
It’s five minutes before the exam and you are in a state of panic. You just have to pass it, but how? You didn’t even open the book the night before and you hear a voice in your head saying “Cheat, cheat ...” So what are you going to do, ignore it and fail or go for it? It’s a tough decision many students must make.

Most young people believe that cheating is wrong. However, they have cheated at least once in their high school years. So, why do they do it? Are they too lazy to study? Perhaps, it’s not as simple as that. According to some experts, one main reason why students cheat is that they see their friends get away with it. It’s an easy way out. They avoid embarrassment and their parents’ anger for not doing well in an exam. Another reason is that students think it’s OK to cheat if the subject isn’t important for their future career. What’s more, most students have to put up with the pressure of getting into university. They need to get good marks to carry on with their studies. This means that there will always be students who will do anything for a better mark.

It has never been easier to cheat than it is today. With all the technology available, students needn’t cheat by looking over their shoulders anymore. They use mobile phones to send answers to each other during a test. There is also the Internet. With hundreds of websites, students don’t have to worry because they can find lots of material which they can copy and use in projects. There are even tips on the art of cheating in exams.

Obviously, if you get caught cheating, you fail the exam or the subject. But it doesn’t really matter whether you get caught or not. What’s important is that it’s wrong. You mustn’t cheat because cheating is a lie. It deceives (欺骗) people into thinking you know more than you actually do. How can you be proud of something you have achieved through cheating? In the end, it’s not about deceiving your teachers and your parents, but about fooling yourself that you can do something you really can’t.

1.The tough decision that many students have to make before an exam is .

A. whether to cheat or not B. what to do if they fail

C. how to cheat D. how to keep calm

2.According to the experts, why do some students cheat?

A. The subjects are important for their future.B. They are too lazy to study.

C. Cheating can help them please their parents.D. Their friends ask them to cheat.

3.The worst thing about cheating is that .

A. you cheat others and yourself

B. you can get caught and fail

C. you give others a bad impression

D. your teacher will inform your parents

4.Which sentence best summarizes the whole text?

A. Cheating can be explained but not excused.

B. Technology has made cheating easier.

C. Students cheat to get into university.

D. Cheating is a social and psychological problem.








1.一段句子…“Cheat, cheat ...” So what are you going to do, ignore it and fail or go for it? It’s a tough decision many students must make.可知,好多学生在考前对于是否作弊难以决断。所以答案选A。

2.细节理解题。 根据第二段句子…They avoid embarrassment and their parents’ anger for not doing well in an exam.可知,一些学生作弊的原因是为了取悦父母。所以答案选C。

3.it doesn’t really matter whether you get caught or not. 可知,B项不正确。根据What’s important is that it’s wrong. 和In the end, it’s not about deceiving your teachers and your parents, but about fooling yourself that you can do something you really can’t.可知,作弊最糟糕的是你在欺骗自己和别人,让别人以为你能做事实你不能做的事。所以答案选A。




Understanding the basic tips on growing grass will help you create a healthy and green lawn. If you plan the right variety at the right time and in the right place, you’ll achieve success.

Autumn is the ideal growing season for the majority of grass varieties. Prepare the soil in this season as you do for any other plant. Based on the type of grass that you have chosen, the nutrient requirements may differ. For poor soil that is lack of essential plant nutrients, you can supply it with some organic fertilizer.

To grow grass successfully, make sure you select the correct variety that will adapt to the soil conditions of your area and to the growing location. You can choose the American shade grass variety or native grass varieties.

The sowing of grass can be done on bare soil or on an existing lawn. After sowing the grass seeds, cover them with a layer of top soil to quicken the germination (萌芽) process. In the first few weeks, you should irrigate the area every other day. Reduce the watering frequency after the grass has germinated. The addition of proper fertilizers at the right time is necessary for the healthy growth of grass. In the case of grass growing in shady environments, limit the use of fertilizers.

Weed control is another important tip for growing grass. The presence of weeds in grass growing areas leads to competition for water and nutrients, thus resulting in the poor growth of the planted grass. Hence, in order to avoid this condition, ensure that you remove the weeds regularly.

Lastly, one should also watch out for the presence of diseases and pests around the grass growing site in order to preserve the beauty of the lawn.

Advice on How 1.

I. Rule of thumb

★plant the right variety at the right time and in the right place

II. 2.

★choose the soil in 3. , which is the ideal grass growing season

★add organic fertilizer to poor soil lacking essential plant nutrients

III. Grass variety

★select the correct variety 4. the soil condition and growing location

IV. Sowing

★sow grass seeds over soil and cover them with a layer of top soil to make the grass seeds 5.

V. 6. and Fertilization

★irrigate the area every other day and reduce the watering frequency after germination

★ 7. proper fertilizers but limit the use of fertilizers in shady locations

VI. 8.

★remove weeds regularly to 9. competition for water and nutrients

VII. Disease control

★ 10. to the presence of diseases and pests to preserve the beauty of the lawn


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