
A news conference for the upcoming 2017 China-Mexico Culture Year was held at the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City, Mexico, on Dec 3.

Chinese Ambassador to Mexico Qiu Xiaoqi and officials from ministries of foreign affairs and education of Mexico attended the conference.

Qiu said China-Mexico Culture Year will be another large-scale event for the two nation’s cultural exchange after the 2016 China-Latin American and Caribbean Culture Year. As 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of the two countries, the culture year will enhance the mutual communications.

Mexican officials praised the cultural achievements of two countries’ cooperation. In 2017, as Guest of Honor, China will attend the National Potsino Fair FENAPO and a book fair in Mexico. And a series of activities on visual arts, music, literature, cultural relics, films, books and food will be held during the event.

Artists from the China National Traditional Orchestra performed classic traditional Chinese music after the news conference in Mexico.Dec 3,2016.[Photo/Xinhua]

1.Who didn’t attend the conference for the upcoming 2017 China-Mexico Culture Year?

A. Chinese Ambassador to Mexico.

B. Officials from ministries of affairs of China.

C. Official from ministries of education of Mexico.

D. Official from ministries of foreign affairs of Mexico.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. China-Mexico Culture Year will be the first large-scale event for the two nation's cultural exchange.

B. 2016 is the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations of the China and Mexico.

C. Mexican officials expressed approval for the cultural achievements of two countries’ cooperation.

D. In 2017, China will attend the National Potsino Fair FENAPO and an art fair in Mexico.

3.What kind of music was performed by the artists from the China National Traditional Orchestra?

A. Classic traditional western music.

B. Classic traditional Mexican music.

C. Classic modern Chinese music.

D. Classic traditional Chinese music.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. China-Mexico Culture Year will kick off in 2017

B. China-Mexico Culture Year came to a successful end in 2016

C. China-Latin American and Caribbean Culture Year came to a successful end in 2016

D. The artists from the China National Traditional Orchestra performed successfully in the news conference


Dear girls,

The dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom as you______your way in the world, from an entrepreneur(企业家)and your _____.

In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown for college in Washington DC. There, I______that I loved to support women. It taught me that I’m a creative, strong leader and great at marketing.______, I moved to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit. Becoming a mother opened my mind to______a breast pump bag(储奶袋)business. Now I______a highly successful company that I started up on my own.______what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Keep an open mind.

Failure is _____to your success. I won’t tell you to feel good about______. But I will tell you that every failure I’ve had along the way has absolutely made me _____

Failing the big math exam in high school was_______. I eventually passed, and I’ve ______failed an exam again. I learned from that______to ask for help. Now I ask for help in business______.

Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I more than qualified ____hurt me. I was so depressed ______soon I got a big job at a national organization. It’s okay to get angry! Take that and _____it into positive action.

I’m proud to be a role _____to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be ______you want and you can have everything on your list. It will be my pleasure to watch your life______before my eyes.

1.A. lose B. pay C. get D. make

2.A. aunt B. mama C. uncle D. papa

3.A. discovered B. informed C. imagined D. developed

4.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Meanwhile

5.A. pushing B. taking C. launching D. pulling

6.A. run B. close C. leave D. work

7.A. Come out B. Work out C. Hold out D. Figure out

8.A. pleasant B. convenient C. critical D. different

9.A. justice B. failure C. courage D. honesty

10.A. worse B. bad C. well D. better

11.A. embarrassing B. exciting C. amusing D. inspiring

12.A. ever B. always C. never D. often

13.A. accident B. experience C. feeling D. memory

14.A. all the time B. of all time C. at a time D. in no time

15.A. on B. to C. for D. with

16.A. or B. so C. while D. but

17.A. turn B. put C. make D. get

18.A. example B. star C. symbol D. model

19.A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something

20.A. fold B. unfold C. cover D. uncover

I Am A Pencil

Children’s book author Sam Swope took a job teaching writing to third-graders in the New York City. His students were immigrants (移民) or the children of immigrants from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages and having many different beliefs. But there were a few things they had in common: family troubles, money struggles and poetry.

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Price: $19.95

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What It Takes To Help Me Out

An editor for US News & World Report, David L. Marcus takes us inside a boarding (寄宿) school for troubled teens. He shows the great stresses that are put on these teens and make them lose their confidence. This should cause us to think hard about troubled teens.

Cover Price: $35.86

Price: $15.00

You Save: $20.86 (About 58%)

The Most Scenic Drives in America

Published again and again and translated into several languages beginning in 1997, this travel book includes over 200 brand-new photographs of the wonderful places along 120 selected routes.

