
Long long ago, there was an old merchant who had three sons. “To which one shall I leave my fortune?” he wondered. “It must be to the cleverest son. But which one is the cleverest?”
He called his three sons to him. “Here is some money,” he told them, “you must each take one coin to buy something that will fill this room. Anyone who can do this shall have my fortune.”
“It is a big room,” said the eldest son.
“One coin will not buy very much,” said the second son.
But the youngest son said nothing. He stood and thought, and then he smiled, “Come, brothers,” he said, “let us go to the market.”
The eldest son bought straw with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of straw. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the straw covered only a corner of the room.
The second son bought sand with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of sand. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the sand covered only half of the floor.
“What did you buy?” the eldest son angrily asked the youngest son. “You don't have any straw.”
“Yes, what did you buy?” the second son asked angrily. “You don't have any sand.”
“I bought this,” said the youngest son.
“A candle!” cried his brothers. “What good is a candle?”
“Watch”, said the youngest son.
He lit the candle, and all at once the room was filled from wall to wall, from ceiling to floor. It was filled with light!
“Although you are the youngest, you are indeed the cleverest of my sons,” the old merchant said.
And that is how, the old merchant left his fortune to his youngest son, the one who could fill a room with light.
小题1: Who would get father's fortune?
A.The oldest son.B.The richest son.
C.The cleverest son.D.The silliest son.
小题2: The merchant left his fortune to the son
A.who would fill the room by using something which is worthy of one coin
B.who would take care of him when he became old
C.who wanted to get his fortune
D.who got married first
小题3: How do you think of the youngest son?
A.He is very clever.B.He is very lazy.
C.He is very mean.D.He is very diligent.
小题4:  The youngest son used _____ to fill the room.

“Cheese” — a metaphor (隐喻) for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job, a relationship, or money.
Each of us has our own __26__of what cheese is, and we want to __27__it because we believe it makes us __28__.
Once there lived four little characters. Two were __29__named Sniff and Scurry and two were little people named Hem and Haw.
Every morning, the mice and the little people __30_their running wear and went to Cheese Station C __31__they found their cheese. It was such a large store(仓库) of cheese that Hem and Haw __32__moved their homes to be closer to it.
One morning, Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was __33__cheese. They weren’t surprised. __34__they had noticed the supply   35 cheese had been getting smaller every day; they were prepared for the result. They set out quickly to __36__new cheese.
Later that same day, Hem and Haw arrived. “What? No cheese! Who moved my cheese?” Hem yelled(叫喊). They went home that night __37__and discouraged.
The next day Hem and Haw __38__to Cheese Station C. But the situation hadn’t changed. Haw asked, “Do Sniff and Scurry know something we don’t know?” Hem __39__him and said, “What would they know? They are simple   40   and we are human beings. They cannot be __41__than we are.”
Haw suggested, “Maybe we should   42  talking about the situation and just to look for some new cheese.”
Haw decided to   43  Cheese Station C while Hem was more comfortable staying in the cheese less Station C.
Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry went farther   44  they found Cheese Station N. They found what they had been looking for. It was the biggest   45  of cheese the mice had ever seen.
A.put in
B.took off
C.gave in
D.put on
A.search for
C.look after
小题12:A. glad
B hopeful
C. unsatisfied
D. excited
A.smiled at
B.laughed at
C.thought of
D.Sniff and Scurry
A.more foolish
Dear Michelle:
My Dad hates my Mom. He tells me that she is a liar and that I should not trust her. Of course, they are divorced but they have “joint custody(共同监护)”. What a joke! I am 15, my brother is nine, and we have a life of hell, frankly.
We live one week on and one week off. This was the brilliant idea of both of my parents, which was fair to them but ruining my life. I can’t get away from his voice and his putting my mom down. Sometimes I think about running away.
A Hopeless Ant
Dear Hopeless Ant:
First, thank you for trusting me with your problem. If all you said is correct, then there are several
things that you can and should do to help yourself, your brother, and your parents.
● You need a family counselor(顾问). Such a person could listen to each family member alone and
then meet together to talk about the situation.
