
 By choosing to let go of the past, we sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down and affect every aspect of our health, and our peace of mind.

  My friend Jean was divorced after a thirty-year marriage that produced three daughters, one son and eight grandchildren. Because she actually raised them single-handedly, Jean was hurt and angry that the children didn't take her part after the divorce. For months she refused to attend any family celebration to which her former husband Jim was invited. When I reasoned that her children’s understanding of the relationship with and between the parents was probably altogether different from hers, she stuck to the belief that she was right.

  One day Jean called in tears. “Saturday is my granddaughter's birthday, and I want to be with her, but I can’t bring myself to face my former husband.”  “Jim isn't the problem,” I said gently, “it's false pride. Instead of holding on to the painful past, which is over and done, let the feelings go and get on with your life. You're depriving yourself of the joy of sharing in these important occasions, while Jim feels free to experience them. Tell me, would you rather be right, or be happy?”

  That must have done the trick because when Saturday arrived, Jean appeared at her daughter's home carrying her famous chocolate-chip cookies and a beautiful birthday


How great it feels to let go! And the more we practice the art of letting go of all negativity, the better able we become to devote our thoughts, our time, and our energy to living joyfully in the present, what ever age we happen to be.

1. It can be inferred that ____.

   A. Jim did very little to bring up the children during their marriage.

   B. The writer thought Jean and Jim shouldn't have divorced.

   C. The children were on their father's side and didn't invite Jean to any family celebration.

   D. Jean had been too tough on Jim before they divorced.

2.The underlined phrase “depriving yourself of” is closest in meaning to ____ .

   A. persuading yourself to get              B. taking away from yourself

   C. taking false pride of yourself            D. talking yourself into showing

3.In the writer's opinion, ____.

A. Jean and Jim should be remarried

B. a broken family could live together in peace

C. to be happy is more meaningful than to be right

D. everyone should look into the future










The easiest way for the English to deal with their social discomfort is to avoid social interaction altogether, by choosing either leisure (闲暇) activities that can be performed in the privacy of one’s own house, or outdoor activities that follow their interest without direct contact with anyone other than one’s own family members, such as going for a walk, or to the cinema, or shopping.

In recent survey, over half of all the leisure activities were of this private domestic type, and of the top ten pastimes, only two—having friends round for a meal or drink, and going to the pub—could be described as ‘sociable’. The most domestic activities are the most popular: watching TV, listening to the radio, reading, DIY (Do It Yourself) and gardening. Even when the English are being sociable, the survey findings show that most of them would much rather entertain a few close friends or relatives in the safety of their own homes than venture out  among strangers.

In the latest national census survey (人口普查), over half of the entire adult male population had been DIYing in the four weeks before the census date. Nearly a third of the female population had also been busily improving their homes, and their work with their gardens was equally obvious: 52 percent of all English males and 45 percent of females had been out there, cutting branches and weeding grass.

Even among people claiming to belong to a particular religion, only two percent attend services every week. The rest of the population can be found every Sunday at their local garden center or DIY superstore. And when they want a break from caring about their own homes and gardens, they go on trips to visit bigger and better houses and gardens, such as the stately homes and gardens opened to the public by the National Trust and the Royal Horticulture Society. Visiting grand country houses always ranks as one of the most popular national pastimes.

The result of the survey shows that ________.

A. about half English people enjoy working in their gardens

B. 8 out of 10 pastimes can be described as social activities

C. 2 percent of the religious people enjoy visits to public houses

D. visiting stately homes is the most popular national pastime

According to the passage, the English enjoy all of the following EXCEPT________.

A. the social activities, such as gathering with friends

B. working at home and in their gardens

C. dining out in a public place among strangers

D. visits to stately homes and gardens

The underlined word “domestic” probably means________.

A. public      B. household          C. outdoor            D. collective

The passage mainly tells us about________.

