All around the world, shoppers flock to Wal-Mart to buy everything.In Texas, they come for another reason: to see the wind turbine(涡轮机) , which supplies 5% of the store's electricity.It along with other facilities, such as exterior walls coated with heat-reflective paint, makes this Wal-Mart a green giant.

The laws of economics suggest that Wal-Mart, with 5, 200 stores worldwide, influences everything including the price of all kinds of goods.It throws its weight behind environmental responsibility, and the impact could be amazing."One little change in product packaging could  save 1, 500 trees," says Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott."If everybody saves 1, 500 trees or 50 barrels of oil, at the end of the day you have made a huge difference."

Scott wants Wal-Mart to do its part too.He has promised to cut the existing greenhouse-gas emissions (排放) over the next few years and promised to construct new stores that are more efficient.He wants Wal-Mart's fleet (车队) of more than 7, 000 trucks to get twice as many miles per gallon by 2015.Factories that show Wal-Mart they're cutting air pollution will get preferential treatment in the supply chain. Wal-Mart says it's working with consumer-product manufacturers to  reduce their packaging and will reward them if they do so.

Some people may doubt it is a bid to attract attention from Wal-Mart's controversial labor and health-insurance practices.But it's not just window dressing, because Wal-Mart sees profits in going green.Scott says, "This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophyWe don't go where we don't think there's a great interest in change."

Like Bill Gates, who started his charitable foundation, Scott happens to be promoting Wal-Mart's image at a time when his company's reputation is declining.He acknowledges that he launched the plan partly to shield (保护,庇护) Wal-Mart from bad press about its contribution to global warming." By doing what we're doing today, we avoid the headline risks that are going to come for people who did not do anything," he says."At some point businesses will be held responsible for the actions they take." Meanwhile, should Wal-Mart succeed at shrinking its environmental footprint and lowering prices for green products, both the planet and the company will profit.

1.We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. Lee Scott is Wal-Mart's CEO

B. there are 5, 200 stores in the world

C. Wal-Mart has a great influence on the world market

D. Wal-Mart has more than 7, 000 trucks all over the world

2.What does the underlined sentence "This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophy." mean in the fourth paragraph?

A. Wal-Mart predicts huge profits in its green activity.

B. Wal-Mart's green activity is just window dressing.

C. Wal-Mart aims to solve its health-insurance practices.

D. Wal-Mart doesn't have any social responsibility at all.

3.What will Wal-Mart probably do in the future?

A.Reduce air pollution in its present stores.

B.Give favorable treatment to its consumers.

C.Ask the factories to reduce their packaging.

D.Demand the fleet of trucks to use more fuel than before.

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Provide the background of the green plan.

B.Stress the purpose of Wal-Mart's green plan.

C.Present the risk that Wal-Mart is facing nowadays.

D.Analyze the similarity between Bill Gates and Scott.


Butch O’Hare was a fighter pilot. One day his entire squadron(中队)was sent on a mission. In the air after taking off, he realized that someone had  36   to fill up the tank. He would not have enough  37   to complete his flight and get back to his ship. His flight  38   told him to return to the carrier (航空母舰).

As he was returning to the mother  39 ,  he saw something that turned his blood  40  . A squadron of Japanese planes was speeding their way toward the  41   fleet(舰队).The fleet was defenseless. He couldn’t  42   his squadron and brings them back in time to save the fleet. Nor could he   43   the fleet of the coming danger.

There was only one thing to do. He  44   force the Japanese away from the fleet. Laying aside all the thoughts of personal  45 ,  he dove his plane into the formation of Japanese  46  . His plane fired hard as he charged in, attacking one  47   enemy plane and then another. Butch fired at as many planes as possible until all his ammunition(弹药) 48  . Bravely he continued the fighting. He dove at the planes,  49   to hit the enemy planes in hopes of  50   as many enemy planes as possible. 51,  the angry Japanese squadron flew away in another  52  . With a great weight taken off his  53   Butch O’Hare and his damaged fighter came back to the carrier.

The film from the camera on his plane told the  54 . It showed Butch’s daring action to  55   his fleet. He had in fact destroyed five enemy aircraft. He became an American hero.




































































A.ran out

B.died away

C.left out

D.put away











































阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Roy wasn't the only one to receive his call-up(入伍)papers.Stephen Napier's call-up came at the beginning of February and he was pleased to find that he would be going into the Royal Air Force (RAF).

His father was not so pleased and made his feelings known as he and Stephen were on their daily walk. It was the first step in his plans for Stephen to take over the estate(地产)when the time came, and although Stephen was well aware of this, he could think of no reason not to accompany him.

"Thought you'd forgotten that nonsense. Still, I dare say I could pull a few strings to get you to the Army..."

"No, Father! I have told you I want to learn to fly. What chance would I have to do that in the Army? I'd be better off in the Navy——at least they've got the Fleet Air Arm. But I have been put in the RAF and that's where I want to be, so let's leave it at that." His face went red. Sent to his father's school and then to Cambridge, much to his satisfaction, he had never had to defend his own desires and his father was a hard man to oppose.