If refused, you need to talk to a counselor in your school. You need to be heard, and you need an
adult who will listen. A school counselor can organize a meeting with your parents.
● Perhaps you need to write to her. Writing things down allows people to go over it more than one
I cannot imagine that she will stand passively by and do nothing at all to help once she reads how
you feel. Your father needs a letter as well. He may not realize the destructive effect that it has on his
● Lastly, have a plan in mind when all else fails that is not self-destructive. Life passes very quickly, and you will grow up and have your own life.
Above all, you need to keep yourself safe. Never doubt that it will get better. Write back and let me know how everything is going.
The Hopeless Ant wrote the letter to _______.
A. complain about the problems
B. ask for advice
C. make his father punished
D. just play a joke
The Hopeless Ant hated his father because __________.
A.his father always told a lie
B.his father wasn’t friendly to his mother
C.his father divorced his mother
D.the Hopeless Ant couldn’t stay with his parents
According to the text, which of the following advice is in greatest need for the Hopeless Ant?
A.Keep himself safe.B.Have a talk with his parents.
C.Have his own family plan.D.Write letters to families.
In which part of a website may the passage appear?
Shopping in the United States changes a lot.About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family.Women went from the bakery to the butcher’s to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week.Then, about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born.In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores.
The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall.A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof.Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular.The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping.If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee.Malls are places for teenagers to hang out.Many teens will often just “go to the mall” and spend time with their friends.
The recent change in American shopping was the superstore.Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot and Toys “R” Us have been built all across the United States.Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores.Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close.They just cannot compete with their giant neighbors.
And now, online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the States.People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet.Online shopping has lots of advantages.For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day.Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores.While, online shopping also has its disadvantages.People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store.And privacy of personal information may be let out.
小题1:Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?
①small stores ②superstores ③shopping malls ④shopping online ⑤supermarkets
小题2:Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?
A.Small stores.B.Supermarkets.C.Shopping mallsD.Superstores.
小题3:Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?
A.Because they can buy goods at a reduction in price.
B.Because they are across the United States.
C.Because they sell all kinds of products people need.
D.Because they are built near small towns.
小题4:What’s the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?
A.Wasting time.B.Fixed prices.
C.No chance to do physical activities.D.Leaking personal information.
Ask just about any college student you know,and he is likely to tell you that he is a member of facebook.com.Many students say they check their e-mail.It’s so popular “facelooking”has become a verb “Everywhere everyone is doing it,”college student Katie Silverman said,“It’s like everyone’s center of life.”
Facebook is an online social meeting place where students create profiles (简介),share personal information, and meet other members. It is password protected and targeted to high school and college students;members must have an edu.email address to join.
Many students say it has changed their social lives, giving them an easy way to find and chat with classmates who share their interests.“Some people might be too shy to go to talk to someone they like in one of their classes,but on facebook it’s a lot easier to strike up a conversation,”said Rahul Vanjani.
The website was founded by two Harward University students who wanted to meet more of their classmates.It became so popular that the website is at 2,200 colleges and at 22,000 high schools.It says that it has 6 million active users,two—thirds of whom are on it every day.Many of the facebook members said their parents had no idea they were on it .“No way.My parents certainly don’t know about it,” said a college senior who asked us not to use his name.
To keep it popular,Facebook says it stops students posting improper information.Some students have paid the price.At Fisher College in Boston,two students were kicked out for using facebook.com to do something that is against the law.At North Carolina State University,four students were punished for posting photos about drinking.
小题1:The passage is mainly about____.
A.student’s idea about Facebook
B.the development of Facebook
C.the popularity of Facebook with students
D.the rules of Facebook
小题2:To become a member of Facebook,you must_____.
A.have an edu,e—mail dress
B.have your own profile
C.be a high school student
D.offer main personal information
小题3:By saying “Some students have paid the price”in the last paragraph,the author means more students_____.
A.will have to pay money for being on Facebook
B.always use Facebook to do something against the law
C.have been punished for doing some improper things on Facebook
D.often stop others from posting improper information on Facebook
小题4:We can learn about Facebook from the passage that______.
