
I became lame(瘸的)in both legs in my childhood. I can’t stand   36  the support of two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “   37  ”.

I still remember the first day at   38 . When I appeared at the door, 39   in the classroom stared(凝视)at me in   40 . My face turned   41 . I couldn’t help  42 back. It was the    43  and sympathy(同情)in their eyes that   44  me doing so. I went shyly towards an unoccupied (空的) seat.

Being lame, I didn’t dare (敢) to   45  in front of my classmates. I was afraid that I might be   46  at. In those days I was very sad to see others walking   47 .

One day, a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really   48 . They encouraged me with a(n)   49  smile and   50  me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was   51  to them for giving me a chance to see the   52  of our lovely school with my own eyes.

After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are always   53   to help me. It made me   54  I am handicapped (残疾的).

Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation (犹豫) I said, “It is the   55 . ”

1.                A.with           B.without         C.under    D.on


2.                A.walk           B.run            C.sit   D.stand


3.                A.school         B.wheelchair      C.home    D.hospital


4.                A.he             B.she            C.everyone D.nobody


5.                A.thought         B.interest         C.anger    D.surprise


6.                A.red            B.brown          C.white D.black


7.                A.entering        B.hiding          C.coming   D.turning


8.                A.feeling         B.kindness        C.sorrow   D.pain


9.                A.made          B.stopped        C.kept D.let


10.               A.walk           B.study          C.practice   D.speak


11.               A.laughed        B.smiled         C.stared D.looked


12.               A.sadly           B.slowly          C.happily    D.shyly


13.               A.brave          B.sad            C.hurt  D.excited


14.               A.honest         B.friendly         C.luckily D.handsome


15.               A.pushed         B.placed         C.drew D.pulled


16.               A.satisfied        B.sorry          C.loyal D.thankful


17.               A.signs           B.sights          C.labs  D.students


18.               A.ready          B.smart          C.wise  D.unwilling


19.               A.forget          B.remember      C.imagine   D.think


20.               A.teachers        B.schoolyard      C.classmates D.friendship


























1.考查介词:A. with和,有B. without 没有C. under在…下面D. on在…上面,填without, 意思是:假如没有拐杖的帮助,我就占不起来了。 选B。

2.考查动词:A. walk走B. run跑C. sit坐下D. stand站起来,只有用轮椅,我才能走动。选A。

3.考查名词:A. school学校B. wheelchair 轮椅C. home家D. hospital医院,、选A.讲的是第一天上学的事;

4.考查代词:A. he 他B. she她C. everyone每个人D. nobody没有人,教室的所有人都惊讶地看着我。选C。

5.考查名词:A. thought思想B. interest兴趣C. anger愤怒D. surprise惊讶,词组in surprise惊讶地。选D。

6.考查颜色:A. red红色B. brown棕色C. white白色D. black黑色,因尴尬而致脸变“红”。选A。

7.考查动词:A. entering进入B. hiding藏C. coming 进D. turning 转,曾忍不住要“回去”。选D,turn back回去。

8.考查名词:A. feeling感觉B. kindness好意C. sorrow悲伤D. pain痛苦, and表示并列关系,四个词中只有kindness与sympathy意思较为接近。选B。

9.考查动词:A. made使得B. stopped阻止C. kept保持D. let让,我没有离开。keep sb.doing并不表示“阻止某人做某事”,选B。

10.考查动词:A. walk走B. study学习C. practice 练习D. speak说话,因为是瘸的,所以不敢在同学面前走路。选A。

11.考查动词:A. laughed笑B. smiled 微笑C. stared开始D. looked看,害怕大家嘲笑。选A

12.考查副词:A. sadly悲伤地B. slowly缓慢地C. happily高兴地D. shyly害羞地,与sad形成鲜明的对比。选C。

13.考查形容词:A. brave勇敢的B. sad 悲伤的,C. hurt 受伤的D. excited兴奋的,一直自卑的我,在同学请我一同出去玩时,自然会感到“激动”。选D。

14.考查形容词:A. honest诚实的,B. friendly友好的C. luckily幸运的,D. handsome英俊的,他们用友好的笑容鼓励我。选B

15.考查动词:A. pushed推B. placed放置C. drew画,拉D. pulled拖,拉,用轮椅把我从一个地方推到另一个地方。选A。

16.考查形容词:A. satisfied满意的B. sorry难过的,C. loyal 忠诚的D. thankful感谢的,对同学们的友好行为,我十分“感激”。选D。

17.考查名词:A. signs标志B. sights景色C. labs实验室D. students学生,根据后面的定语可推知。是校园的景色,选B。

18.考查形容词:A. ready准备好的,乐意的,B. smart  聪明的,C. wise明智的D. unwilling不愿意的,我的朋友总是乐于帮助我。选A。

19.考查动词:A. forget忘记B. remember记住C. imagine想象D. think思考,使我忘记了我是残疾的。选A。

20.考查名词:A. teachers老师B. schoolyard 校园C. classmates同学D. friendship友谊,是同学之间的是友谊。选D。





The first time I decided to leave home was when 1 was in high schoo1.1 was having trouble getting along will my parents.I had about a hundred dollars in my pocket,and so I thought about leaving home, It took me 6my three weeks away from home when I stared to feel homesick. Living on my own is a totally different experience for three main reasons:being more responsible, more decisive and more creative

       First of all,I have learned that living on my own requires that I become more responsible.My parents usually tell me to carry out my work and duties almost every day.men I fail to do the work,I only get scolded. However now that I am on my own,I get to deal with my duties without being told to.When I fail to do my duties,I must also deal with the result by myself

       Another different experience for me while living on my own is that now I have become more decisive. ·I have to be more careful since I am on my own because my parents are not here to give me their advice. I must make my own decisions.For example,I must make the best decisions for myself without hurting anybody’s feelings and without my parents,guidance.