Cover Price: $47.88

Price: $23.88

You Save: $24 (About 50%)

Our Brother’s Keeper

Author Jedwin Smith tells what happened when he met several of his brother’s old friends. They make a journey to Vietnam, to visit the place where Jeff, his brother, died. Surprisingly, their Vietnamese guide was the former commander (海军中校) carrying out the attack that killed Jeff. A powerful story of brotherhood, bravery and understanding carried out.

Cover Price: $59.40

Price: $10.00

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1.Which of the following books offers the biggest price cut?

A. I Am A Pencil

B. What It Takes To Help Me Out

C. The Most Scenic Drives in America

D. Our Brother’s Keeper

2.If you are interested in pictures, you would probably choose ________.

A. Our Brother’s Keeper

B. What It Takes To Help Me Out

C. The Most Scenic Drives in America

D. I Am A Pencil

3.From the book I Am A Pencil, we can learn that Sam Swope’s students _______.

A. are homeless children

B. have the same beliefs

C. like writing poetry

D. are in different grades

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. I Am A Pencil is written by Jedwin Smith.

B. What It Takes To Help Me Out is about troubled teens.

C. You have to pay $47.88 for The Most Scenic Drives in America.

D. Jedwin Smith was killed in Vietnam.

5.What type of writing is this passage?

A. An advertisement. B. A news report. C. An announcement. D. A tour guide.

Here’s the situation. You’re sitting at the table listening to the conversation when your cellphone rings. There is something very important that wants your attention. Maybe your phone buzzed for an email, text message, Facebook post or tweet. You don’t know unless you check your phone. You may be feeling a strong case of FOMO: Fear of Missing Out.

You may think that a quick check of your phone isn’t rude. Your companions probably disagree. A recent study of cellphone use found that most US adults think checking your phone is rude in social situations.

The study found that only 5 percent of Americans felt that checking your cellphone during a meeting is acceptable. Only 12 percent support checking your cellphone during a family dinner.

The study said, “Americans think that when people focus on their phones instead of their companions, it hurts the group in which they are taking part.”

People can be offended when they feel ignored. They also don’t like others who talk too loudly or share private information in public when using their phones.

About three-fourths of US adults view using cellphones in public as acceptable when using public transportation, waiting in line, and walking down the street. But most US adults disapprove of cellphone use at the dinner table, in movie theater, meetings, and places of worship.

People might use their cellphones in social situations because they see others doing it: 86 percent of people surveyed said that someone else used a phone at the most recent social event they attended. People may use their phones at social events to share something from the event. That might be a photo, information, or to free from the group.

1.The writer starts the passage by ________.

A. listing the uses of cellphones

B. imagining a scene in life

C. discussing the bad influence of cellphones

D. talking about a chat on cellphones

2.If you use your cellphones in social situates, others will feel that they aren’t ________.

A. interested in taking B. friendly enough

C. valued by you at all D. sharing useful information

3.Where do most Americans accept the cellphones use?

A. Seeing a movie in the cinema.

B. Attending a meeting.

C. Having a dinner with families.

D. Riding in the public vehicles.

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Is it Rude to Use Cellphones Among Friends?

B. Putting Aside Your Cellphones for Your Friends

C. Keeping in Touch with Your Friends with Cellphones

D. Avoid Borrowing a Cellphone from Your Friends

A man worked in a big company.One day, he came home from _______ late, tired and annoyed, to find his 6-year old son _______ him at the door.The _______ his son saw him, he asked him a question, “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?” “That’s _______ of your business.If you _______ know, I make $20 an hour.” the man said angrily.“Oh, ” the little boy replied, with his head down.Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I please_______ $10?”

The father was _______ and shouted at him to go back to his room because he thought his son was so _______. The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get _______ angrier about the little boy’s __________.How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After an hour __________, the man had calmed down, and started to __________.Then he went into the little boy’s room.“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too __________ on you earlier.Here’s the $10 you asked for.”said the man.

The little boy sat __________ up, smiling.“Oh, thank you daddy!” He yelled.Then, __________ under his pillow, he __________ some crumpled up bills.The little boy slowly __________out his money, then __________ at his father.“Daddy, I have $20 now.Can I __________ an hour of your time? Please come home __________ tomorrow.I would like to have dinner with you.”