A. why the English don’t like social activities

B. how the English spend their leisure time

C. what the result of a recent census survey is

D. where the English hold their private activities

Today, when there are many top graduates looking for top jobs, graduates can differentiate(区别) themselves by obtaining a double major or even a double degree. Increasingly, employers are looking for individuals who are not only competent and intelligent, but who have different skill sets and who are knowledgeable in many areas. Part of the appeal to employers is that your extra work demonstrates a willingness to take on difficult tasks. Additionally, if your majors overlap (重叠), you are able to show potential employers that you have both breadth  and depth of knowledge.

By studying for a double major, although you will be studying for only one degree, you will be focusing on two related and integrated subjects that complement (补充) each other. Classes overlap between the majors, meaning fewer classes are required than with a double degree, so it is easier to finish within four years.

In contrast, with the more rigorous (严格的) double degree, you will be studying for two different degrees in two completely different areas of study. Although pursuing such a course of study allows students to complete two wholly separate degrees in less time than if they were to earn them separately, many strong students still find it incredibly difficult to complete in four or five years.

If you are committed to a double major/degree, it is wise to do a little bit of planning. Some students try to find two courses of studies that are related, while others seek to round out their academic studies by choosing two completely unrelated fields.

    For double majors, common pairings include: (i) economics and a foreign language; (ii) political science or government and journalism; (iii) economics and psychology.

For double degrees, common pairings include: (i) engineering and a business program such as finance or accounting; (ii) engineering and economics.

What do employers think of the graduates with different skill sets and knowledge in many areas?

A. They should be given top jobs.

B. They are willing to take difficult tasks.

C. They are better than those who are competent and intelligent.

D. They must have attained a double major or even a double degree.       

According to the passage, the underlined word “breadth” most probably means_________.

A. width  B. amount      C. quantity                D. quality

To obtain a double major, you _________.

A. should complete two wholly separate degrees

B. need to focus on two related and integrated subjects

C. need to spend more time than obtaining a double degree

D. have to take courses in two completely different areas of study

If you are devoted to a double major or degree, you should _________.

A. find two subjects with overlapping classes

B. learn about what your potential employers want

C. decide what to learn with your intentions considered     

D. try to decide on some common pairings as soon as possible

Which statement is CORRECT according to the passage?

A. Economics is a major while engineering is a degree.

B. Every college student should take a double major or degree.

C. Earning a double degree is more difficult than obtaining a double major.

D Some students choose two completely unrelated fields to show their ability in academic study.

Today, when there are many top graduates looking for top jobs, graduates can differentiate(区别) themselves by obtaining a double major or even a double degree. Increasingly, employers are looking for individuals who are not only competent and intelligent, but who have different skill sets and who are knowledgeable in many areas. Part of the appeal to employers is that your extra work demonstrates a willingness to take on difficult tasks. Additionally, if your majors overlap (重叠), you are able to show potential employers that you have both breadth and depth of knowledge.

By studying for a double major, although you will be studying for only one degree, you will be focusing on two related and integrated subjects that complement (补充) each other. Classes overlap between the majors, meaning fewer classes are required than with a double degree, so it is easier to finish within four years.

In contrast, with the more rigorous (严格的) double degree, you will be studying for two different degrees in two completely different areas of study. Although pursuing such a course    of study allows students to complete two wholly separate degrees in less time than if they  were to earn them separately, many strong students still find it incredibly difficult to complete in four or five years.

If you are committed to a double major/degree, it is wise to do a little bit of planning. Some students try to find two courses of studies that are related, while others seek to round out their academic studies by choosing two completely unrelated fields.

    For double majors, common pairings include: (i) economics and a foreign language; (ii) political science or government and journalism; (iii) economics and psychology.

For double degrees, common pairings include: (i) engineering and a business program such as finance or accounting; (ii) engineering and economics.

1.What do employers think of the graduates with different skill sets and knowledge in many areas?

  A. They should be given top jobs.          

  B. They are willing to take difficult tasks.

  C. They are better than those who are competent and intelligent.

  D. They must have attained a double major or even a double degree.       

2.According to the passage, the underlined word “breadth” most probably means_________.

