


 注意:1. 每空一词。

       2. 填错任何一个词(包括词的形式)便失去句子的本意,所以此题不给分。

96.______ ______ ______ ______(曾经有一段时间)when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

97.As we know,there is______ ______ ______ ______(不止一个男孩) in our class coming from the other cites in our province.

98.With a compass you’ll always know you are going ______ ______ ______ ______(朝正确的方向).

99.But the one million people of the city,who thought little of the events,______ ______ ______ ______ (和往常一样熟睡)that night.

100.______ ______ ______ ______ ______(只是那时我们决定)to answer violence with violence.

101.______ ______ ______ ______ ______(能够证明)China has more people than any other country in the world.

102.The design of the amber room was ______ ______ ______ ______(以一种奇特的风格),popular in those days.

103.No other countries could join in the ancient Olympic Games,______ ______ ______(奴隶也不能)or women.

104.______ ______ ______ ______(在。。。的帮助下)my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what I am all about.

105.She is one of the women who______ ______ ______ ______(掌管;负责)the computer company.

96.There was a time    

97.more than one boy

98.in the right direction 

99.were asleep as usual

100.Only then did we decide

101.It can be proved that

102.in the(a) fancy style

103.neither(nor) could slaves

104.With the help of

105.are in charge of



1.Nowadays with the development of science, more new technology _____________________ to our daily life.(introduce)


2.For the health of other people, you _____________________________ here.(permit)


3.The couple looked sad. A quarrel ______________________________ between them. (break)


4.The government has decided to develop the west of China, _______________ the poor.(benefit )


5.I don’t want to forgive him because ________________________ yesterday really hurt me. (do)


6.Adam said it was his teacher’s letter ________________________ to finish writing his first     book.(encourage)


7.This is _______________________________ that I have seen it twice.(so)


8.We were very excited at the news ________________________________.(win)


9.No wonder you are scolded. You were out enjoying yourself when you ______________.(ought)


10.We agreed to meet here at 8:00, but he ______________________ so far.(turn)




1.She                (一直思考) the subject for several years. She knows now that she can make a difference. (think)

2.                ( 他不管多忙), he always helps me with my English. (however)

3. The old man                (肯定看不见) anyone enter the victim’s room that day . He is blind. (see)

4. Not               (看完那本小说),Tom knew nothing about its tragic ending. (finish)

5. The star said he had hoped to win the Golden Horse Film Awards within 20 years, but          

(使他震惊) was that his dream was being fulfilled so soon. ( shock)

6.Oh, The Geli times is coming!               (据报道), Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown on The New York Times as well as People’s Daily. (report)

7. To his relief,once published,his book as well as his poems                (没辜负读者的期望).Instead they appeal to the readers . (live)

8. It is not air travel but car travel                (有更加有害的影响) climate change in the long term.(influence)

9.So hard                (他学习) in the past few months that he can easily pass the examination. (study)

10. Mathematical gift,musical ability or a way with words have come               (被认为是)natural talents or,biologically speaking,in our genes. (think)


阅读下列各小题, 根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子, 并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。

1.Only if you ask many different questions ____________________ (你才会获取信息) you need to know. (acquire)

2.To my relief, he has promised to keep me ____________________ (了解) what is happening to him abroad. (inform) 

3.Since it is well-preserved, the chances of your car _____________________ (抛锚) on the freeway are rather low. (break)

4._____________________ (暴露在阳光下)for too long, especially in hot summer, you’ll feel faint and sick. (expose)

5.At the conference, the representatives form all over the country put forward a common idea _____________________ (我们应加快) the development in all fields. (speed)

6.If you had told me about her arrival in advance, I ______________________ (会安排他) to meet her at the airport. (arrange) 

7.The man _______________________ (被怀疑) committing the murder is reported to have been arrested last week. (suspect) 

8.By the time they finished half the journey, they ____________________ (已经用完) petrol, and accordingly they had to abandon the car and walked home. (run)

9.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism ____________________ (竟然曾经居住) in London. (live) 

10.It’s commonly accepted that it is hard work, which is taken lightly sometimes, ____________________ (对…有影响)one’s academic performance. (difference)


阅读下列各小题,  根据每句后的汉语提示,  用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子.

1. ____________________these, he spread some food on the table.(say)
说完这些之后,  他在桌上放了些食物.
2. ____________________the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.(worry)
因为担心这次旅行,  起初的几天我都心神不宁.
3. ____________________in 1910, the museum is more than 100 years old.(build)
这个博物馆修建于1910年,  它已经有100多岁了.
4. Mrs White showed her students some old maps ____________________.(borrow)
5. I am calling to enquire about the position ____________________in yesterday's China Daily.
6. The nurse had him ____________________in the waiting area.(take)
7. I have a lot of readings____________________before the end of this term. (complete)
这学期结束之前,  我还有许多书要读完.
8. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already laid for a meal____________________.
起居室干净整洁,  餐桌已经摆好,  等着上菜了.
9. This is the only way we can imagine________________the overuse of water in students' bedrooms.(reduce)
10. I'm going downstairs. Do you have any clothes____________________to the laundry? (take)

1. when you deal with this chemical,as it will explode when __________________.  (expose)
2. Nowadays young people just can't live without the Internet, _______________for whatever
information they need. (depend)
3. A hobby is what you never get tired of - ____________________, the more fun you will have.
爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的- 你投入的时间越多,获得的乐趣越多..
4. So______________________________ on the phone that we knew there would be good news.
5. Part of the reason why he is absent is , I think, that he __________________the meeting.(inform)
6. ___________________________________, professor Smith went straight to the laboratory to
continue his experiments.(have)
理完发后,Smith 教授径直到了实验室,继续他的实验.
7. Whatever you have picked up, you should give it back to_____________________.(belong)
8. Her father gave her advice on learning English _________________________________as much
as possible.(employ)
9. We are designing an experiment to find out if __________________________________ when it
is cold.(break)
10. _____________________ she is not so cheerful as she used to be?(why)

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