

A man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight 1. he became angry when the child tried to decorate a box 2. (put) under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl 3. (bring) the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”

The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out 4. box was empty. He yelled at her, 5. (state) “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be __6._ inside?” The little girl looked up at him 7. tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They’re all for you, Daddy.”

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her

8. (forgive). Only a short time later, an accident took the life 9. the child. For many years, her father kept that gold box by his bed and 10. he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.





A. Zheng Guan, 30 years old, comes from Guangdong Province and would like to find a girlfriend who is about 20---28 years old, unmarried, with a degree of high school. He is 175 centimeters tall and works as an auto mechanic in Guangzhou.

B. Thomas, comes from NewYork. He is 48 years old, 168 centimeters tall, unmarried. He owns a Master’s degree and is now working as an engineer in Shenzhen, living in a house of the company. He hopes to find a companion who is about 30---38 years old. He doesn’t care about whether she was divorced.

C. Li Xin, 35 years old, comes from Guangzhou. He works in the local government with a bachelor’s degree. He has an apartment in the city. He wants to have a companion who lives in the same city, 25---33 years old, unmarried, with a degree of secondary school. The girl should be at least 155 centimeters tall.

D. Wang Jian, 27 years old, comes from Changsha. He is a lawyer with a Master’s degree, who is now working in a law office in Shenzhen. He is 175 centimeters tall and looking for a girlfriend between 22---25years old, unmarried. She should be at least 160 centimeters tall and has a college degree, who is supposed to have a job in Shenzhen, too.

E. Chen Fan, who is now 66 years old, lives in Shenzhen. His wife died of a heart attack 3 years ago. He would like to find a spouse who is about 50---65years old and is supposed to be thoughtful.

F. Zhong Shi, 26 years old, is a soldier in Zhejiang Province. He is 175 centimeters tall, unmarried, with a bachelor’s degree. He likes playing table tennis and football in his spare time. He wants to find a girlfriend who works in Zhejiang Province, 155---168 centimeters tall, unmarried.


1.Shelly, 22, works in a state-owned enterprise, who likes to play table tennis after work. She would like a male friend who is serving in the army and taller than 170 centimeters. It will be appropriate if he loves sports just as she does.

2.Tang Lili, 28, 160 centimeters tall, unmarried, is now living Guangdong Province and took up a job as an accountant (会计). After graduating from high school, she decided to continue learning for a higher degree while working. She hopes to find a companion with a house of his own and at least got a bachelor’s degree.

3.Liu Fang, 54, a retired teacher from senior middle school. She is now taking care of her granddaughter. Her son and daughter want her to find a companion after their father died in an accident 4 years ago.

4.Xie Xueqing, 24, serves as an assistant in a private company in Shenzhen. She is 165 centimeters tall and just graduated from university this year. She loves listening to all kinds of music, especially classical music.

5.Zhang Hui, 35 years old, married once, is a nursery teacher. She is very considerate and loves to be with children very much. Besides, she enjoys dancing in her free time. After divorce, she is going to find a devoted spouse who has a place to live in.

When Jeff Sparkman draws his cartoon superheroes with colored pencils, he often has to ask other people to tell him what color his masked men turned out to be because he's color-blind. Now, a new smart phone application (app) can help him figure out what colors he's using and how the picture looks to most everyone else.

The DanKam app, available for iPhone and Android for $2.99, is an application that turns the vague colors that one percent of the population with color-blindness sees into the "true" colors as everyone else sees them. In America, an estimated 32 million color-blind Americans---95% are males---can soon have their life improved.

"DanKam takes the stream of data coming in through the phone's camera and changes the colors slightly so they fall within the range that people who are color-blind see," developer Dan Kaminsky told CNET. He came up with the idea after watching the 2009 film Star Trek with a color-blind friend.

