
What should I eat for breakfast? Who should I go out with on weekends? What should I do if I miss the bus to school? What colleges should I apply for? Again and again Chinese kids ask these questions to their teachers and parents. They can’t make their own choices.
Kids in America would be very surprised to hear how much Chinese children depend on adults. When they are ten years old, kids decide what clothes they want to wear and buy. By twelve they know what classes to take for middle school. Thirteen years old is the beginning of being what Americans call a “teenager”. Now the child is up to almost all his / her decisions. Finally at sixteen the kid usually gets a car from his / her parents.
Why should kids be independent? Think about it. After high school most of us will be by ourselves. Will our parents be able to tell us what to eat for breakfast in college? Can our teachers decide what we should do at work?
Making our own choices can be quite hard and scary. But we can start with making small choices, and then slowly make bigger and more important choices.
64. The first paragraph is written to tell the readers that Chinese kids ______.
A. don’t know what to do                B. always have many questions
C. believe in their teachers and parents     D. depend on adults too much
65. At what age can an American kid make most decisions by himself or herself?
A. Ten.                 B. Twelve.          C. Thirteen.           D. Sixteen.
66. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. American kids are more independent than Chinese kids.
B. American kids will more easily adapt themselves to society.
C. American parents don’t care for their children.
D. A sixteen American youngster can drive his / her own car.
67. In the writer’s eyes, ______.
A. dependence on adults is shameful in China
B. independence from adults is worth encouraging
C. kids have no ability to make a real choice
D. making decisions is rather easy

64--67   DCCB  

解析64. D。第一段主要讲了中国的孩子对成年人的依赖性太强。
65. C。根据第二段中的“Now the child is up to almost all his / her decisions.”可知。
66. C。美国的父母并非不关心孩子。和中国的父母相比,他们更重视对孩子的 独立能力的培养。
67. B。从文章后两段可以看出作者是鼓励孩子独立的。



I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台)in her general store.       1.         I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.”

At first I was paid in candy.        2.        I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account.     3. By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “What color do you think I sho uld wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into make-up ideas.    4.       .

The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a Rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener.     5.      and expect they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed.

A. Later I received 50 cents an hour.

B. Before long, she let me sit there by myself.

C. I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics.

D. Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers

E. My grandma’s trust taught me how to handle responsibility.

F. Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.

G. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.



Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my  36  , Chris, shouting from the backyard. We all    37    out to see what happened.   38 we finally located him, he was in a tree 39  from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40   to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n) 41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42   , hold it under the branch, and tell him to   43    so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to    44    her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we    45    a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were    46    from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were    47    it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a  48  voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at  49  with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How    50    he was to trust us! And no matter how  51  we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big    53    right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to sense if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”,    54  ,  “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it.  55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. 

36. A. neighbour            B. brother             C. classmate         D. cousin

37. A. headed             B. wandered           C. waited            D. stayed

38. A. After                B. Since               C. Though                   D. When          

39. A. jumping            B. looking              C. hanging           D. shaking

40. A. try                            B. manage            C. plan              D. decide

41. A. serious              B. awkward            C. similar            D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet              B. ladder               C. quilt              D. net

43. A. slide                 B. drop                C. climb                    D. move

44. A. change               B. offer               C. prove                    D. confirm

45. A. bought                B. took                C. fetched            D. snatched

46. A. counting            B. lasting               C. ranging               D. decreasing

47. A. proud                B. happy                 C. grateful            D. confident

48. A. soft                 B. trembling          C. frightening           D. loud

49. A. birth                 B. school              C. church                   D. table

50. A. lucky                 B. bright               C. stupid             D. careless

51. A. tight                 B. long               C. high                D. close     

52. A. on                  B. under              C. across             D. through

53. A. noise               B. swing              C. mark                 D. hole

54. A.in words             B. in other words      C. in a word          D. in word

55. A. Strangely           B. Fortunately        C. Eventually         D. Disappointedly

Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42  , hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were   46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48   voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously

Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42  , hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were  46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48 voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously


Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 ____ from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42___, hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were   46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48____ voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously

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