
Like any awards ceremony of its age, the Oscars, now in its 85th year, has been trying hard to change.

So how did that go this year? When host Seth MacFarlane noted in his opening speech that it was the first time the Academy Awards had a theme, I thought: “well, that’s a good start.”

But when he revealed that the theme was a tribute to(向…致敬) musicals, I was less sure. After all, it’s not the first time that musicals have featured at the Oscars.

In 2007, the cast of Dream-girls gave a special performance directed by movie director and musical veteran(经验丰富的老手) Bill Condon. Then there was the memorable 2009 show hosted by Hugh Jackman, who screams musicals. With Beyonce Knowles and Anne Hathaway, he performed several hit songs from move musical. And in 2010, how did Neil Patrick Harris introduce the hosts? By performing a musical number.

So I guess the Oscars could have done better this year. But I must admit, there were more music performances in the three-and-a –half-hour show than ever before. This suggests the Oscars has dropped some of its arrogance and wants to offer audiences more entertainment.

It’s a timely move as the Golden Globes, also known as the “big party,” has become a threat to the Oscars, stealing viewers and even its reputation. Just look at the Oscars’ winning list this year.

You can’t blame the academy for wanting to stick it to the Golden Globes. While they hired Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host the show—certainly more audience-friendly than MacFarlane— and Bill Clinton was invited as a presenter, who did viewers get at the Oscars? The First Lady of the US, Michelle Obama.

Way to go, Oscar! We know you’re struggling to look fresh and young, but don’t lose the pride and dignity that made you one biggest honor in the movie industry. Don’t ever let that change.

1.Examples are given in Para.4 to show that__________.

A.the Oscars has been trying hard to change

B.the Oscars’ theme is a tribute to musicals

C.it is not the first time that the Oscars has had a theme

D.musicals are not a new feature this year

2.What disappoints the writer is that__________.

A.the Oscars didn’t invite Bill Clinton as a presenter

B.the show took as long as three and a half hours

C.the Oscars has lost some pride and dignity to cater to the audiences

D.the Oscars is no longer fresh and young

3. Which of the following is true of the Golden Globes?

A.It gave an award to the First Lady of the US, Michelle Obama.

B.Its host and hostess had better reputation.

C.It has become highly competitive with the Academy Awards.

D.It is more friendly to the audience.

4.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A.Nothing new, but well done

B.So old, still young

C.New start, good change

D.Too old to change









1.D 推理题。根据Then there was the memorable 2009 show hosted by Hugh Jackman, who screams musicals. With Beyonce Knowles and Anne Hathaway, he performed several hit songs from move musical. And in 2010, how did Neil Patrick Harris introduce the hosts? By performing a musical number.可知已经多个musicals出现了,故这不是一个新的主义。故D项正确。

2.C 推理题。根据文章最后一段Way to go, Oscar! We know you’re struggling to look fresh and young, but don’t lose the pride and dignity that made you one biggest honor in the movie industry.可知作者认为奥斯卡已经失去了骄傲和尊严。所以才呼吁不要这样做。故C正确。

3.C 细节题。根据文章倒数第三段It’s a timely move as the Golden Globes, also known as the “big party,” has become a threat to the Oscars, stealing viewers and even its reputation.可知the Golden Globes已经是奥斯卡的一个强劲的对手了。故C正确。

4.A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是奥斯卡奖所遇见的新的挑战,虽然在这两年的颁奖山没有什么新意,但是总体来说还是成功的,不过也面临着挑战。故A正确。





When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than most of the adults in our community.

  When Dr. Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres, and his life’s goal was to make it a forest.

  The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant care and growth. He never watered his new trees, which flew in the face of conventional wisdom. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them so that each successive tree generation would grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things rough for them and weed out(淘汰) the weaker trees early on.

He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture. I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.

  So he never watered his trees. He planted an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he’d beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. Smack! Slap! Pow! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.

Dr. Gibbs passed away a couple of years after I left home. Every now and again, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I’d watched him plant some twenty-five years ago. They’re extremely tall, big and robust since they have deep roots now. However, the trees in my garden trembled in a cold wind although I had watered them for several years.

It seems that adversity(逆境) and suffering benefit these trees in ways comfort and ease never could. I stood there deep in thought.

  Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I stand over them and watch their little bodies, the rising and falling of life within. I often pray for them. Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy. But I think it’s time to change my prayer(祷词) because now I know my children are going to encounter hardship..