The father glared at Stephen, "No, I won't leave it at that. I want to know what other ridiculous ideas are in your head. For a start, what's all this about America?"


"Yes. All those books I saw in your room the other day. Brochures about emigration(移民)."

The big, silvered head lowered, like that of a bull about to charge."Don't trouble to deny it."

"I won't, Father. Some men at Cambridge have been talking about it. They want people like us here, mathematicians and scientists, for all kinds of research——the sort of research I could do.It would be a worthwhile life for me."

The father responded exactly as his son had known he would."You've got a worthwhile life here!You've got an estate to run!"

"No, Father. You've got an estate to run. I never asked for it. Why not ask Baden to do this stuff? He perhaps can make a good job of it, but I..."

"If he were here, I might think about this silly idea of yours——only think about it, mind you but..."

1.If Father wanted Stephen to take over the estate, the first thing he did would__________.

A .take a walk with Stephen as usual   

B. wait till his son graduated from Cambridge

C. persuade Stephen not to go into RAF  

D. send Stephen to the Army instead of RAF

2.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A . Stephen preferred to go into the Navy rather than the Army.

B. Stephen also received his call-up papers as Roy.

C. The father didn't like Stephen's idea of going to America.

D. Stephen was eventually forced to stay to run the estate.

3. After reading this passage, we can infer that__________.

A. Stephen had never had to defend his desires before

B. Baden might be one of Stephen's family members

C. Stephen wanted to fly in RAF and become a pilot in America

D. if somebody took over the estate, Stephen could realize his dream

4.What do we learn from the underlined sentence?

A. It looked as if the father was angry when mentioning the brochures.

B. The father was very angry and wanted to beat his son Stephen.

C. Stephen was annoyed when his father referred to the brochures.

D. A big red bull was about to charge at Stephen.

5.Which would be the best title for this passage?

A . RAF——a better choice than the Army   B. A talk between Father and Son

C. The dreams of a Cambridge student   D. Conflict between Father and Son


Roy wasn't the only one to receive his call-up(入伍)papers.Stephen Napier's call-up came at the beginning of February and he was pleased to find that he would be going into the Royal Air Force (RAF).

His father was not so pleased and made his feelings known as he and Stephen were on their daily walk. It was the first step in his plans for Stephen to take over the estate(地产)when the time came, and although Stephen was well aware of this, he could think of no reason not to accompany him.

"Thought you'd forgotten that nonsense. Still, I dare say I could pull a few strings to get you to the Army..."

"No, Father! I have told you I want to learn to fly. What chance would I have to do that in the Army? I'd be better off in the Navy——at least they've got the Fleet Air Arm. But I have been put in the RAF and that's where I want to be, so let's leave it at that." His face went red. Sent to his father's school and then to Cambridge, much to his satisfaction, he had never had to defend his own desires and his father was a hard man to oppose.

The father glared at Stephen, "No, I won't leave it at that. I want to know what other ridiculous ideas are in your head. For a start, what's all this about America?"


"Yes. All those books I saw in your room the other day. Brochures about emigration(移民)."

The big, silvered head lowered, like that of a bull about to charge."Don't trouble to deny it."

"I won't, Father. Some men at Cambridge have been talking about it. They want people like us here, mathematicians and scientists, for all kinds of research——the sort of research I could do.It would be a worthwhile life for me."

The father responded exactly as his son had known he would."You've got a worthwhile life here!You've got an estate to run!"

"No, Father. You've got an estate to run. I never asked for it. Why not ask Baden to do this stuff? He perhaps can make a good job of it, but I..."

"If he were here, I might think about this silly idea of yours——only think about it, mind you but..."

1.If Father wanted Stephen to take over the estate, the first thing he did would__________.

A .take a walk with Stephen as usual     B. wait till his son graduated from Cambridge

C. persuade Stephen not to go into RAF  D. send Stephen to the Army instead of RAF

2.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A . Stephen preferred to go into the Navy rather than the Army.

B. Stephen also received his call-up papers as Roy.

C. The father didn't like Stephen's idea of going to America.

D. Stephen was eventually forced to stay to run the estate.

3.After reading this passage, we can infer that__________.

A. Stephen had never had to defend his desires before

B. Baden might be one of Stephen's family members

C. Stephen wanted to fly in RAF and become a pilot in America

D. if somebody took over the estate, Stephen could realize his dream

4.What do we learn from the underlined sentence?

A. It looked as if the father was angry when mentioning the brochures.

B. The father was very angry and wanted to beat his son Stephen.

C. Stephen was annoyed when his father referred to the brochures.

D. A big red bull was about to charge at Stephen.

5.Which would be the best title for this passage?

A . RAF——a better choice than the Army   B. A talk between Father and Son

C. The dreams of a Cambridge student   D. Conflict between Father and Son


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