
If you want to get the most out of the study of a language, you must also read for pleasure: novels, plays, travel books, and so on. And in reading books of this kind the important thing is to get on with the reading; to try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. This is impossible if you stop and think over the meaning of every single word which happens to be unfamiliar(不熟悉). You can not enjoy a story if you stop half a dozen times on every page in order to look up words in the dictionary. You may even prevent yourself from understanding the story as a whole by doing this.
When you are reading books of this kind, therefore, you will usually have to rely mainly on(依靠) the context (上下文) to help you. If you meet an unfamiliar word, do not let it take too much of your attention from the main thread(主线) of the story. In all probability(可能) you will meet the same word again a few pages later on in a slightly different context, and each time you see it that your understanding of it will become more exact.
小题1:To read for pleasure means _____________.
A.to take pleasure in reading
B.to be satisfied in reading book
C.to read such books as novels, plays, travel books, etc
D.to go on with reading pleasantly
小题2:The phrase “to get on with reading” in the passage has the same meaning as “_________”.
A.to try to grasp the meaning of every sentence in the book
B.to try to catch the meaning of every word in the book
C.to try to understand all the writer is going to tell you
D.to try to understand the main idea of the book
小题3:、When you meet new words in reading such kinds of books, you’d better _________.
A.stop and look them up in a dictionaryB.stop and think them over
C.try to guess their meanings from the context D.have none of them
小题4:According to the passage the best way to read novels, plays and travel books is _____.
A.to read very slowlyB.to read quickly and not too carefully
C.to read very carefullyD.to read very seriously
小题5:The best title for this passage is “___________”.
A.Read for PleasureB.Get on with the Books
C.Reading SkillsD.The Importance of Reading
One winter during college in New York, I took an 8: 00 a.m. history class. The professor was very __36 in class. He just looked at his lecture notes and __37__ looked up at us. I felt that I needed to get rid of my boredom, so I created a little __38__ for myself. I tried to find something from his lecture to ask a question about, forcing me to __39__ rather than letting my eyes close. The first time I raised my hand, he was surprised, but obviously pleased to have a question to answer. __40__ , his answers were always interesting. I continued to do this every day in the course and found my-self actually __41__ the material. The professor became a bit more __42__ and some other students also joined me in asking questions. My little game had __43__ me from being bored, __44__ it was expected to do. I learned a lot about world history in the discussions with him. The professor obviously knew his material, but had a hard time __45__ it on to his undergraduates in an interesting way. On the last day of class we gathered our books and headed for the door for the last time. The shy professor stepped directly in front of me as I reached the door. "Thank you for making this class so interesting,"
he said. I was so surprised. To me, it had been a pleasant way to pass the time; I had no idea that my asking questions had an effect on him and the others at all. That moment has stayed with me for 30 years. Each of us can have a(n) __46__ not just on our own experiences, but on those of others, and I’ll never forget the professor who taught me a lesson about the power of acts of kindness, intended __47__ not.
A.ThereforeB.OtherwiseC.In factD.On the contrary
Today we had an American family, the Robinsons, for Sunday dinner. Mr. Robinson is my mother’s co-worker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and their two young       came at about 6:00 PM. Mrs. Robinson gave Mum a bunch of fresh flowers,      color,freshness and their good will. Mum did the       and it was left to ourselves to get to know each other. I soon      on well with the two girls Judy and Annie.
Mrs. Robinson was much         than her husband. There was a moment of embarrassment when Granny asked about her       . Mum was about to apologize   Mrs. Robinson laughed and said it was quite all right and that she had been in     long enough to know it was the Chinese custom. She       told us that she was 32, though her husband was 52.
And of course they entirely       the dinner. Like a perfect Chinese hostess, Mum and especially Granny       stuffing(填) them with food and urging them to eat and to drink, apologizing all the time that it’s a homely meal.       , Mrs. Robinson said to Mum, “In the West any hostess would be proud of such a feast instead of apologizing for it, and we don’t urge the guests to eat or drink.       so many good things before me, I certainly don’t need any urging. The problem is how to prevent     overeating owing to your keeping putting food into my bowl.” We
all       laughter at that.
