
The people below are trying to choose which lecture to attend.Read the following descriptions and decide which lecture would be most suitable.

_________1.Alice is now studying in Beijing University, and she is especially interested in Chinese writing.In her spare time she enjoys drawing, writing poems and is fond of sharing her pieces with her classmates.

_________2.Simon comes from Egypt.He is now studying in Beijing Art Academy.He shows great interest in Chinese ancient characters.Now he wants to know much about it.

_________3.Lora and Peter, visiting professors from Australia, are both crazy about Chinese traditional culture.At weekends they like to call on Chinese families to learn about Chinese festivals as well as their history.

_________4.Edward is a senior student in Beijing Foreign Language University.He likes traveling very much and has made up his mind to work as an interpreter for some joint-venture(合资)enterprises.

_________5.Steve and Mark are both studying in the Chinese Department of China’s Renmin University.They want to do some research on Chinese ancient literature.

A.Are you interested in the“Dream of the Red Mansion”(Hong Lou Meng)?Listen to a lecture on this classical novel.

Venue:National Museum of Chinese Modern Literature(Beijing)

Time:9∶30 a. m.



B.“Jiaguwen” is among the oldest pictographic characters in the world.How much do you know about it?Get all the answers at this free lecture.

Venue:Dongcheng District Library(Beijing)

Time:9∶00 a. m.



C.Former United Nations interpreter Professor Wang Ruojin speaks about her experiences at the UN and shares her understanding of the cultural differences between East and West.

Venue:National Library of China(Beijing)

Time:1∶30 p. m.-4∶00 p. m.



D.Qi Baishi, one of China’s greatest modern painters, was also a poet, calligrapher and seal-cutter.Can you appreciate his works? Then come to spend the time with us.

Venue:Beijing Art Academy

Time:9∶00 a. m.-11∶00 a. m.

Price:10 ?yuan?


E.It is the year of the Dog, and you can see “Fu” everywhere.But how much do you know about dogs-man’s best friend?What is “Fu” and where does it come from?Why do people hang “Fu” character upside down on the door?Get all the answers from this free lecture.

Venue:Capital Library(Beijing)

Time:2∶00 p. m.



F.About 160 cultural relics from Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong are on display to April 15 th.Meanwhile experts will talk about the important roles these three cities have played in the past two thousand years of Sino-Western exchanges.

Venue:Beijin Art Museum

Time:2∶00 p. m.-5∶00 p. m.

Price:20 ?yuan?, students 10 yuan?



The people below are trying to choose which lecture to attend.Read the following descriptions and decide which lecture would be most suitable.

________1.Alice is now studying in Beijing University, and she is especially interested in Chinese writing.In her spare time she enjoys drawing, writing poems and is fond of sharing her pieces with her classmates.

________2.Simon comes from Egypt.He is now studying in Beijing Art Academy.He shows great interest in Chinese ancient characters.Now he wants to know much about it.

________3.Lora and Peter, visiting professors from Australia, are both crazy about Chinese traditional culture.At weekends they like to call on Chinese families to learn about Chinese festivals as well as their history.

________4.Edward is a senior student in Beijing Foreign Language University.He likes traveling very much and has made up his mind to work as an interpreter for some joint-venture(合资)enterprises.

________5.Steve and Mark are both studying in the Chinese Department of China’s Renmin University.They want to do some research on Chinese ancient literature.

A.Are you interested in the “Dream of the Red Mansion”(Hong Lou Meng)?Listen to a lecture on this classical novel.

Venue:National Museum of Chinese Modern Literature(Beijing)

Time:9∶30 a. m.



B.“Jiaguwen” is among the oldest pictographic characters in the world.How much do you know about it? Get all the answers at this free lecture.

Venue:Dongcheng District Library(Beijing)

Time:9∶00 a. m.



C.Former United Nations interpreter Professor Wang Ruojin speaks about her experiences at the UN and shares her understanding of the cultural differences between East and West.

Venue:National Library of China(Beijing)

Time:1∶30 p. m.-4∶00 p. m.



D.Qi Baishi, one of China’s greatest modern painters, was also a poet, calligrapher and seal-cutter.Can you appreciate his works? Then come to spend the time with us.

Venue:Beijing Art Academy

Time:9∶00 a. m.-11∶00 a. m.

