
— Many species are in danger of dying out because of a________of habitat.
— I couldn't agree more.We must take action for them as well as for ourselves.
[     ]
A. waste  
B. possession  
C. pollution  
D. lack

China has input several billion yuan of money to stop the dirty water waste on the upper and middle area of the Pearl River from polluting the lower reaches of the river, especially the Macao Spe??cial Administrative Region.

The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the upper and middle reaches of the Pearl River has been rapidly urbanized(城市化)and industrialized in recent years, leading to a rise in the amount of urban rubbish to the damage of the land, rivers and atmosphere.

Refuse dumps and special plants in most cities treat rubbish to make it harmless, with 5,800 tons of wastes being burnt, buried or made into fertilizers on a daily basis.

He Suping, a woman engineer with the water re??sources department in Guangxi said, it is imperative for the autonomous region to treat sewage wastes to protect the area’s Karst terrain(喀斯特地形)and rain water which brings contact between groundwater and surface water, making groundwater more easily polluted.

The Xijiang River, a branch of the Pearl River which runs from Guangxi to neighboring Guangdong Province, provides fresh water for a number of river??side cities such as Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Zhaoqing, so Guangxi must begin to treat rubbish quickly to protect the water sources, said Liu Chen, a senior engineer with the Ministry of Water Resources.

The government 2001—2006 plan to spend bil??lions of yuan to turn wastes harmless has been mainly provided by national debt payments and overseas in??vestment.So far wastes treatment projects have re??ceived a total of 400 million yuan(48 million US dol??lars)from national debts and 60 million yuan(7.22 million US dollars)from overseas loans(贷款).

The main idea of the passage is __     

       A.A large number of waterways have been polluted in China up to now.

       B.Guangxi and Guangdong have taken the lead in making water clean.

       C.China's rivers are badly in need of improve??ment.

       D.China is making efforts to reduce pollution of the rivers.

The main idea of the last paragraph is __

       A.The government has no ability to afford the expenses of treating wastes.

       B.The government has a long-term plan to treat wastes.

       C.National debt payments and overseas investment are taking an important part in developing China's economy.

       D.A great deal of money is needed in dealing with wastes.

The basic reason why the amount of urban rubbish rises in Guangxi lies in _____.

       A.the improvement of people’s living standard

       B.people’s wasting too much

       C.urbanization and industrialization

       D.too many tourists’ coming

The word “imperative” here probably means _______.

       A.unnecessary          B.important            C.easy          D.unbelievable

China has input several billion yuan of money to stop the dirty water waste on the upper and middle area of the Pearl River from polluting the lower reaches of the river, especially the Macao Spe­cial Administrative Region.
The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the upper and middle reaches of the Pearl River has been rapidly urbanized(城市化)and industrialized in recent years, leading to a rise in the amount of urban rubbish to the damage of the land, rivers and atmosphere.
Refuse dumps and special plants in most cities treat rubbish to make it harmless, with 5,800 tons of wastes being burnt, buried or made into fertilizers on a daily basis.
He Suping, a woman engineer with the water re­sources department in Guangxi said, it is imperative for the autonomous region to treat sewage wastes to protect the area’s Karst terrain(喀斯特地形)and rain water which brings contact between groundwater and surface water, making groundwater more easily polluted.
The Xijiang River, a branch of the Pearl River which runs from Guangxi to neighboring Guangdong Province, provides fresh water for a number of river­side cities such as Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Zhaoqing, so Guangxi must begin to treat rubbish quickly to protect the water sources, said Liu Chen, a senior engineer with the Ministry of Water Resources.
The government 2001—2006 plan to spend bil­lions of yuan to turn wastes harmless has been mainly provided by national debt payments and overseas in­vestment.So far wastes treatment projects have re­ceived a total of 400 million yuan(48 million US dol­lars)from national debts and 60 million yuan(7.22 million US dollars)from overseas loans(贷款).
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is __     

A.A large number of waterways have been polluted in China up to now.
B.Guangxi and Guangdong have taken the lead in making water clean.
C.China's rivers are badly in need of improve­ment.
D.China is making efforts to reduce pollution of the rivers.
【小题2】The main idea of the last paragraph is __
A.The government has no ability to afford the expenses of treating wastes.
B.The government has a long-term plan to treat wastes.
C.National debt payments and overseas investment are taking an important part in developing China's economy.
D.A great deal of money is needed in dealing with wastes.
【小题3】The basic reason why the amount of urban rubbish rises in Guangxi lies in _____.
A.the improvement of people’s living standard
B.people’s wasting too much
C.urbanization and industrialization
D.too many tourists’ coming
【小题4】The word “imperative” here probably means _______.

China has input several billion yuan of money to stop the dirty water waste on the upper and middle area of the Pearl River from polluting the lower reaches of the river, especially the Macao Spe­cial Administrative Region.

The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the upper and middle reaches of the Pearl River has been rapidly urbanized(城市化)and industrialized in recent years, leading to a rise in the amount of urban rubbish to the damage of the land, rivers and atmosphere.

Refuse dumps and special plants in most cities treat rubbish to make it harmless, with 5,800 tons of wastes being burnt, buried or made into fertilizers on a daily basis.

He Suping, a woman engineer with the water re­sources department in Guangxi said, it is imperative for the autonomous region to treat sewage wastes to protect the area’s Karst terrain(喀斯特地形)and rain water which brings contact between groundwater and surface water, making groundwater more easily polluted.

The Xijiang River, a branch of the Pearl River which runs from Guangxi to neighboring Guangdong Province, provides fresh water for a number of river­side cities such as Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Zhaoqing, so Guangxi must begin to treat rubbish quickly to protect the water sources, said Liu Chen, a senior engineer with the Ministry of Water Resources.

