
Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest. They taste good. 1.

When people think of carrots, they usually picture in their mind a vegetable that is long, thin and orange. 2. And not all carrots are orange. For example, Paris Market carrots are about five centimeters around. Rome carrots are thin and about twenty-five centimeters long. And Belgian White carrots are, as their name suggests, white.

For the best results, carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The soil also should have no rocks. To prepare your garden for carrots, dig up the soil, loosen it and turn it over. Then, mix in some plant material or animal fertilizer (肥料).

3. Experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best conditions for growing carrots that taste great.

Carrots need time to develop their full sugar content. This gives them their sweetness if you wait too long to pull them from the ground. 4. Usually, the brighter the color, the better the taste.

5. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months. If the ground does freeze, simply cover your carrot garden with a thick layer of leaves or straw. This will prevent the ground from freezing.

A. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes.

B. They are economic crops.

C. The best time for planting carrots is during the winter months.

D. Weather, soil conditions and age will affect the way carrots taste.

E. The best way to judge if a carrot sis ready to be harvested is by its color.

F. And they contain a lot of carotene (胡萝卜素), which the body make into vitamin A.

G. Many people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months.


Someone said that encouragement is simply reminding a person of the “shoulders” he’s standing on, the heritage he’s been given. That’s what happened a young man, the son of a(n) baseball player, was chosen by one of the minor league teams. Hard as he tried, his first season was , and by midseason he expected to be removed day. The coaches were by his failure because he possessed all the characteristics of a superb athlete, but he seemed to have become from his potential.

His seemed darkest one day when he had already struck out his first time at bat. Then he stepped up to the batter’s box again and quickly ran up two strikes. The catcher called a and ran for a conference to discuss strategies. While they were busy, the , standing behind him, spoke casually to the boy.

Then play , the next pitch was thrown and the young man knocked it out of the park. That was the turning . From then on, he played the game with a new confidence and power that quickly the attention of the parent team, and he was called to the majors.

On the day he was leaving for the city, one of his coaches asked him what had caused such a turnaround. The young man replied it was the remark the judge had that day when his baseball career had seemed .

“He told me I reminded him of all the times he had stood my dad in the batter’s box,” the boy explained. “He said I was holding the bat just the way Dad had held it. he told me, ‘I can see his genes in you; you have your father’s .’ After that, whenever I swung the bat, I just I was using Dad’s arms instead of my own.”

1.A. as B. since C. while D. when

2.A. star B. average C. amateur D. old

3.A. embarrassing B. disappointing C. satisfying D. rewarding

4.A. some B. a C. one D. any

5.A. amazed B. impressed C. puzzled D. ashamed

6.A. separated B. different C. inconsistent D. divided

7.A. hope B. future C. dream D. ambition

8.A. break B. rest C. pause D. stop

9.A. catcher B. coach C. batter D. judge

10.A. began B. lasted C. restarted D. moved

11.A. part B. point C. place D. spot

12.A. drew B. fixed C. focused D. took

13.A. in B. for C. up D. out

14.A. encouraging B. casual C. demanding D. wise

15.A. said B. made C. given D. pointed

16.A. hopeless B. useless C. endless D. helpless

17.A. on the right B. on the left C. before D. behind

18.A. And B. So C. Thus D. Therefore

19.A. strength B. arms C. body D. talent

20.A. supposed B. pretended C. imagined D. expected

Asia has long tradition of tea-drinking. And China is no exception.

However, lately more and more Chinese people are turning to a different . Coffee has become a/an popular choice of Chinese people living abroad and in the country's cities. In big cities such as Beijing, coffee shops seem to be on nearly every major street corner. These are not just selling drinks from Starbucks, the world-famous coffee company. Coffee businesses from South Korea and Britain are also in China.

Many young Chinese people drink coffee -- when meeting with friends. Yang Lin lives in the U.S. but comes from an area in China for growing tea. She used to drink tea while in China. But now, she says, she drinks both and for different reasons.

Yang Lin says she was a tea drinker when she was back in China. But she likes coffee and tea now. Drinking coffee for her is a social event. She and her co-workers like to sit in a café and talk over a cup of coffee. Tea, she says, is more about family . She grew up in Fujian province -- an area known for its tea. Ms. Yang says that as a child, her family would together in the evening and talk about the day's events over a steaming pot of tea. So now, the smell of Fujian tea brings back these family memories.

On average a person in China drinks about five cups of coffee a year. This information comes from the China Coffee Association Beijing. That is far below the world average of 240 cups a year. But the association says the amount of coffee that Chinese drink is by about 15 percent every year.

1.A.business B. drink C. attitude D. custom

2.A. abnormally B. necessarily C. thoroughly D. increasingly

3.A. huge B. ancient C. remote D. conservative

4.A. cities B. companies C. shops D. foreigners

5.A. producing B. earning C. operating D. struggling

6.A. passively B. deliberately C. elegantly D. socially

7.A. famous B. appropriate C. anxious D. beneficial

8.A. seldom B. only C. unwillingly D. never

9.A. completely B. gradually C. equally D. eventually

10.A. memories B.values C. possessions D. traditions

11.A. work B. gather C. cook D. pull

12.A. even B. still C. somehow D. hardly

13.A. rare B. tough C. lonely D. warm

14.A. information B. cost C. amount D. production

15.A. decreasing B. growing C. dividing D. profiting

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