       Therefore,I became more creative just by living on my own.I could make my own future plan-l have made rules for myself to follow.This to me is a good experience,because I usually think that being creative is the.nicest thing in the world.However, when 1 was with my parents

l found it hard for me to be creative simply because I always followed their ideas.

      In conclusion,these are the things that usually happen when I am with my parents and when I am alone. Besides,I think that it is better for everyone to love their parents and themselyes before they love anyone else.They should leam how to live on their own. but meanwhile learn how to follow every technique that was given to them by their Parents.They can make use of their freedom of choice to lead to wherever they want。

According to the text,the author decided to leave home because

      A.he would like to live in the school with fellows

      B.he found it hard to get on well with his parents

      C.he had to go on with.his studies in.another city

      D.he felt he was old enough to live on his own

What did the author think matters most in the world?

       A.Being independent.          B.Being responsible.

       C.Being creative.          D.Being more decisive.

The passage mainly tells us that     .

       A.one Can be, free of trouble by living on one’s own

       B.one can enjoy more freedom by living on one,s own

       C.living alone can help one keep good relationships with parents

       D.1iving alone helps one become responsible,decisive and creative

How is the text developed?





“Dr.Papaderos,what is the meaning of life?”

The usual laughter followed,and people stirred(骚动)to go.Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time,asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.

“I will,answer your question.”

Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket,he fished into a leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror,about the size of a quarter.And what he said went like this:

“When I was a small child,during the war,we were very poor and we lived in a remote village.One day,on the road,I found the broken pieces of a mirror.A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place.

I tried to find all the pieces and put them together,but it was not possible,so I kept only the largest piece.This one,and,by scratching it on a stone.I made it round. I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine——in deep holes and crevices(裂缝)and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find.

I kept the little mirror,and,as I went about my growing up,I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game.As I became a man,I grew to understand that this was not just a child’s game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life.I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of light.But light——truth,understanding,knowledge——is there,and it will shine in many dark places only if I reflect it.

I am a fragment(碎片)of a mirror whose whole design and shape l do not know.Nevertheless,with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world——into the black places in the hearts of men—and change some things in some people.Perhaps others may see and do likewise.This is what I am about.This is the meaning of my life.”

On hearing the author’s question,Dr.Papedotes        at first.

A.laughed at his foolishness               B.wasn’t sure of the answer

C.doubted his seriousness                  D.wasn’t interested at all

How did Dr.Papaderos get the small round mirror when he was a child?

A.He found it on the road and made it round.

B.A dying German soldier gave him as a present.

C.He chanced to find it in the street while playing.

D.He put the broken pieces together and made it.

Why did Dr.Papaderos like the small round mirror so much as a child?

A.Because he was too poor to afford other toys.

B.Because it could shine the places where tke sun couldn’t reach.

C.Because he believed it would bring good luck to him.

D.Because it tofd him a lot about what life really meant to him.

The underlined“metaphor”in the 7th paragraph most probably means        .

A.symbol              B.source            C.light           D.purpose

Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Special Game in the Childhood          B.A Broken Piece of Mirror

C.Dr.Papaderos’Experience                  D.The Meaning of Life


My dad also taught me,by example,that a healthy lifestyle is important.He was hardly ever sick.But I don’l think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee.He barely touched alcohol.

He would say,“Boonnie,your voice is a reflection of your overall physical well-being.So if you want to sing well,take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse(嘶哑)or caught a cold,he didn’t blame me directly:“Well,Bonnie,you know,if you’d get to sleep a little earlier,that would probably be a good idea.”When I decided to get unexcitable about 18 years ago,he told me.“See,

Bonnie,it's so great to see you in such strong voice all the time.”

He just did not complain,even when he was uncomfortable toward the end,from the pneumonia that eventually took his life.He simply made a choice to be positive and not negative.

I am so glad that we had the chance to perform together.I was touched that he tried singing my music,even though the bluesy style didn’t come naturally to him.Then,when I had so much

Grmnmy success with my album Nick of Time in 1990,I realized. Hey,I have one of the greatest singers of all time in my family.I was very nervous about doing the Boston Pops show on TV with my dad.To calm me,he said,“Bonnie,a beautiful song is a beautiful song.Just believe it.”I looked in my dad’s eyes,and there we were singing the Irving Berlia song with the lvric.Of all the duets I've done.that one wiU always be a highlight.

60.the second paragraph shows that          .

A.the author’s father had a loving, in-the-moment and joyful approach

B.the author’s father had a very healthy lifestyle

C.the author’s father was very strict with his son

D.the author’s father devoted himself to his son

61.The author。father died because of          .

A.coffee    B.alcohol    C.pneumonia     D.tire

62.The underlined word “inexeitable” means

A.heated   B.silent    C.angry      D.amused

63.From the last paragraph we may learn that          .

A.the father and his son often performed together

B.playing blues is the father' s favourite

C.The author was good at orchestral music

D.the father and his son are both musicians


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