   A. quality        B. amount       C. quantity         D. width

3.To obtain a double major, you _________.

   A. should complete two wholly separate degrees

   B. need to focus on two related and integrated subjects

   C. need to spend more time than obtaining a double degree

   D. have to take courses in two completely different areas of study

4.If you are devoted to a double major or degree, you should _________.

                  A. find two subjects with overlapping classes

   B. learn about what your potential employers want

   C. decide what to learn with your intentions considered 

   D. try to decide on some common pairings as soon as possible

5.Which statement is CORRECT according to the passage?

  A. Economics is a major while engineering is a degree.

   B. Every college student should take a double major or degree.

   C. Earning a double degree is more difficult than obtaining a double major.

D. Some students choose two completely unrelated fields to show their ability in academic study.


Section B:  Vocabulary

Directions: Complete the passage by choosing the proper words in the box.

Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.




D.typical E. really

F. simple        G. bought      H. ending         I. design       J. wonderful

Almost every day we come across situations in which we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something __41__but hard to get, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, a false idea created by companies and advertisers hoping to sell their products.

The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people’s lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly __42__. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, __43__in the costomer giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted. Recent studies in England have shown that many electrical goods __44__ in almost every family are not __45__ needed. More difficult decision-making is then either avoided or trusted into the hands of the __46__, lifestyle instructors, or advisors.

It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products come on the market. Advances in __47__ and production help quicken the process. Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The __48__ example is computers, which are almost out-of-date once they are bought. This indeed makes selection a problem. So gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing: no choice, no __49__.


You'd be forgiven for thinking that running after children each day would leave parents in the best shape of their lives.But a study has found that the mothers and fathers of young children are more unhealthy than their childless peers(同龄人).

Mothers with young children are heavier and eat more calories and fatty foods,and consume more sugary dinks than chidless women,scientists said.And both sexes are less active than those in their age group without children.

Parents often choose quick,easily preparesd foods that are high in fat and calories,and by choosing these foods they may in turn serve them to their children,forming a cycle of unhealthy diet.

Dr.Berge,one of the study authors,said:“This isn't a study about blame,this is about spotting a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of ,so they can offer solutions(解决办法).”

According to the study ,mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly,equal to about four chidless women.They also had an average of 2,360 calories daily,368 calories more than women without children,With that many calorise,women that age would need to be active to avoid to avoid gaining weight.

Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories childless men and both had an average boby-mass index(指数),but fathersgot less physical activity—about five hours weekly ,compared to almost seven hours among chidless men.

The study has several limitations-there's no data on how many women reccently had babies.Ther's also no information on the number of single parents,who likely face diet and exercise challenges.Sarah Kriger,an American dietician who works with new mothers said some of the mothers may have had postpartum(产后)depression,which might affect their eating and exercise habits.

1.What does the author mainly aim to tell us in the passage?

A.Childless couples live a much happier life than those with children.

B.Mothers will be unhealthy because of the postpartum deprdession

C.Couples of young children eat more fatty foods and lead unhealthier lives.

D.Fathers tend to eat high calorie foods because they should run after thrie children.

2.The underlined part“in the best shape”in the first paragraph means that a person  .

A.is busy and tires

B.has a most harmonious family

C.enjoys the most happiness

D.is in the most healthy condition

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about mothers with children?

A.They are less active

B.They eat unhealthy foods

C.They may feel unhappy aftre having babies

D.They may lose their jobs aftre having babies

4.What Dr.Berge says in Paragraph 4 suggests that    .

A.Parents should pay more attention to their chidren

B.doctors should do something with parents'high-risk time period

C.the study has drawn attention of doctors and young parents

D.parents should not be blamde for having an unhealthy lifestyle

5.We can learn from the last paragraph that      .

A.the result of the study result in aan unscientific way

B.the study was carried out in an unscientific way

C.single mothers are surely facing quyite different situation

D.postpartum depression will help mothers to lead a healthier lirf


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