It was then that he got to know more about colorblindness like its varying types and degrees. A vast majority, for instance, have trouble seeing red or green due to a genetic defect(遗传缺陷). Blue-yellow colorblindness, however, is rarer and develops later in life because of aging, illness or head injuries, etc. He started experimenting with one of the most common representations of points in the RGB color model. What the DanKam app attempts to do is to clean up the color space of the image or video signal so that colors can be visible to those suffering from viewing problems. “You can adjust the app to fit your needs. There is a range and not everyone who is color-blind sees things the same.” Says Kaminsky.

Sparkman, a copy editor at CNET, tried out the app and was pleased with the results. "It would be useful for dressing for a job interview," he said. But using it for his art is “the most practical application." It worked well on LED and other lights on electronic gadgets, which means Sparkman can now identify the power light on his computer display as green.

1.According to the first two paragraphs, we can know that DanKam ___________.

A. appeared in the movie Star Trek

B. can turn vague colors into real ones

C. is a phone used to help drawing pictures

D. is designed to help people with colorblindness

2.How does DanKam’s app work?

A. It puts LED and other lights on electronic gadgets.

B. It changes the colors so that color-blind people can see them.

C. It checks color-blind people’s types of degrees of colorblindness.

D. It shows common representations of points in the RGB color model

3.It can be inferred from the passage that colorblindness __________.

A. cannot be cured by any methods

B. is more commonly seen in women

C. is not necessarily inborn disease

D. makes people unable to tell any colors

4.Which of the following is NOT included in the things that DanKam helps Sparkman with?

A. Choosing clothes.

B. Drawing his pictures.

C. Playing computer games

D. Handling electronic gadgets.

On a clear night, the sky is a wonderful thing. Is there life out there somewhere? Is there another place like Earth where life might exist? If so, where is it? And how far away is it?

Recently, the Kepler spacecraft found “22b”, a planet about six hundred light years away. It is the first planet in a “habitable zone” outside the solar system. That means the planet orbits(环绕) a star like our sun, but it is not too close to it, nor too far away. Because of this position, Kepler-22b might have water, one of the main things needed for life. The newly-discovered planet is about two and a half times larger than the Earth. It is closer to its star than we are to the Sun, but 22b’s sun is smaller than ours, and doesn?t produce as much heat. Scientific instruments show the new planet could be made of gases, rocks or some kinds of liquids.

The Kepler spacecraft was named in honor of Johannes Kepler, the seventeenth century German astronomer. It was designed to examine a small part of the Milky Way galaxy(星系)and search for places like the Earth. It was made to inspect over 150,000 stars and measure how bright they are. It looks to see if a star’s brightness gets less over a short time.

If a planet passes between Kepler and the star, it blocks out part of the light. That is what suggested to scientists that there is at least one planet orbiting the star. The instruments on Kepler show the new planet as a small, black dot moving across its sun. An important part of the Kepler experiment is on the Earth. After the spacecraft gathers information, scientists use the telescopes on the ground.

Scientists have found over 2,300 new planets since Kepler was launched. Most are much larger, but it is the new planet’s distance from its star that is important. For life to possibly exist there, the planet’s temperature must not be too hot or too cold.

1.What can we learn about Kepler-22b?

A. Water must have existed on it.

B. It takes humans about 600 years to get there.

C. It is made of gases, rocks and plenty of liquids.

D. It is the first planet in outer space where life may survive

2.The Kepler spacecraft was sent into space to

A. show honor to Johannes Kepler

B. observe the changes of a star’s brightness

C. look for Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy

D. measure the brightest star among 150.000 stars

3.In Paragraph 4 the author mainly tells us

A. how the Kepler system works

B. if the Kepler system sees a new planet

C. how the Kepler system shows a new planet

D. why an important part of the Kepler system remains on the Earth

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Life may exist on the new planet in another form.

B. It is colder on the new planet because its sun is smaller.

C. Life can’t exist on planets which are much larger than the Earth.

D. The new planet’s distance from its star decides on the possibility of life existence.

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