When they       to leave, they thanked us not only for the excellent dinner, but for giving them such a nice      . Besides, they insisted on giving every one of us a hug and a       , which did embarrass me. But I think Granny was really    when they kissed her.
It’s surprising how a little good will on both sides can         language and cultural barriers.
A.broke outB.gave offC.burst intoD.set out
A new factory that turns used wine bottles into green sand could revolutionize the recycling industry and help to filter(过滤)the nation's drinking water.
For the last 100 years special high grade white sand quarried(开采)at Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire has been used to filter tap water to remove bacteria and impurities—but this may no longer be necessary.
The green sand has already been successfully tested by water companies and is being used in 50 swimming pools in Scotland to keep the water clean.
Backed by one million pounds from the European Union and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(Defar),a company based in Scotland is building a factory to turn beverage bottles back into the sand from which they were made.
The idea is not only to avoid using up increasingly scarce sand in Scotland and avoid any further quarrying but also to solve a crisis in the recycles only 750 000 tones of it.
Howard Dryden, the scientist and managing director of the company has spent six years working on what he calls Active Filtration Meadia, or AFM, the recycled glass. He says he needs bottles that have already contained drinkable liquids to be sure that drinking water would not be polluted.
"The fact is that tests show that AFM does the job better than glass, it is easier to clean and reuse and has all sorts of properties that make it ideal for other applications, "he claimed. He also thinks the market will be able to take 250 000 tones of green sand a year. The plan is to build five or six factories in cites in UK where the bottles come from to cut down on transport.
The factory will be completed this month and is expected to go into full production on January 14 next year. Once it is providing a "regular" product, the government's drinking water inspectorate will be asked to perform tests and approve it for general use by water companies.
小题1:It may no longer be necessary to use high-grade white sand to keep water clean because_____.
A.there is no need to keep water clean
B.A new factory has been set up
C.The green sand has been used to keep the water clean
D.White sand is being use up
小题2:According to the passage ,the new idea can do the following except_____.
A.avoiding using up increasingly scarce sand
B.avoiding further quarrying of white sand
C.solving the crisis in the recycling industry
D.cutting down the cost on transport
小题3:Tests show that ______ in keeping the water clean.
A.AFM is more efficient than white sand
B.AFM is more efficient than glass
C.glass is more efficient than AFM
D.white sand is more efficient than green sand
小题4:The underlined word "Backed" in the third paragraph can best be replaced by"_____".
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Revolution in the Recycling for the Industry.
B.Modern Technology an New Markets.
C.Revolution in Environmental Protection.
D.Unlocking the Benefits of Green Sand.
The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion. They are as closely related as the lips and teeth, so to speak. What you produce is for sale on the market. It would be impossible to succeed in selling a product without first investigating the market.
In the international market, goods on sale coming from different countries and suppliers are always facing keen competition. Under such circumstances, they will try everything possible to familiarize themselves with the market conditions. In making investigations, we ought to get information about what similar items the competitors are offering on the market, what prices they are quoting(报价), what features their products have, who are their regular customers, etc. Then, how can we obtain such information? There are many channels that we can make use of in doing this sort of work. The commercial counselor's offices of our embassies stationed abroad can help us in making market investigations. Nowadays, our import and export corporations send their trade groups abroad every now and then. One of their purposes is to make market surveys on the spot.
Certainly, face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen are also important channels to get market information. The Chinese Export Commodities Fairs and some other fairs of similar nature as well as visits of foreign businessmen provide us with such opportunities. Of course, there are some other ways of making market investigations.
小题1:In making market investigations, one should ______.