According to Dr. Gibbs’ theories, trees will become weaker if they______

    A. are lack of care   B. are watered   C. are weeded out    D. are beaten

.According to Para.3 and Pare.4, we can infer that Dr. Gibbs’moto(座右铭)may be_____

     A. “seeing is believing”        B.“Put everything in proper use”

     C. ”Practice makes perfect”     D. “No pains, no gains”

.The underlined word robust in Para.5 most probably means______

      A. strong         B. strange         C. deep        D. old

Which of the following may be the author’s best prayer for his two sons now ?

  A. I wish them strong wings, with which they can fly higher and touch the sky.

  B.I wish them nice fortune so that they can meet people like Dr. Gibbs in the future.

  C.I wish them deep roots into the earth since the rains fall and the winds blow often.

  D.I wish them great shades under the tree since the sunlight is always sharp and bitter.

Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. A Nice Doctor                      B. The Deep Roots  

C. Adversity and Suffering              D. My Childhood Memory

It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night.The morning after the storm,though, was beautiful:blue skies, warm air and a calm, inviting sea touching the shore gently. My father realised it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him.I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same. I’m so glad I did.

On the road to the harbour we could see the terrible destruction on the coast,but the harbour itself was in fairly good shape.After all,it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny channel to the sea.As we got on board,we noticed two big humps (脊背) in the distance.

On approaching them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. We couldn’t believe it ——there aren’t any whales along the coast here.The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay, in which the still water was so badlly polluted that nothing could survive.

The little baby whale——actually as big as our boat——was obviously stuck and could not move.The mother dived under the water and came up suddenly, making big whirlpools(漩涡) and waves. “She’s trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side,”my father said. At this point, my father moved our boat in a semicircle to the other side and, heading the boat towards the baby whale, pushed it gently. With our several gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappared under water.Then it swam up right beside its mum.They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay channel. Showly, they let us lead them, some-times rising from the water right beside us to breathe——and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes. Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight from the sea, the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.

In the excitement, it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half. That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day. Nearly four decades later, I still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.

The author says “I’m  so glad I did ” because __________.

A. he witnessed the whole process of fishing

B. he enjoyed the beauty of the calm sea

C. he experienced the rescue of the whales

D. he spent the weekend with his family

The harbour survived the storm because of ____________.

A. the shape of the harbour             B. the arms of the bay

C. the still water in the channel          D. the long coast line

The mother whale failed to help her baby because__________.

A. she had stayed in the polluted water for too long

B. the whirlpools she had made were not big enough

C. she had no other whales around to turn to for help

D. the waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction

What is the theme of the story?

A.Saving lives brings people a sense of happiness.

B. Fishing provides excitement for children.

C. It’s necessary to live in harmony with animals.

D. It’s vital to protect the environment.

If Mickey Mouse slips (滑倒)on a banana skin on TV, viewers laugh. But for ordinary people, falling is not   36  . For example, if you   37  over a stone or fall off your bike, you have to take days to get well. For   38  people, the result of a fall could be worse.

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, wanted to know why some people are   39  likely to fall than others.

The researchers found that   40  means more than planting your feet on the ground and standing tall. Your brain   41  your sense of balance with information from your eyes and inner ears and the   42  from your feet and legs. If something goes wrong with any of these, you’re   43   to fall. People   44  to fall more often as they grow older because their senses are slower.

State of mind is important too. The research shows that when people know they’re walking on a slippery surface, they   45  their pace and walk with flatter feet. As a result, they fall less often.

“We actually   46  people slip and fall,” researcher Mark Redfern said. People of different ages fall on   47  in his lab. Cameras   48  their falls and a computer analyzes the information. Scientists then can   49  people who fall often how to be more watchful.

“If they get   50  to a lifelike but controlled environment, people can   51  learn to handle the   52  thing,” Redfern said.

Falls happen to everyone sometimes.   53  you see someone fall, think about why and offer a helping   54  . This person’s painful experience may   55  you from falling at the same place.

1.A.unhappy                  B.exciting               C.amusing              D.foolish

2.A.drop                       B.trip                     C.knock                 D.get

3.A.slow                       B.young                 C.old                     D.active

4.A.too                         B.less                     C.very                    D.more

5.A.balance                   B.control                C.fall                     D.walk

6.A.remains                   B.imagines             C.thinks                 D.keeps

7.A.touching                  B.feeling                C.walk                   D.pace

8.A.likely                      B.surely                 C.possible               D.certain

9.A.refuse                     B.mean                  C.tend                    D.like

10.A.frighten                 B.quicken               C.widen                 D.slow

11.A. encourage B.make                                 C.stop                    D.challenge

12.A.purpose                 B.ground                C.accident              D.agreement

13.A.broadcast               B.record                 C.play                    D.catch

14.A.persuade                B.force                   C.practise               D.train

15.A.closed                   B.informed             C.used                    D.know

16.A.eventuallyB.firstly                               C.regularly             D.mainly

17.A.uneasy                   B.real                     C.creative               D.hard

18.A.Even if                  B.While                 C.As far as             D.Next time

19.A.hand                     B.stick                   C.word                   D.leg

20.A.warn                     B.remind                C.prevent               D.defend



As sixth graders, kids were separating into groups, but I wasn't sure where I belonged.

