
A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.

The unpunctual man, on one hand, never does what he has to do at the right time. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset (财产) as well as others. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments promptly. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time. He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.

Failure to be punctual in keeping one’s appointments is the sign of disrespect towards others. If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.

Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to one’s duty, whether public or private. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.

1.What does the author think is the main difference between a punctual person and an unpunctual person?

A. A punctual person does everything ahead of time.

B. An unpunctual person never does anything at the right time.

C. A punctual person has a lot of appointments.

D. An unpunctual person has little time to do anything.

2.According to the passage, the main reason that a person is always unpunctual is that _______.

A. he has more work to do than other people

B. he is always in a hurry when he works

C. he doesn’t care much about time

D. he always mismanages and wastes his time

3.If someone isn’t punctual in keeping his appointments, he might ________.

A. lose his life

B. mismanage his asset

C. be thought to disrespect others

D. do harm to others

4.According to the third paragraph, when you are invited to dinner, you should arrive there ________.

A. after other guests

B. before other guests

C. at the appointed time

D. after the host getting things ready

5.Which of the following statements best describes the harm of unpunctuality?

A. If you are an unpunctual person, you cannot be in charge of any important task.

B. If your friends know that you are unpunctual, they may not see you again.

C. Unpunctuality may bring about heavy losses for both public and private affairs.

D. Unpunctuality may make you miss a lot of appointments and lose friends.


The day of my holiday arrived, but I wasn’t looking forward to it. I had little money and had only been able to afford to stay with my Aunt Rosa in Spain. So, I wasn’t really excited as I knew exactly what it was going to be like; Lots of noisy cousins and Aunt Rosa begged me to take her for a ride.

After I had checked in, I made my way slowly to the departure gate. As I was waiting to board the plan, I kept thinking about my ideal holiday destination; Jamaica, with its long, sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

As soon as the plane took off, I fell fast asleep and only woke to the sound of the announcement; “Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts, as we will shortly be landing in Kingston.” I froze in my seat. Was I dreaming? Kingston? Jamaica? I had boarded the wrong plane!

Immediately after the plane landed, I explained the situation to the authorities. It seems there were also three of other passengers heading for Spain. Apparently it had been the airline’s fault, since the flight numbers for Spain and Jamaica were exactly the same! Therefore, with no flight to London for a week, the airline had no choice except to pay for our stay.

So there I was, lying on the beach, enjoying the music and marvelous food of Jamaica! As for Aunt Rosa, I suppose she just had to live without me!

1.Why did the waiter choose to spend her holiday with her aunt in Spain?

A. She could hardly afford any better trip.

B. Her aunt begged her to go there.

C. She missed her cousins very much.

D. Spain was her ideal destination.

2.In the story, the writer ended up _____.

A. heading for Spain from Jamaica

B. flying to London immediately

C. enjoying a free beach holiday

D. complaining to the authorities

3.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Terrible Adventure B. Nice Dream

C. A Well-Planned D. Lucky Mistake

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school master is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room .I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste--paper basket. It caught fire.

There was a curtain near the waste --paper basket. It caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning. The master phoned the fire brigade(消防队). The school is a long way from the town and before the fire brigade arrived, the whole school was on fire. The master said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

I'm very sorry for this.

Much love


1.Why did Sarah write to his parents?

A.He missed them very much for they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

B.He thought he was old enough to help them do something.

C.He was tired of studying, and wanted to leave school.

D.He told his parents what he had done in school.

2.Where did Sarah smoke?

A.In the dormitory B.In the Dinning hall

C.In the street D. In the classroom

3.When did the trouble start?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon

C. last night D. At noon

4.Why was the school master angry with him?

A.Because he was too naughty to study.

B.Because he caused a big fire.

C.Because he was too lazy.

D.Because he stole something from the school.

It is said that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but even if you manage to bag a bargain meal, it will not taste as good as a more expensive choice, according to scientists.

A new study has found that restaurant goers who pay more for their meals think the food is tastier than offered for a smaller price. The experts think that people tend to associate cost with quality and this changes their perception(感知) of how food tastes.

Scientists at Cornell University studied the eating habits of 139 people enjoying an Italian buffet in a restaurant. The price of the food was set by the researchers at either $4 or $8 for the all-you-can-eat meal. Customers were asked to rate how good the food tasted, the quality of the restaurant and to leave their names.

The experiment showed that the people who paid $8 enjoyed their meal 11% more than those who ate the “cheaper” buffet. Interestingly those that paid for the $4 buffet said they felt guiltier about loading up their plates and felt that they overate. However, the scientists said that both groups ate around the same quantity of food in total.

Brian Wansink, a professor of consumer behavior at the university, said: “We were fascinated to find that pricing has little effect on how much one eats, but a huge effect on how you interpret the experience.” He thinks that people enjoyed their food more as they associated cost with quality and that small changes to a restaurant can change how tasty people find their meals.

In a previous study, researchers from the university showed that people who eat in bright lighting consume more than people who eat in less brightly lit areas.

1. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. there were 139 subjects involved in the new study

B. a free lunch might be as delicious as you expected

C. the high pricing will change the exact taste of the food

D. in the experiment, the price of the food ranged from $4 to $8

2.According to the passage, which of the following factors has an effect on the quantity of food a person consumes?

A. The taste of the food.

B. The price of the food.

C. The number of companions.

D. The lighting of the restaurant.

3.Who will benefit most from the new study?

A. The person who runs a restaurant.

B. The person who often eats outside.

C. The person who works on decoration.

D. The person who studies in university.

4.The passage is intended to ________.

A. promote marketing methods

B. inform readers of a new study

C. teach consumers how to eat better

D. find the association between cost and quality

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