
I was doing a big clean-up and my kids were helping. One of my sons came across a handkerchief of mine with a coin inside. I took one look and was immediately    to another time.

    In 1991,I had spent five months in Viger(尼日尔),a hot African country. There were many things I found       about this place—the climate and beggars who       shouted “Cadeau! Cadeau!” It means gift.

One      was a lot worse.One day,a friend and I headed for neighboring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic.However,a motorbike with two men      slowly.Without warning,one of the men     my backpack as the motorbike swept close by.The bag had my passport,money,an airline ticket and other things precious to me.I was in deep      .In the weeks that followed I looked at all   with suspicion.

   All I wanted was to leave this place.One day,I was stopped by an old woman “Cadeau!” she cried. I’d had enough! I was sick and tired of the country.I told her firmly,“A thief stole all my money and now I can’t get off your country.” The beggar woman listened carefully and     my words.

  “Then I will give you a cadeau,” she announced.Kindly,she placed an old brown coin in my palm. I looked at it   .Living in poverty,she gave me something priceless! I saw then the     beauty of the people of Burkina Faso and    deeply the quiet dignity of the small coin;she turned my perceptions upside down.

1.A. welcomed       B. transported              C.exchanged          D. expected

2.A. difficult           B. easy        C. curious            D. adequate

3.A. annoyingly        B. carefully       C. politely                     D. calmly

4.A. clinic               B. present                 C. opportunity      D. incident

5.A. continued       B. failed                     C. approached             D. dropped

6.A. grabbed          B. broke                    C. borrowed               D. fixed

7.A. debt              B. snow            C. trouble                  D. thought

8.A. plats              B. friends                   C. men           D. locals

9.A. denied             B. used                      C. considered              D. changed

10.A. in horror       B. in shock         C. in return                D. in addition

11.A. uncertain                B. unfortunate             C. unnecessary               D. unexpected

12.A. thanked                  B. regretted                C. appreciated             D. pitied


















1.考查动词:A. welcomed欢迎,B. transported运输,C.exchanged交换,D. expected期待,我看了一眼,我的思绪被带到另一段时光。选B

2.考查形容词:A. difficult困难,B. easy容易,C. curious好奇的,D. adequate足够的,从后面的句子:the climate and beggars who  38    shouted “Cadeau! Cadeau!” It means gift.可知我在那里发现很多很难的事情,选A

3.考查副词:A. annoyingly令人生气的,B. carefully仔细地,C. politely礼貌地,D. calmly冷静地,流浪儿们时不时地把手伸到你面前,让人生气的用法语喊着:“礼物!礼物!”选A

4.考查名词:A. clinic诊所,B. present 礼物,C. opportunity机会,D. incident事件,从后面的内容:One day,a friend and I headed for neighboring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic.可知发生了一件更糟糕的事情,选D

5.考查动词:A. continued继续,B. failed 失败,C. approached靠近,D. dropped落下,下降,两个男人骑着摩托车慢慢地靠近。选C

6.考查动词:A. grabbed抓住, B. broke 打破,C. borrowed借,D. fixed修,安装,当摩托车驶过的时候,其中一个男人突然抢走了我的小包。选A

7.考查名词:A. debt债务,B. snow雪,C. trouble困难,D. thought想法,从前面的内容可知我的麻烦大了(in deep trouble),选C

8.考查名词:A. plats辫子;一小块地;B. friends 朋友,C. men人,D. locals当地人,接下来的几个星期里,我怀疑每一个当地人,选D

9.考查动词:A. denied否认,B. used 使用,C. considered考虑,D. changed改变,那个女乞丐仔细听着,琢磨着我的话。选C

10.考查词组:A. in horror害怕,B. in shock震惊地,C. in return回报,D. in addition此外,从前面的句子:Kindly,she placed an old brown coin in my palm.可知作者很惊讶,选B

11.考查形容词:A. uncertain不确定,B. unfortunate 不幸的,C. unnecessary不必要的,D. unexpected意料之外的,我看到了布基纳法索人民令人始料未及的美丽,选D

【小题12考查动词:】A. thanked感谢,B. regretted遗憾,后悔,C. appreciated 欣赏,D. pitied同情,深深地感受到穷苦人民内心的尊严。选C




       It was a bright Saturday morning in the late fall. I had stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and__1__ the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I__2__ a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How ya doin’?”

       __3__ up, I saw a boy wearing a mechanic’s uniform worn by employees of the gasoline station next to the café. He looked__4__, but, at first, I was unable to__5__ where we had met.

       He also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his__6__ and probably my coffee began to thaw(解冻) out my__7__.

       Five years earlier, he had been traveling home late on a February night. A fierce__8___ had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts were getting__9___. He recalled__10__ a drift just down the road from my house.

       He had walked to my house for__11__. I had taken my pickup and a tow-rope and__12__ his car out of the snowdrift and up to the highway where maintenance(维护) trucks had__13___ away the snow.

       This has been a__14__ occurrence here during the winter. I cannot__15__ the times someone has also pulled my car from a snowdrift.

       ___16__, it was an unforgettable experience for him, and his memory of our unexpected meeting in a snowstorm__17__ my entire day.

       Leo Buscaglia wrote, “Too often we underestimate(低估) the__18_ of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment(赞扬), or the smallest act of__19__, all of which have the potential to turn a__20__ around.”

1. A. preview  B. scan           C. order         D. buy

2. A. noticed   B. got            C. caught        D. felt

3. A. Looking B. Standing    C. Rising        D. Glaring

4. A. sensitive B. friendly             C. familiar             D. grateful

5. A. reflect    B. determine   C. regain        D. recall

6. A. story             B. experience  C. appearance D. greetings

7. A. heart             B. feeling              C. memory            D. wonder

8. A. sandstorm      B. snowstorm  C. hurricane    D. rainfall

9. A. high              B. slippery             C. thin           D. deep

10. A. blocking      B. hitting        C. knocking    D. crashing

11. A. help            B. advice        C. emergency  D. shelter

12. A. pulled  B. dragged             C. pushed              D. dug

13. A. collected      B. cleared              C. threw         D. melted

14. A. basic    B. common            C. forgettable  D. practical

15. A. count   B. keep          C. master        D. predict

16. A. Besides B. Therefore   C. However    D. Otherwise

17. A. covered       B. influenced  C. brightened  D. filled

18. A. meaning      B. relation             C. value         D. power

19. A. caring  B. offering            C. sharing              D. forgiving

20. A. course  B. fate            C. truth          D. life

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