .

  A. prefer the way they live                   B. will most likely remarry

  C. have lost interest in marriage               D. are the majority of people in the society

Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’s American families?

  A. Different types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable.

  B. A typical American family consists of only a husband and a wife.

  C. Americans prefer to have more kids than before.

  D. There are no nuclear families any more.

Though great changes have taken place in the structure of American families, ________ .

  A. the majority of Americans still have faith in marriage

  B. the functions of marriage remain unchanged

  C. most Americans prefer a second marriage

D. most Americans prefer to be single

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