If you were walking around a supermarket and saw a woman with a shaved head, a ring through her nose, a tattoo(文身)design on her arm and she had a small child in her shopping trolley, what would your opinion be? Do you think this kind of body decoration is attractive or ugly? Different people have different ideas. The following are some examples of body decoration from around the world.

In many parts of Africa, it is thought that an attractive girl should have really shiny skin.

On Bali, a little island in Indonesia, they believe that a beautiful woman or handsome man must have perfectly straight, flat teeth. The Balinese believe that teeth with pointed edges make you look like an ugly wild animal. So when a girl or boy becomes a teenager, he or she is taken to a special person in their village who will file off teeth points to make them smooth and flat. There is no anesthetic (麻药)and this tooth filing is really painful. It is a kind of test. If you can stand it without screaming or crying too much, then you are thought ready to become an adult.

In Myanmar? there is a small group of people who are called the "PapaungThey believe that a woman can only be really beautiful if she has a long neck. I mean a VERY long neck. Now you might think that you are either born with a long or short neck and that there's nothing whatever you can do about it. But you would be wrong! At around the age of 5, a Papaung girl has heavy metal rings fitted around her neck, tightly between the chin and shoulders. Each year more rings are added and very, very slowly their weight pushes the shoulders down, in this way making the neck look longer. A Papaung woman will wear her neck rings all her life, never once taking them off.

So now I'm sure you will all agree that different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.

5.    What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1? 

A.    Women's design,

B.    Beautiful body decoration.

C.    Body decoration.

D.    Attractive decoration.

6.    What does the underlined word "trolley" mean?

A. School bag.       B. Luggage.

C.  Basket.    D.  Shopping cart.

7.    On Bali, it is believed that . 

A.    a person with straight, flat teeth looks ugly

B.    a person with sharp teeth looks ugly

C.    a teenager's teeth points must be filed off with anesthetic

D.    no one will scream or cry when having his teeth points filed off

8.    Which of the following is NOT true? 

A.    Many people think that a woman with a ring through her nose is neither attractive nor ugly.

B.    Most African people think that a girl with shiny skin is beautiful.

C.    It is thought that a beautiful woman should have straight, flat teeth on Bali.

D.    Some people think it beautiful that a woman has a long neck in Myanmar.

A young man had a beautiful dream.

A fairy came to him and said,"Little boy, whatever you like, you may  5  . I will give it to you now.

"What will I ask?" Suddenly he 6 from his mind one of his great desires. With 7 he raised his voice, "I have a 8 Can you take 'nights' away from our life?"

The fairy asked, " 9 should I take away nights from the earth?"

The boy opened his heart. "As the day 10 , my mother forces me to stop playing. If there is  11  night,I can play for a long time. Not only that, I am afraid of going out at night. Devils and thieves 12 us at night. Therefore, nights are unnecessary."

"Yes, let it happen as you wish," the fairy said. 13  , the night disappeared. Everywhere was full of light! But as time passed, it became 14 As nights disappeared, there were  15   days full of light. Then he could play and play, but he got 16 at the end. The joy of sunrise and sunset was just good old  17 .The boy cried out, "Oh, Fairy, give nights. 18 to me my beautiful nights.Suddenly the young boy 19 from the dream.

Nights give rise to days, months and years. If there are no nights, days will not be as 20 as we have them today.

It is the same with regard to the darkness in our life 21  pain, sorrows and troubles.   A life 22 problems and difficulties will result in a lack of strength and  23    As day takes birth from the womb of night, joy takes birth from the womb of   24 .

5.    A. tell     B. say

C. inform       D. ask

6.    A. picked       B. made

C. packed       D. accepted

7.    A. joy     B. sadness

C. surprise      D. disappointment

8.    A. goal    B. suggestion

C. desire  D. chance

9.    A. How   B. What

C. When  D. Why


10.   A. starts  B. breaks

C. continues    D. ends

11.   A. one     B. no

C. any     D. some

12.   A. see     B. destroy

C. protect       D. attack

13.   A. Finally       B. Naturally

C. Suddenly    D. Luckily

14.   A. nice    B. troublesome

C. horrible      D. orderly

15.   A. always       B. never

(、• seldom     D. sometimes

16.   A; delighted    B. interested

C. satisfied     D. tired

17.   A. life     B. memories

C. games D. ideas

18.   A. Give   B. Send

C. Return       D. Show

19.   A, got up B. turned up

C. woke up        D. jumped up

20.   A. beautiful    B. short

C. dark    D. moon-lit

21.   A. next to       B. due to

C. as to   D. close to

22.   A. with   B. of

C. without      D. under

23.   A. weakness    B. courage

C. force   D. trouble

24.   A. sorrow       B. pleasure

C. astonishment      D. excitement

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