Christie stuck out her head against the lever (操纵杆)to turn her wheelchair toward Ben."Thanksfor ... believing …in me,…Ben,” she said,determined to get the words out 21  “But I don’ t want to. be your 22 want to be like everyone else."

   Ben had said how Christie 23 him. She had learned to do so many things for 'herself since the 24 . She never let someone hand her something if she could learn to 25 it by herself. Sometimes it took hours of 26 and practicing. To Ben that kind of 27 was heroic.

   On 28 like this one,Ben got up early to see Christie before catching the bus to school. Although Christie would come to 29 later in a special bus,Ben didn’ t want to 30 his day without her view on the world. Christie always got up early to catch the latest 31 on TV. She would swmmaWze (概括) it for him. She always 32 (积极的) news that made him feel 33 about life.As Ben stood up to walk to the bus,he 34something. “Where's Alisha?” he asked. Christie' s cat,Lexi,had had ?r?íms (小猫) .Alisha was the last

? kitten to be bom,and Christie's 35 . The kitten had learned to jump onto Christie's lap and lick her hand.

Christie had planned to 36 her.

  “She's at Karen's house,” Christie said.

:“Karen's grandmoth?r 37 last week. Karen is so sad. She really  38 a special friendlike Alisha,”

  “You gate Alisha away?” Ben asked.

  “Karen will be good to Alisha ,” Christie said. aYou are really 39 ,” Ben said. “You are my hero,no matter what yoi? do.

 “No,” Christie said. “I  40 did what you would do, Ben."

21. A. angrily   B. quickly   C. simply   D. clearly

22. A. neighbor   B. hero    C. audience   D. friend

23. A. amazed   B. noticed    C. satisfied   D. forgot

24. A. activity   B. performance

   C. event   D. accident

25. A. get   B. buy   C. control   D. guess

26. A. remembering   B. playing

   C. trying   D. crying

27. A. kindness   B. excitement

   C. determination   D. freedom

28. A. weekends   B. weekdays

  C. holidays   D. festivals

29. A. meeting   B. street  C. school   D. hospital

30. A end   B. start    C. waste   D. make

31. A. movie   B. fashion

   C. means   D. news

32. A. stressed  B. wrote    C. doubted   D. ignored

33. A. curious   B. disappointed

   C. good    D. worried

34. A. understood   B. realized

   C. accepted   D. predicted

35. A. pain   B. pressure

  C. favorite   D. dream

36. A. touch   B. hold   C. sell   D. keep

37. A. passed away   B. ran out

   C. turned up   D. settled down

38. A. trusts   B. needs   C. enjoys   D. misses

39. A. nice   B. strange   C. shy   D. brave

40. A. Still   B. just    C. also   D. already

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