Price:10 yuan


E.It is the year of the Dog, and you can see “Fu” everywhere.But how much do you know about dogs-man’s best friend? What is “Fu” and where does it come from? Why do people hang “Fu” character upside down on the door? Get all the answers from this free lecture.

Venue:Capital Library(Beijing)

Time:2∶00 p. m.



F.About 160 cultural relics from Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong are on display to April 15 th.Meanwhile experts will talk about the important roles these three cities have played in the past two thousand years of Sino-Western exchanges.

Venue:Beijin Art Museum

Time:2∶00 p. m.-5∶00 p. m.

Price:20 yuan, students 10 yuan


In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be,   36   that the building was   37  .

After the unforeseeable shock, he   38   the promise he had made to his son: “No matter   39  , I’ll always be there for you!” And tears began to   40   his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins , it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his   41  to his son. He rushed there and started   42   through the ruins.

As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived,   43  : “It’s too late! They’re all dead!

  44  , face the reality, there’s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with   45  : “Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.

Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know   46  : “Is my boy   47   or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in   48  hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his son’s   49  . He creamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back, “Dad! It’s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you’d   50  me and   51  you saved me, they’d he saved. You promised, ‘No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you!’ You did it, Dad!”

“What’s going on in there?” the father asked.

“There are 14 of us   52     53   33, Dad. We’re scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful you’re here.  When the building collapsed, it made   54  , and it saved us.”

“Come, out, boy!”

“No, Dad! Let the other kids out first,   55   I know you’ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you’ll always be there for me!”

A.only discovering                      B.only to discover      

            C.only realizing                        D.only to realize flat as a pancake          high as a mountain

   strong as an ox             weak as a kitten

A.memorized    B.forgot               C.kept            D.remembered

A.what          B.what happen         C.which           D.who

A.fill            B.fill in               C.come           D.burst

A.picture        B.promise             C.present         D.encourage

A.digging        B.digging through       C.digging out      D.digging into say         B.said                C.and saying      D.saying

A.Come out      B.Come again          C.Come on       D.Come off word sound row line

A.for himself    B.of himself  himself himself                    C.alive            D.lively

A.38            B.the 38               C.38 th         D.the 38 th

A.sound         B.voice               C.noise           D.tone

A.will save       B.would save             D.would have saved

A.when          B.because             C.even if          D.thought

A.remained       B.missing             C.left            D.gone

A.for            B.behind              C.out of           D.over

A.a promise             D.a triangle

A.because        B.though              C.when           D.even though



To tweet, or not to tweet?

A guide to the social networking/ microblogging service Tewitter

SINCE its creation in 2006, Twitter, the social networking service, has taken cyber space by storm. At first glance it might seem like Facebook, but Twitter is in a league of its own, connecting people with fast-paced updates. It has become a place for activities, celebrities, businesses and everyday people to let others know about videos, opinions, interesting news, advertisements-and, yes what they are eating for lunch.

Twitter: n. a free social networking service that connects users through fast-paced status updates.

Twitter-er: n. one who uses Twitter.

Tweet: n. short updates or messages, of 140 characters or less, wh ich are posted on your profile and sent to your followers.

Retweet (RT): n. unofficial Twitter feature that indicates a re-posting of a tweet from another user. Often uses the text RT@username (of the original source) before the post.

Follower: n. one who receives another user’s updates on his or her Twitter profile.

Direct message: n. a private message sent from one Twitter-er to another.

The phenomenon includes a host of new vocabulary terms and concepts that every self-respecting Twitter-er should know. Here’s a quick course on Twitter.

       So you’ve finally been swept up by the techno-tide and gotten a Twitter account. But what to write? Who knew 140 characters could be so overwhelming?

Darren Rowse of the TwiTip blog( recommends a two- step tweeting process: figure out what your follows want, and then give it to them. Some combination of cool links, conversation- starting quotes or questions , retweets and photos works well, Rowse writes.

Keep in mind that Twitter doesn’t directly offer photo hosting. You will need to use a third-party site like TwitPic ( to upload your photos. Other sites, like TwitVid ( can be used to post videos.

If you th ink the Twitter Web Site too complicated, try a Twiiter client—Tweetdeck(tweetdeck. Com/beta) and the Mac-only Tweetie(www. stebits. com)are popular, and both also are available as iPhone apps(应用程序).

