
The construction of the two new railway lines          by now.

       A.has completed                                B.have completed

       C.have been completed                       D.has been completed


解析:本题旨在考查考生综合使用时态和被动语态的能力。时间状语by now 为完成时典型标志词。答案为A


The flag, the most common symbol(象征)of a nation in the modern world, is also one of the most ancient. With a clear symbolic meaning. the flag in the traditional form is still used today to mark buildings, ships and other vehicles related to a country.

The national flag as we know it today is in no way a primitive(原始的)artifact. It is , rather, the product of thousands of years’ development. Historians believe that it had two major ancestors, of which the earlier served to show wind direction.

Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats. Often strong winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers. People’s food supplies were similarly vulnerable. Even after they had learned how to plant grains, they still needed help from nature to ensure good harvests. Therefore they feared and depended on the power of the wind, which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another.

Using a simple piece of cloth tied to the top of a post to tell the direction of the wind was more dependable than earlier methods, such as watching the rising of smoke from a fire. The connection


of the flag with heavenly power was  therefore reasonable. Early human societies began to fix long pieces of cloth to the tops of totems(图腾) before carrying them into battle. They believed that the power of the wind would be added to the good wishes of the gods and ancestors represented by the totems themselves.

These flags developed very slowly into modern flags. The first known flag of a nation or a ruler was unmarked: The king of China around 1000 B.C. was known to have a white flag carried ahead of him. This practice might have been learned from Egyptians even further in the past, but it was from China that it spread over trade routs through India, then across Arab lands, and finally to Europe, where it met up with the other ancestor of the national flag.

71.The best title for the passage would be             .

       A.Development of the National Flag.

       B.Power of the National Flag.

       C.Types of  Flags

       D.Uses of Flags

72.The underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 means              .

       A.impossible to make sure of

       B.likely to be protected

       C.easy to damage

       D.difficult to find

73.The earliest flags were connected with heavenly power because              .

       A.they could tell wind direction

       B.they could bring good luck to fighters

       C.they were handed down by the ancestors

       D.they were believed to stand for natural forces

74.What does the author know of the first national flag?

       A.He knows when it was sent to Europe.

       B.He believes it was made in Egypt.

       C.He thinks it came from China.

       D.He doubts where it started.

75.What will the author most probably talk about next?

       A.The role of China in the spread of the national flag.

       B.The second ancestor of the national flag

       C.The use of modern flags in Europe.

       D.The importance of modern flags.

If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival(生存). Many people think that preparing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are very important, but actually eighty percent of mountain survival is your reaction to fear.


Find a hiding place.

Unnecessary labor will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding place around you before trying to start your own construction. If you are in a snow-covered area, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. You should try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of the valleys-cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.


Signal rescuers for help.

The best time to signal rescuers is during the day. Signal for help from the highest point possible-it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound you make will travel farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket(a special blanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and put your blanket-gold side facing out-on the ground.


Do not walk away.

   It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to follow your path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often end up finding a car with no one in it.


If you get frostbite(冻伤), do not rewarm the affected area until you’re out of danger.

    You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel the pain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keep it dry until you are rescued.

36.When lost in the mountains, you can increase your chances of survival if you ______.

       A.take a space blanket with you

       B.do more physical labor

       C.try to find a car immediately

       D.walk as far as possible to find help

37.According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if they ______.

       A.do not take enough equipment

       B.stay in the middle of the mountain

       C.do not keep themselves warm

       D.stay in a snow-covered area

38.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.Don’t travel by yourself.

       B.Mountain traveling is dangerous.

       C.Don’t get frightened in danger.

       D.Avoid going to unfamiliar place.



If you’re like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding ,so give some thought to how you can create(营造)or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的)and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.

       When you’re at home ,you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place― a desk or table, for example where you always read .Make sure the place you choose is well lighted ,and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair that’s too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens ,markers ,notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand.

       Before you sit down for a reading period ,try to reduce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio. Tell your family members or roommates that you’ll be busy for a while .If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.

49.The author believes that the right reading environment __________.

       A.helps readers a little in their reading tasks

       B.helps readers a lot in their reading tasks

       C.can only be created at one’s home

       D.can only be created outside one’s home

50.Which type of the following interruptions is mentioned in the text?

       A.Dictionaries.                                               B.Paper.

       C.Phone calls.                                               D.Notebooks.

51.What would be the best title for the text?

       A.How to Read Fast

       B.Creating an Effective Reading Environment

       C.The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions

       D.What to Read

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