
13. He gave up smoking for a while but soon        ( return) to his old ways.

13. returned句意:他戒了一段时间烟,但很快又回到了老样子。题干中谈到的都是过去的事情,因此用一般过去时。


  Surprisingly,at our last night in Florence,Italy,we ate at a Mexican restaurant. We packed our bags and the next morning we headed to Rome. Along the way,we stopped in San Gimignano and Siena. San Gimignano was a hilly town with beautiful scenery. We walked along the streets,took pictures,and headed to Siena. Wc found that Siena was the most beautiful place we had visited. Besides the beautiful scenery,the town offered many restaurants and handmade pottery (陶器) .Siena proved to be one of the best places to buy gifts for family members at home.

  We arrived in Rome late that night and started the next morning with a full-day tour of the city. Our guide was a local who knew about everything there—everything about Rome and its history. We hit all the major sites―the Coliseum,the Trevi Fountain,the Pantheon* the Vatican-.- and were attracted by all of them. The history of Italy was much more obvious in Rome compared to the other cities we had visited.

  After our long day in Rome,we headed back to the hotel and left for America at 5 : 30 the next morning. Our homecoming was both bitter and sweet―we all missed our families and friends,but Italy had become a second home. We loved everything about Italian culture and history,and truly enjoyed every minute of our trip. It was an enriching experience. Though it was an art trip,we gained much more knowledge. Our job now is to use what we learned and the photographs we took to create an art project for the spring art show.

1. What is the CORRECT order of the following places that the writer visited?        a. San Gimignano b. Siena c. Rome d. Florence 

  A. a-d-b-c   B. d-b-a-c   C. d-a-b-c   D. d-a-c-b

2. When the writer was travelling in Siena,he       .

   A. was disappointed at its scenery

   B. found there were few restaurants

   C. found it was a good place to buy gifts

   D. showed no interest in handmade pottery

3. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

   A. The guide didn't know much about Rome.

   B. Rome is a good place to learn the history of Italy.

   C. The writer didn't like some of the major sites of Rome.

   D. The writer and his friends hadn't planned to travel to Rome.

4. When the writer said his homecoming was also bitter,he meant that       .

   A. he was tired after travelling in Italy

   B. he didn't want to see his family

   C. he felt sad to leave his friends

   D. he felt sad to leave Italy

5. What was the main purpose of the writer's visit to Italy?

   A. To know about the history of a foreign country.

   B. To prepare an art project for the spring art show.

   C. To taste all kinds of Italian foods in different cities.

   D. To buy some special gifts for his family and friends.

  Last summer,after finishing my work in China,I took the trip of a life?time on the Trans-Siberian Railway (西伯利亚铁路) .Leaving Beijing early on a Wednesday morning in July?my wife and I travelled through some awesome (令人惊叹的) countryside before we arrived in Moscow the following Mon?day.

  The first part of the journey took us past the Great Wall and through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. At the Mongolian People's Republic border,we had a delay while the wheels were changed because the railway is different.

  On our way to the capital,Ulan Bator,we saw herdsmen on horseback loo?king after their cattle. There was a great thunderstorm as we crossed a vast open plain. Later we had a quick tour of Ulan Bator.

  Next,the train took us into Siberia. After a stop at Irkutsk,a popular holiday resort (度假胜地) ,where a tour group left the train? we passed the great Lake Baikal. Later,we saw some lovely wooden houses in the pretty,sunny countryside. This surprised us,as we had imagined Siberia as being cov?ered with thick snow.

  Over the next few days,we passed through Novosibirsk,Omsk and other cities in the heartlands of the Russian Federation. By now,our body clocks were losing their sense of time. We wanted to sleep and eat at the wrong time!At last we reached Moscow. We were so tired that we slept for 16 hours that night. The next day we went sightseeing. We saw the Dremlin and some other magnificent buildings in the Russian capital. Then,all too soon,it was time for us to return to our home in London.

6. How many days did it take the author to reach Moscow?

   A. Three.

   B. Four.

   C. Seven.

   D. Six.

7. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Ulan Bator is the capital of the Mongolian People's Republic.

   B. The author travelled with a group of friends.

   C. The author's body clock ran faster than the others'.

   D. The train broke down at the Mongolian People's Republic border.

8. The author was surprised by Siberia because       .

   A. it was covered with thick snow

   B. the houses there were so pretty

   C. there were many tourists there

   D. it was not covered with snow but it was sunny

9. The passage mainly tells us         .

   A. how to travel to Moscow from Beijing

   B. how wonderful the capital of Russia is

   C. the trip from Beijing to Moscow

   D. the Trans-Siberian Railway

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