Our teacher gave us a task called "secret friends" for the coming week.We were supposed to do nice things   1  our friends without letting them know who was doing it.We could leave   2  notes or cards either on their desks or in their backpacks.Before doing the task, with our eyes closed, from a basket, we   3  a name of a classmate who we were to secretly befriend over the next five days.

Soon, the task was turned into a competition of giving    4  instead of notes.Everyone was getting cool presents except me.My friend    5   what the teacher had told us without a fault.I received nothing but hand-made cards with nice words about me.

On the last morning, I finally got a package.When I   6  it, the girls around all   7 .It was perfumed powder, an "old lady" gift.My face went red.

I tried to forget about the   8  gift, but when the same girls   9  it again during the break in the bathroom, I joined in, "How stupid! My grandmother wouldn't  10  want it." The girls laughed at my   11  and filed (排着队走)out of the bathroom.Washing my hands, I let the water run through my fingers _12_  I thought about my words.It wasn't   13  like me to say things like that.

"I'm your secret friend." It was Rochelle." I' m sorry about the gift," she __1to me, tears streaming down her face.

From a poor family, she was a   15  at school for those with rich parents.Yet she just took all the16  and the horrible treatment silently.

I was sick to my stomach as my   17  words ran through my mind.She had heard everything.How could I have been so cruel?

Later I learned she had felt bad all week about not being able to leave me any cool present and her mum had given up her only luxury(奢侈品).

And I had   18 everything for her.

I told her that I had only said those things to try to   19  .

"We aren't that different from each other, are we?" She smiled   20 .Her simple words, spoken from her heart, found their way straight into mine.


































C. grasped












































































A.turn off

B.show off

C.get in

D.fit in









         It’s Saturday morning. Tony’s sitting at the kitchen table,    36    with a piece of bread. He’s not even    37   . Is he ill? No, but he does have a    38   . He has nothing to do because the Internet is down. When he    39    up this morning, Tony was feeling    40   . He jumped out of bed full of plans for the weekend    41   . It would be a weekend like any other --- a great weekend. But that was    42    he turned on his computer and    43    he was unable to go online. Having no Internet changes everything.

Every weekend, Tony    44    goes online to email friends, read the    45    to keep up with what’s happening in the world and    46    a few online chess games with his cousin Helen to finish the weekend off. The perfect weekend --- online!

Just as Tony is    47    how he can possibly have a normal weekend without the Internet, his mum walks into the    48   . “Cheer up, Tony. Don’t    49    the Internet any more, OK?” Tony makes no    50    but sighs (叹气).“Go and play chess with Helen!” Tony’s mum­  51   .

“Oh, yes! Helen lives just around the    52   . We can meet and play chess face to face for a    53   . Maybe this weekend won’t be so bad,” Tony    54   , as he walks to the phone. There is   55    without the Internet after all.

1.A. cutting             B. playing            C. eating                        D. thinking

2.A. hungry                B. angry                      C. tired                                 D. sleepy

3.A. fear                     B. problem                 C. business                         D. thing

4.A. rose                    B. rang                        C. looked                        D. woke

5.A. great                            B. disappointed        C. unhappy                          D. worried

6.A. also                     B. above                     C. ahead                              D. ago

7.A. after                   B. before                    C. until                                D. when

8.A. thought              B. guessed                 C. decided                           D. found

9.A. usually                B. nearly                     C. especially                       D. already

10.A. letters              B. news                      C. reports                                     D. contents

11.A. guess              B. take                        C. play                         D. make

12.A. proving            B. wondering            C. realizing                          D. remembering

13.A. living-room     B. hall                     C. kitchen                 D. study

14.A. talk about           B. care about               C. think about         D. look about

15.A. answer            B. progress          C. movement                     D. choice

16.A requests           B. replies                    C. tells                                  D. suggests

17.A. edge                          B. distance                C. corner                             D. end

18.A. chat                           B. time                        C. lesson                              D. change

19.A. continues                 B. smiles                    C. reads                               D. watches

20.A. change                   B. task                   C. weekend                   D. life


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