A.the information that students offer to Facebook is secret to others
B.Facebook is at more colleges that at high schools
C.6 million active users of Facebook are on it every day
D.many students don’t want their parents to know they are facebooking
Try and see inside your mind a wide open blue sky and a wide green sea far away. Breathe in as you circle your hands high above your head, then bend back a little. Breathe out as you circle your arms back down to your sides..."
Following the yoga teacher's gentle instructions, Bai Yunuo,15, from the High School attached to Beijing Normal University tried to get each of her poses correct.
Bai's school offered 24 elective courses (选修课) for Senor 1 students this term and she chose two. It was her first yoga class.
"I'm happy that I can learn yoga at school. I love dancing but I had some injuries on my knees when I was a kid. So I decide to try something soft. Simply stretching into different poses makes me feel free and quiet. And the music is quite comforting. The class is relaxing after a whole day's work," Bai said.
Liu Zehao,15, found his interest was Junior Achievement (企业经营模拟). The course brought students into the real world of business. In their first class, Liu and his group members named their company "Vision". Liu was elected as CEO of the company.
"Here we learn to think like an adult. We have to make our company get more money. It's new and different from other courses," he said.
Liu and Bai take their elective courses twice a week with students from other classes who share the same interest. The students will get two credits (学分) from each course at the end of this term. They have to achieve eight credit points from electives to graduate from high school.
If you are interested in more about elective courses, please CLICK HERE to register for general elective courses.
小题1: What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Skills for imagination.B.Learning tips.
C.Instruction for yoga students.D.Breathing rules.
小题2:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Bai does not like dancing.B.Yoga is softer than dancing.
C.Students study hard for credits.D.The elective courses are easy.
小题3: Which of the sentence is NOT true about Liu Zehao?
A.He was interested in Junior Achievement which brought him the real world of business.
B.He was elected as CEO of the company named "Vision".
C.He was an adult and he tried to make more money for his company.
D.He took their Junior Achievement twice a week.
小题4:Where can you possibly find this passage?
A.A textbookB.A newspaperC.A magazineD.The internet
In early autumn I applied for applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University,but my mother fought strongly againsnst it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell,she tore it up.
“You can’t say it’s not a great university,just because Papa went there.”
“That’s not it at all.And it is a top university.”She was still holding the pieces in her hand. “But we can’t afford to send you to college.”
“I wouldn’t dream of asking you for money.Do you want me to get a job to help suppont you and Papa?Things aren’t that bad,are they?”
“No,”she said. “I don’t expect you to help support us.”
Father borrowed money form his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop,His chief customers were his old college friends.To get new customers,my mother had to help.She picked up a long-forgotten membership in the local league of women,so that she cound get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my Parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资) could show returns.What’s more ,they had not wanted enough to be roch and successful ;otherwise they cound not possibly have managed their lives so badly.
I was torn between the desave to help them and change,their lives,and the determinstion not to repeat their mistakes.I had a strong belief in my power to go what I wanted.After months of hard study I won a full college scholarship(奖学金).My father could hardly contain his pride in me,and my mother eventually gave in before my success.
小题1:The author was not allowed to go to Cornell University mainly because
his father grduated from the university
his mother did not thinks it a great university
his parents needed him to help support the family
his parents did not have enough money for him
小题2:The father srarted his small shop with the money from         
A.a local leagueB.his university
C.his relativesD.his college friends
小题3:Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?      
A.To help with her husband’s businessB.To raise money for her son
C.To meet her long-forgotten friendsD.To better manage her life
小题4:According to the text,what was the author determined to do in that autumn?  To get a well-paid job for himself
To improve relations with his mother
To go to his dream university
To carry on with his father’s business
One in five American families will move every year. Moving is one of the most stress-producing events a family has to go through. Experts say it can be harder for children. How do you help your child adjust to the changes?
The Ricardos moved from their old house to a new home. Same family, same dog-but it was harder for 9-year-old Elena. She hated the room, the house and everything. She hated leaving her friends the most.
