
世界园艺博览会(World Horticultural Exposition)将于2011年4月至10月在西安举行,世园会组委会现向社会招募志愿者,要求有意参加者用英文写一篇短文,文章要包含以下几个方面:

1. 你为什么要成为志愿者;

2. 你胜任志愿者工作的原因;

3. 为圆满完成志愿者工作你将作何准备?


1. 词数100左右,(不含已写好的部分);

2. 文章要包含以上所有要点。文章的开头已给出。

I really hope to be a volunteer for the WHE.

I really hope to be a volunteer for the WHE. First, WHE is a great event for Xi’an. So as a citizen, I have the duty to serve our distinguished guests from all over the world. Second, it’s a good opportunity for me to introduce Xi’an to the visitors and help them know more about our culture, food and people.

I believe I am fit for the job. I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, especially the history of Xi’an, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I can express myself fluently and clearly in English. Therefore, I can not only act as a guide, but also as an interpreter.

To be an excellent volunteer, First, I’ll learn more about manners to be a polite volunteer. Second, I will continue to improve my spoken English so that I can communicate better with the foreign friends.

I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.



In any family with more than one child, chidren seem to naturally compete for their parents’ love and attention. Parents say they love every child equally. But is that true?

       Susan, founder of a consulting firm in Chicago, interviewed 216 women and found that even though none of her questions asked directly about a parent favoring one child over another, about two-thirds of the women said there was a favored child. And they also remembered their experience when they were young. One of the women said, “My mother always liked my brother better, and he got to go to summer camp in 1968 and I didn’t.”

       Plumez, who interviewed parents with both biological children and adoptive children for an adoption book in 2008, found that what matters most is whether your temperaments(性情) are pleasing. “In some cases, parents would say they felt closer to their adopted children,” she says, “Some parents like the children with characters similar to theirs. Two people who are shy and withdrawn might get along well, unless the shy parent doesn’t like that aspect of themselves and they try to push the naturally withdrawn child to be more extroverted.”

       It could be a result of gender, birth order or how easy or difficult a child’s temperament may be, but a parent’s different treatment has far-reaching effects. Students have found that less-favored children may suffer emotionally, with decreased self-esteem and behavioral problems in childhood. Favoritism is a reason for the next generation not to like each other.

       Experts say it is not realistic to say everyone should be treated equally, because no two people are the same and they relate differently to others.

       “It does not mean that parent loves or likes one child more. It has to do with which one of them is independent,” says psychologist Laurie Kramer of the University of Illinois.

The study carried out by Susan shows that ______.

       A. showing favoritism is common in many families

       B. most mothers like their sons better than their daughters

       C. only two-thirds of the women interviewed have more than a child

       D. it is a favoritism that leads to absence of harmony in most families

The underlined word “extroverted” in the third paragraph means _______.

       A. independent              B. outgoing           C. clever               D. brave

What can we infer from the passage?

       A. Favoritism is not beneficial to the development of children

       B. Parents’ favoritism to a certain child can’t be avoided in families

       C. Parents may be favoring one of their children and don’t realize it

       D. People are very much shaped by how they were treated by their parents

What is the best title for the passage?

       A. Parents’ favoritism can affect children deeply

       B. Why do parents show favoritism to children?

       C. Parents should give attention to all their children

       D. Building a harmonious family is important to children

Beldon and Canfield are two seashore towns, not far apart.Both towns have many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other tourists.

   Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon.The next day, this news appeared on page two of the town’s newspaper.The Beldon Post:


   Late last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroom.The hotel manager said that a cigarette started the fire.We say again to all our visitors: “Please don’t smoke cigarettes in bed.” This was Beldon’s first hotel fire for five years.

    The Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one:


   Last night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclothes and some furniture at the Seabreeze Hotel.An angry holiday-maker said, “An electric lamp probably started the fire.The bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotels.When I put my bedside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp.” We are glad to tell our readers that this sort of adventure does not happen in Canfield.

   What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accident.There was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel last August: that is one fact.Do we know anything else? Yes, we know that firemen went to the hotel.

     Now what do you think of the rest of the “news” ?

Which of the following best gives the main idea of this text?

A. It was not easy to find out exact truth from newspapers.

B.Beldon and Canfield are both good places for tourists in summer.

C.A fire broke out at night in Seabreeze Hotel last summer.

D. Two newspapers gave reports on the same matter.

Which of the following are probably facts? 

a.The fire broke out in a bedroom at the hotel.

b.A cigarette started the fire.

c.An old lamp started the fire.

d.The fire broke out at night.

e.There has never been a fire in Canfield.

A.b and c      B. a and d      C. c and e    D.a and c

The Canfield Times used the headline like this in order to make its readers think _________.

   A. hotels in Beldon often catch fire

B. hotels in Beldon don’t often catch fire

C. this was the second fire at the Seabreeze Hotel

D. Beldon was a good place except that hotels there are not quite safe

The Canfield newspaper gave a report just the opposite to the Beldon Post by saying that _______.

   A. the bedroom lamps were very old at the Seabreeze Hotel

B. the bedroom lights made funny noise when the fire took place

C. such accidents never happened in Canfield for the past 5 years

D. the firemen failed to save clothing, bedclothes and other things

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