1.A. school B. work C. trip D. hospital

2.A. standing for B. asking for C. waiting for D. playing with

3.A. moment B. time C. day D. when

4.A. not B. no C. nothing D. none

5.A. have B. must C. might D. want

6.A. earn B. make C. 1end D. borrow

7.A. angry B. happy C. desperate D. embarrassed

8.A. selfish B. crazy C. aggressive D. innocent

9.A. more B. perhaps C. even D. 1ittle

10.A. money B. questions C. toys D. pillows

11.A. about B. or else C. or so D. 1ater

12.A. relax B. refresh C. relieve D. regret

13.A. hard B. kind C. soft D. gentle

14.A. straightly B. straight C. slowly D. 1azily

15.A. putting B. getting C. taking D. reaching

16.A. brought out B. picked out C. pulled out D. 1eft out

17.A. counted B. gave C. presented D. sent

18.A. 1ooked down B. 1ooked away C. 1ooked up D. 1ooked out

19.A. sell B. borrow C. buy D. have

20.A. 1ate B. early C. happily D. often


Reasons to exercise regularly

You’ve been told a hundred times that exercise is good for your health.___ 1.____Here are four benefits that you can get from just a little daily exercise.

____2._____ Do you feel a bit more clear after good daily exercise? Not only is your brain getting more energy and oxygen, but many studies have shown that exercise can help you remember and learn things better. Of course, an intense exercise right before a big exam could leave you more tired than smart - but the two are still undoubtedly linked.

You will become more confident.___ 3.____ Through exercising, you will feel more accomplished and social (if you work out at a gym). Even if you don’t see immediate results in your body, the effort will make you feel better - and a bit of confidence can go a long way.

You will live longer. It’s no secret that healthy living will keep you alive longer. One study found that exercise improves life expectancy as much as quitting smoking.__ 4._____ And just a bit of regular exercise can slow the process for a while.

You will sleep better. If you ever have trouble falling asleep at night, it is a good way to solve this problem with regular exercise. The National Sleep Foundation says that regular exercise can help you sleep better. ____5._____ If you exercise too closely to bedtime, it can actually have the opposite effect! Luckily, you can choose other good ways to fill up that pre-bed relaxation time.

A. You will be happier.

B. You will improve your memory.

C. It is really true that sitting all day is killing you.

D. Both of these are important parts of losing weight.

E. It’s true, and it’s good for a lot more than just losing weight or building muscle.

F. Obviously, exercise can improve your appearance which can improve confidence.

G. The best time to exercise is in the morning or in the afternoon, rather than before bed.

Ask someone for their first memory and they will often give some fairly dull possibilities and not be sure which comes first. I have no ______ at all about mine. The earliest thing I recall is looking down and seeing flames coming out of my ______.

It was a Sunday afternoon in July 1981 when I ______ fire. I was in the garden with my dad. It was a sunny day but slightly breezy (有微风的). I was standing nearby as my dad ______ to light the barbecue. After several failed attempts, ______ he had to use some sort of accelerant (助燃剂). It caused a small fireball, which was flying towards me ______ the breeze suddenly ______ in my direction. That’s where the ______ memory of my burning ankles kicks in. My dad ______ fast. He dashed indoors, grabbed a large blanket and ______ to wrap me in it.

The next thing I remember is sitting on a chest, feeling hot and ______ water over and over again; then being driven to a ______. I underwent lots of skin operations and for weeks I wasn’t able to bend my legs, which had to be wrapped in bandages. ______ this period, I don’t recall experiencing pain. It was only when I ______ what an exciting summer my sister was having that my situation began to seem ______.

We’ve never talked much about the ______—my dad has never been an especially ______person. Now that I have kids of my own, I do sometimes wonder what he ______. I’ve never felt any ______ towards him, and I recognize that but for his swift actions the situation could have been ______. But I’d certainly never have a barbecue with my kids.

1.A. choice B. idea C. doubt D. worry

2.A. ankles B. blanket C. sleeves D. belly

3.A. exchanged B. set C. held D. caught

4.A. tended B. struggled C. refused D. managed

5.A. eventually B. gradually C. interestingly D. fortunately

6.A. before B. unless C. though D. as

7.A. stopped B. howled C. changed D. dropped

8.A. vivid B. sweet C. precious D. vague

9.A. hid B. acted C. escaped D. approached

10.A. got away B. broke in C. stood by D. ran back

11.A. waiting for B. asking for C. paying for D. searching for

12.A. hospital B. pool C. café D. gym

13.A. Thanks to B. But for C. Throughout D. After

14.A. realized B. imagined C. predicted D. explained

15.A. ridiculous B. acceptable C. satisfactory D. unbearable

16.A. illness B. conflict C. accident D. visit

17.A. strict B. open C. shy D. honest

18.A. gave away B. took over C. went through D. looked into

19.A. sympathy B. anxiety C. guilt D. anger

20.A. worse B. simpler C. stranger D. clearer

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