A.get enough information concernedB.advertise his products
C.produce high quality goodsD.none of the above
小题2:The word "indispensable" in the first line means ______.
小题3: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The relationship between market investigation and sales promotion is just as that of the lips and
B.It is impossible to succeed in selling a product without market investigation.
C.There are various ways of making market investigation.
D.Production goes before market investigation.
小题4:All the following are channels to get market information except ________.
A.to have commercial counsellor' s office of our embassies stationed abroad
B.to promote the quality of our own products
C.to send trade groups abroad every now and then
D.to have face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen
The amount of carbon taken in by growing plants increased from 1982 through 1999 as
temperatures rose and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased. But a new study
in Friday ’ s edition of the journal Science found a drought - related decline in such plant growth
from 2000 to 2009,even though temperatures continued to climb.
As drought caused by warming reduces the land ’ s ability to take in carbon,the result could
be more carbon dioxide left in the atmosphere,and thus more warming,Zhao Maosheng from the
University of Montana explained in a telephone interview.
“This is a pretty serious warning that warmer temperatures are not going to endlessly improve
plant growth ’” co - author Steven Running,also from the University of Montana ’ said in a
statement. “ We see this as a bit of a surprise,and potentially significant on a policy level because
previous interpretations suggested global warming might actually help plant growth around the
world, “ he said.
Instead, he and Zhao found a small but measurable decline of about 1%,compared to a6%
increase in the past decade.
Their study,based on the data collected by NASA satellites,found that north areas continued
to increase plant growth,thanks to warmer temperatures and a longer growing season.
Someone commented, "This past decade’ s net decline in earthly productivity suggests that a
complex relationship between temperature, rainfall, cloudiness, and carbon dioxide, probably in
combination with other factors such as nutrients(营养)and land management,will determine
future patterns and trends in productivity.,
小题1:From the first paragraph, we can learnin the recent decade or so.
A.the emission(排放)of carbon hasn’ t been reduced
B.draught has been causing loss of soil and water
C.carbon dioxide levels have been rising
D.the rise of temperature doesn' t promote the plant growth
小题2:Zhao Maosheng really worried that .
E.     more and more land will be abandoned
F.    the climate becomes warmer and warmer
G.   the emission of carbon dioxide increases
H.   draught further reduces the number of the plants
小题3:Steven Running made his statement to  .
I.      confirm Zhao' s views on the influence of temperature rise
J.     urge the government to take necessary measures
K.    warn the people to strengthen the plant protection
L.    support Zhao* s views on lhe plant production
小题4:We can infer from the passage that  .
A.global warming will determine the future productivity
B.various factors play a key role jointly on future productivity
C.earthly productivity actually increased in the past decade
D.temperature rise has had no effect on future producticity patterns
The Harvard Student—led Walking Tour
Let a student show you Harvard···on a free walking tour.
We welcome our neighbours to stop by the Harvard University Events&Information Centre,
located in the Holyoke Centre Arcade at 1350 Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge.
Let a student take you and your family, school,or organization on an engaging,hour-long free historical tour of the Harvard Campus. The tours leave from the Events&Information Centre.Not only will you discover the location of fascinating exhibition and programmers on campus,you will also see Harvard’s rich sampling of American history and architecture from the Colonial period to the present.
Schedule of Tours
Tours leave the Events&Information Centre at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at 2 p.m. on Saturday through the academic year (February4 through May 2;September 23 through December 16).Summer tours(June 24 through August 15)are offered at 10 a.m.,11:15 a. m.,2p.m.,and 3:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday.Reser—vacations for special tours of 20 or more people may be made by calling the Events&Information Centre at (617)495-1573 or emailing icenter@ camail Harvard, edu. Tours are suspended March23 through April2 for Spring Break.May3 through June23 for Spring intercession(祷告),and August16 through September 22 for Summer intercession.