Even without an iphone, you can update you Twitter on the go. After adding your phone number to your Twitter account, you can text updates to 40404(check Twitter’s Web site for numbers to use outside the United States)

But no matter how you tweet, remember that people can see what you post, and Twitter might not be the best place to complain about your boss, even if you make your Twitter private, your followers may not share your sense of discretion.

       Twitter is crowded with celebrith accounts. The famous , who once avoided the media in their private lives, are posting everything on Twitter for all the cyber world to see, gathering followers in the millions. Who’s leading the celebrity pack? TwitterCounter(, a site that tracks the most popular Twitter users, lists Ashton Kuntcher and former fashion model, as the nost popular Twitter-er with, as of our publication date, 2,691,112 followers.

Title: To tweet, or not to tweet?

Introductionto Twitter

(71)     in 2006, twitter, the soclal networking service, has enjoyed(72)    among the cyber world.

Basic Twitter(73)    





(74)     to tweet your tweets

●Follow a two-step tweeting process, according to the (75)    of Darren Rowse.

●Use a third-party site to upload your photos and post videos.

●Try Twitter clients to help you (76)   Twitter, among which the Tweet-deck and the Mac-only Tweetie are well (77)    .

●Add your phone number to your Twitter account if you don’t have an iPhone.

●Be(78)   of what you post even if your twitter is made private

Celebrity twitter-ers

Celebrties now are (79)    about tweeting, among whom Ashton Kutcher is the most popular, (80)    by the largest number of twitter users.

To tweet, or not to tweet?

A guide to the social networking/ microblogging service Tewitter

SINCE its creation in 2006, Twitter, the social networking service, has taken cyber space by storm. At first glance it might seem like Facebook, but Twitter is in a league of its own, connecting people with fast-paced updates. It has become a place for activities, celebrities, businesses and everyday people to let others know about videos, opinions, interesting news, advertisements-and, yes what they are eating for lunch.

The phenomenon includes a host of new vocabulary terms and concepts that every self-respecting Twitter-er should know. Here’s a quick course on Twitter.

       So you’ve finally been swept up by the techno-tide and gotten a Twitter account. But what to write? Who knew 140 characters could be so overwhelming?

Darren Rowse of the TwiTip blog( recommends a two- step tweeting process: figure out what your follows want, and then give it to them. Some combination of cool links, conversation- starting quotes or questions , retweets and photos works well, Rowse writes.

Keep in mind that Twitter doesn’t directly offer photo hosting. You will need to use a third-party site like TwitPic ( to upload your photos. Other sites, like TwitVid ( can be used to post videos.

If you th ink the Twitter Web Site too complicated, try a Twiiter client—Tweetdeck(tweetdeck. Com/beta) and the Mac-only Tweetie(www. stebits. com)are popular, and both also are available as iPhone apps(应用程序).

Even without an iphone, you can update you Twitter on the go. After adding your phone number to your Twitter account, you can text updates to 40404(check Twitter’s Web site for numbers to use outside the United States)

But no matter how you tweet, remember that people can see what you post, and Twitter might not be the best place to complain about your boss, even if you make your Twitter private, your followers may not share your sense of discretion.

       Twitter is crowded with celebrith accounts. The famous , who once avoided the media in their private lives, are posting everything on Twitter for all the cyber world to see, gathering followers in the millions. Who’s leading the celebrity pack? TwitterCounter(, a site that tracks the most popular Twitter users, lists Ashton Kuntcher and former fashion model, as the nost popular Twitter-er with, as of our publication date, 2,691,112 followers.

Title: To tweet, or not to tweet?

Introductionto Twitter

(71)     in 2006, twitter, the soclal networking service, has enjoyed(72)    among the cyber world.

Basic Twitter(73)    





(74)     to tweet your tweets

●Follow a two-step tweeting process, according to the (75)    of Darren Rowse.

●Use a third-party site to upload your photos and post videos.

●Try Twitter clients to help you (76)   Twitter, among which the Tweet-deck and the Mac-only Tweetie are well (77)    .

●Add your phone number to your Twitter account if you don’t have an iPhone.

●Be(78)   of what you post even if your twitter is made private

Celebrity twitter-ers

Celebrties now are (79)    about tweeting, among whom Ashton Kutcher is the most popular, (80)    by the largest number of twitter users.

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