“ I was so emotional. I mean, saying goodbye to all my friends…..my very close friends, who was my neighbor, made me so sad,” says Elena.
For some children, the emotional stress of moving is not much more different from the emotions when someone has died.
“There’s that sense that, ‘I’ve lost my friends, my friends, my base, my school, my teachers-everything I knew that made me feel safe is all gone now. I have to start over,” says Dr. Tim Jordan.
Starting over is exactly Dr. Tim Jordan’s advice. Make new friends, enter the new school and enter the new neighborhood. And here are some other pieces of advice.
● Explain clearly to the children why the move is necessary.
● Familiarize(使熟悉) the children as much as possible with the new area with maps, photographs or the daily newspaper.
● After the move, got the children to join in activities in the place.
● Help the children keep in touch with friends from the neighborhood before through telephone, letters, e-mail, and personal visits.
Which of the following is useful to reduce the children’s stress before the move?
A.Let doctors give children some advice.
B.Try letting children accept the fact of moving.
C.Let children keep in touch with their former friends.
D.Copy the new environment in the old home.
What can we know from the passage?
A.Most American children can get used to the changes in moving.
B.Dr. Tim Jordan lost his family, friends, teachers after moving.
C.The emotional stress of moving is the same in some way as that of knowing someone’s death.
D.the Ricardos lost their dogs after moving to their new house.
The passage mainly wants to _____
A.tell parents the reasons of moving.B.explain the reasons of stress.
C.give parents some advice on moving.D.teach parents how to move.
With eco-tourism on the rise, eco-hotels are fast becoming the darling of the travel industry. These days, however, staying at an eco-hotel doesn’t necessarily mean vacationing in a tree house in the Costa Rican jungle, although that is certainly a choice.
The majority of eco-hotels fall into one of several categories: hotels and resorts that conserve ecologically important habitats; “green” hotels that reduce, recycle, minimize waste, and protect water; sustainable hotels that harvest food from gardens on the hotel property or get part or all of their power from renewable energy; hotels that encourage community involvement such as guests taking part in trail clearing; and hotels that offer some form of environmental education to their guests.
As such, eco-hotels are a various group. Stylish urban hotels like the Willard Inter-Continental Washington focus on energy conservation whereas the Rosario Resort & Spa on Orcas Island in Washington State offers a wildly popular “green” vacation package where guests can “take a hike, clear a trail”.
No matter what you call them, eco-hotel, eco-lodge, eco-resort, or green hotel, they’re all part of the “greening” of the tourism industry.
Part of what drives this greening of the hotel industry is no doubt competition. Going green is yet another way to distinguish a hotel from the mass of other excellent hotels that consumers have to choose from. But for many hotels, it’s also part of their philosophy. With the concept of “going green” firmly rooted in consumers’ minds, eco-hotels have taken it to the next level, and whether or not money is the driving factor behind the greening of the hotel industry doesn’t matter so much as it’s good for the planet.
小题1:The underlined part in the first paragraph means _______.
A.lovers like staying at an eco-hotel when traveling
B.eco-hotels are very popular in the travel industry
C.eco-hotels are where young people love to live
D.romantic love stories often happen in eco-hotels
小题2: According to the passage, which of the following can match the idea of eco-hotel?
A.It uses renewable energy.
B.It is comfortable and fashionable.
C.It has walls of glass.
D.It is home to endangered species.
小题3: From the passage, we know the Rosario Resort & Spa is a kind of hotel that _______.
A.protects important habitats
B.harvests food from its own garden
C.has courses on the environment for its guests
D.encourages its guests to participate in its greening activities
小题4: From the last paragraph, we can learn that _______.
A.money is the driving force behind eco-hotels
B.eco-hotels have no advantages in competing for guests
C.eco-hotels teach their guests the philosophy of eco-hotels
D.the hotel industry cares more about money than the environment
小题5: People who choose to stay at eco-hotels _______.
A.love to take a hike
B.have environmental awareness
C.want to live comfortably
D.enjoy the green atmosphere

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