NOTE:Prospective(未来的)students may take tours originating at the Harvard Admission Office, located at Byerly Hall on 8 Garden Street in Cambridge.From April through August,the Admissions staff conducts an information session at l0a.m. followed by an 11 a.m. tour.Monday through Friday On Saturdays.there is no information session but the 11 a.m.tour is still scheduled.Another session is held year-round at 2 p.m. with a 3 p.m. tour following. For more information on tours for prospective students,please call at(617)495-1551.
Harvard University Events&Information Centre
Location:Holyoke Centre Arcade.1350 Massachusetts Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138
小题1:A person can join in a tour at ________on Saturday through the academic year.
A.10 a.m.B.2 p.m.C.11:15 a.m.D.3:15 p.m.
小题2:If you want to go for an information session, you can go on __________.
A.May 2B.June 23C.August 20D.September 1
小题3:A student who wants an information session may _________for more information.
A.call (617)495-1573B.call (617)495-1551
C.email icenter@ camail. Harvard.edu.D.go to the Events&Information Centre
小题4:The above ad.is mainly intended for________.
A.foreign visitorsB.freshmen
C.high school studentsD.those living near Harvard University

Are you always busy?
            Is your schedule hectic?
                          Do you sometimes forget to take time to eat?
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Vegetable Salad and Pasta Salad
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Quickeats are reasonably priced and ready to eat. Take the coupon(优惠卷)below to a participating store to receive a free Red Hot or Cool Blue container that will fit neatly in your backpack, briefcase, or shoulder bag and keep your Quickeats meal hot or cold until you’re ready to eat it. Each container holds up to 4 Quickeats.
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小题1:This advertisement is designed especially for those who____________.
A.like eating in restaurantsB.have little time
C.prefer home-cooked mealsD.want to save money
小题2:What information CAN'T we get from the advertisement about Ouickeats?
A.Different kinds.B.High quality.C.Exact prices.D.Good taste
小题3:Which of the following can be cooled in a refrigerator before eating according to the ads?
A.Pasta SaladB.Dried Fruit.C.Noodles.D.Nuts.
小题4:The underlined word “hectic” in the passage means ____________.
A.full of freedom B.comfortableC.full of activitiesD.flexible
Matt grows the best vegetables in the village. He grows fruit too – big, sweet apples and oranges. And what else? Well, the biggest and the prettiest flowers.
Things grow in Matt’s garden all through the year. He cuts some flowers for his sitting room table; and of course , he eats some fruit and vegetables. But he sells everything else in the market. Matt is not a poor man.
He knows a few other gardens; but he does not have any friends. You might ask, “What is that?” Why doesn’t he have friends. I will tell you. People do not understand him. And they do not understand his garden. “Why not?” You will ask. “It is a very good garden, isn’t it?” It is a wonderful garden. Matt plants things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he does very little work. He sits in the garden with his small radio. And everything grows.
People ask, “How does Matt grow these wonderful things? He waters the plants sometimes, but he doesn’t do anything else. He just sits under an orange tree with his radio. He listens to music nearly all day!” and that is all quite true. People cannot understand it, and so they don’t like it very much.
Matt likes music. But what about the garden? Who does the work? I will tell you another true thing: the music does the work. All plants love music; and Matt knows that.
Do you want big vegetables and the loveliest flowers? Well, just give your plants a lot of music.
小题1:There are not only vegetables and flowers, but also ________ in Matt’s garden.
A.plantsB.fruit treesC.antsD.crops
小题2:Matt makes a living by ___________
A.selling his vegetables, fruit and flowersB.growing trees in his garden
C.working in the marketD.helping other people growing plants
小题3: Everything in Matt’s garden grows well because  ______
A.he has a good garden
B.he is good at growing things and likes listening to the radio
C.music helps his plants a lot
D.he is very hardworking
小题4:People don’t like Matt because ____________
A.he doesn’t give them any vegetables or fruitB.he listens to the radio too much
C.they don’t understand himD.Matt doesn’t let them listen to his radio

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