The government 2001—2006 plan to spend bil­lions of yuan to turn wastes harmless has been mainly provided by national debt payments and overseas in­vestment.So far wastes treatment projects have re­ceived a total of 400 million yuan(48 million US dol­lars)from national debts and 60 million yuan(7.22 million US dollars)from overseas loans(贷款).

1.The main idea of the passage is __     

         A.A large number of waterways have been polluted in China up to now.

         B.Guangxi and Guangdong have taken the lead in making water clean.

         C.China's rivers are badly in need of improve­ment.

         D.China is making efforts to reduce pollution of the rivers.

2.The main idea of the last paragraph is __

         A.The government has no ability to afford the expenses of treating wastes.

         B.The government has a long-term plan to treat wastes.

         C.National debt payments and overseas investment are taking an important part in developing China's economy.

         D.A great deal of money is needed in dealing with wastes.

3.The basic reason why the amount of urban rubbish rises in Guangxi lies in _____.

         A.the improvement of people’s living standard

         B.people’s wasting too much

         C.urbanization and industrialization

         D.too many tourists’ coming

4.The word “imperative” here probably means _______.

         A.unnecessary            B.important              C.easy           D.unbelievable


Sandstorms hit northwestern China's Gansu Province and North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the first day this year. According to Sun Landong, a meteorologist with the Lanzhou Meteorology Observatory,visibility was less than 100 meters in Minqin, a Gansu county near Inner Mongolia, because of sand. When visibility drops to less than 1 kilometer,it is called a sandstorm. The sandstorm in Minqin blew up dust in neighboring towns, such as Baiyin, Wuwei, Jinchang and Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province. Dust-laden winds also swept into Beijing. Brought by northwesterly blowing at more than 20 meters per second,dust first reached the capital's suburbs at 7 a. m,downtown areas at 9 a. m. The winds,which died down during the night,brought the temperature down to as low as 80C below zero and many flights put off their planned time from the city's airport.

It is quite rare for sandstorms,which are frequent between March and June,to happen in winter,when the earth is frozen. The sandstorms in Gansu and Inner Mongolia do not necessarily mean there will be more of them in the spring than last year,when they were serious,but Beijing is taking it very seriously. It is reported that Beijing will spend 6 billion yuan ( US 725 million) in preventing sandstorms in the capital and has already set up a spe­cial team to make sure what causes them.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Sandstorms took place in Gansu.

B. Sandstorms happened on the first day of the new year.

C. Sandstorms are very serious,compared to last year.

D. Experts are trying their best to determine the cause of the sandstorm formed this year.

2.Suppose the dust was 300 kilometers away from Beijing, it would reach Beijing about

         hours later if it travels at a speed of 20 meters per second?

A. 4. 2     B. 1. 5     C. 2. 0     D. 2. 5

3.Why did sandstorms begin in the winter this year?

A. Because there was little snow this season.

B. Because a lot of trees have been cut down.

C. Because people took few measures to control them.

D. It is not mentioned in the passage.

4. Which of the following doesn't belong to the bad effect the sandstorms have done in Bei­jing?

A. The temperature fell.    B. Flights put off their time to take off.

C. The air is dirty.    D. People had three days off.

5.The author wrote the passage to        .

A. tell us the environments are becoming worse and worse

B. explain what measures people have taken to control sandstorms

C. make people realize the need to protect the environment.

D. call on us to do what we can to save the earth




China has input several billion yuan of money to stop the dirty water waste on the upper and middle area of the Pearl River from polluting the lower reaches of the river, especially the Macao Spe­cial Administrative Region.

The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the upper and middle reaches of the Pearl River has been rapidly urbanized(城市化)and industrialized in recent years, leading to a rise in the amount of urban rubbish to the damage of the land, rivers and atmosphere.

Refuse dumps and special plants in most cities treat rubbish to make it harmless, with 5,800 tons of wastes being burnt, buried or made into fertilizers on a daily basis.

He Suping, a woman engineer with the water re­sources department in Guangxi said, it is imperative for the autonomous region to treat sewage wastes to protect the area’s Karst terrain(喀斯特地形)and rain water which brings contact between groundwater and surface water, making groundwater more easily polluted.

The Xijiang River, a branch of the Pearl River which runs from Guangxi to neighboring Guangdong Province, provides fresh water for a number of river­side cities such as Macao, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Zhaoqing, so Guangxi must begin to treat rubbish quickly to protect the water sources, said Liu Chen, a senior engineer with the Ministry of Water Resources.

The government 2001—2006 plan to spend bil­lions of yuan to turn wastes harmless has been mainly provided by national debt payments and overseas in­vestment.So far wastes treatment projects have re­ceived a total of 400 million yuan(48 million US dol­lars)from national debts and 60 million yuan(7.22 million US dollars)from overseas loans(贷款).

1.The main idea of the passage is __     

       A.A large number of waterways have been polluted in China up to now.

       B.Guangxi and Guangdong have taken the lead in making water clean.

       C.China's rivers are badly in need of improve­ment.

       D.China is making efforts to reduce pollution of the rivers.

2.The main idea of the last paragraph is __

       A.The government has no ability to afford the expenses of treating wastes.

       B.The government has a long-term plan to treat wastes.

       C.National debt payments and overseas investment are taking an important part in developing China's economy.

       D.A great deal of money is needed in dealing with wastes.

3.The basic reason why the amount of urban rubbish rises in Guangxi lies in _____.

       A.the improvement of people’s living standard

       B.people’s wasting too much

       C.urbanization and industrialization

       D.too many tourists’ coming

4.The word “imperative” here probably means _______.

       A.unnecessary      B.important         C.easy              D.unbelievable


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