
     What does it take to win in sports? Skill? Hard work?concentration (专心) ? 36 But what

about luck? Did you know that even the great Michael Jordan wore his blue University of North Carolina shorts underneath his Bulls uniform (对服) for good luck on the basketball field?

     Many players believe that following certain sports superstitions (迷信) will bring them good luck. Some use lucky equipment,wear lucky clothing,or follow lucky habits. 37 Some baseball players have a lucky baseball glove,lucky socks,lucky underwear,or lucky baseball caps. When they are winning all of their games,they insist on using them even if they get smelly. Some players don't even want their uniforms washed if they are winning. 38

      Turk Wendell,a player in Major League Baseball,always brushes his teeth between the playing periods. Roger Clemens,a famous pitcher (投手) of the New York Yankees,always touched the head of the Babe Ruth statue (雕塑) at Yankee Stadium before playing baseball there. 39 In his eyes,the letter stands for a strikeout,a situation in which a player is out because he has tried to hit the ball three times and failed.

      In sports,practice and concentration are very important. 40 After all,success is so important that it is no wonder competitors do whatever they can to win.

   A. Baseball has many superstitions.

   B. They worry it will ruin their luck.

   C. Sure,all of these things are important.

   D. There are other baseball superstitions too.

   E. These superstitions seem very strange to their fans.

   F. He also chose names for his children that start with “K”.

   G. However,many competitors still believe certain superstitions. 

36. C 37. A 38. B

36. C. 根据该空前的三个反问Skill? Hard work?. Concentration?和该空后的But可知,此处肯定这些因素在体育运动中的重要性。

37. A. 根据接下来介绍棒球运动员的 迷信做法可知,A项符合语境。

38. B. 根据该段首句中的bring them good luck 和上一句 Some players don't even want their uniforms washed if they are winning 可知,一些 早动员在贏得比赛后不愿意换洗队服是怕因此破坏了他们的好运。

39. F。根据下一句中的 the letter stands for ...可知,F项“他也给自己的孩子取以字母K打头的名字”符合语境。

40. G。根据下一句中的After al…do whatever they can to win 可知,空白处与上一句构成转折,故选G项。


    Praise is like frosting(糖衣) on a cake. A little makes it taste better and too much will ruin everything. Kids need your encouragement and love it when you recognize their achievements. Just don't ruin their trust by leading them to believe every little thing they do is worthy of big cheers. When they grow up,they will find that they can't be accepted by society and probably think it is you who are making them so needy of praise.

     Recently,I had the opportunity to observe a family,5-year-old Joshua and his parents,in action. They had arrived at my office about 15 minutes early,and having returned from lunch with a few minutes to spare,I was chatting with my secretary in the waiting room. As I was collecting my things to walk back to my office,I was taken aback by a series of Joshua's mother's comments. The kid was playing with some blocks on the floor,and Mom was giving a running commentary on his progress. “Oh,Joshua,that's such a nice stack (堆) of blocks. You are so smart!” followed by “What a great job. I couldn’ t have built that when I was your age." Then Dad added, “That's my boy”,which nearly caused my secretary to gag(使室息) .After all,the kid was 5 years old,and stacking up a few wooden blocks is not a great achievement. No wonder he was having problems following directions in school — no teacher would be able to give him the amount of attention and praise necessary to keep the child interested.

       What is wrong with praising a child? Actually,it may cause a lot of harm if it is not given properly. Most parents believe that giving praise is like giving children healthy food such as calorie-free chocolate “ the more,the better. But praising children in certain ways may set them up to become praise junkies (成瘾者)一 expecting their parents or others to praise them for almost every act or feeling,rather than developing internal measurement for self-respect and feelings of achievement. Try to give praise only when necessary,no more and no less.

1. In what sense is praise similar to frosting?

   A. Praise is a must for everyone.

   B. Praise will make things work better.

   C. Praise is generally a dangerous thing.

    D.Praise must be given in a proper way.

2.The author heard the comments of Joshua's parents.

   A. on the way to the waiting room

   B. before the lunch break

   C. in the early afternoon

   D. in his own office

3. The underlined words “taken aback” can best be replaced by.

   A. shocked           B. confiised

   C. attracted         D. encouraged

4. The family hoped the author could .

   A. teach Joshua about blocks

   B. help solve Joshua's problems

   C. get in touch with Joshua's teachers

   D. give Joshua more attention and praise

5. What advice does the author give parents?

   A. Not to turn children into praise junkies.

   B. To act as a praise junkie in certain ways.

   C. To give children as little praise as possible.

   D. Not to give children calorie-free chocolate.

Isabella Milbank 

    People often comment that Tve always got my head in a book. I just find that reading is such a great way to pass boring moments. I '11 read almost anything,but on the whole,I am likely to go for books that have received praise from a newspaper or magazine. And I guess I 'd have to say that my favourite kinds of books are modem thrillers(惊险小说) . The very best ones are those that keep you guessing right up until the end.

Henry Crawford

   I read modem novels,but generally,I prefer the classics,by authors like Dickens and Eliot,for example. However,no one compares to Jane Austen!People are often surprised when I tell them that Jane Austen is my favourite author because they think she only wrote romantic(浪漫的) novels. Her books do deal with love and marriage,but on the whole,they5 re actually more about general relationships and human nature.

Emily Hawthorne

    I used to read a lot of romantic novels. Now, I'm interested in biographies(传记) .I ve read about many different kinds of people. I enjoy autobiographies,too,but I sometimes wonder how true a picture they actually paint. I mean,if you wrote about yourself,you'd probably try to leave out anything that showed you in a bad light. In this case you,re more likely to get a more rounded picture of a person by reading a well-researched biography,jIan Reed

   I enjoy reading books that I can learn!something from. Books about historical events or I political problems,for example. I realise these kinds of books aren’ t everyone's cup of tea,but it's a pity that many people don't give them a try. I admit that in the past they could often be a bit tricky to read,but that has all changed now. These days,plenty of them are written in quite an entertaining style. You can learn quite a lot about the world by reading these kinds of books.

32. It seems that Isabella.

   A. enjoys the humour in the books she reads

   B. is likely to be influenced by book reviews

   C. appreciates books that teach her something

   D. chooses what to read based on how she's feeling

33. What can we infer from Henry?

   A. Jane Austen mainly wrote love stories.

   B. Jane Austen wrote novels with surprising endings.

   C. He regrets that people show little interest in Jane Austen.

   D. People have misunderstandings about Jane Austen's books.

34. Who mentions a change in his or her reading habits?

   A. Ian.          B. Emily.

   C. Henry.          D. Isabella.

35. What do the four people have in common?

   A. They’ re fond of reading.

   B. They have the same reading habits.

   C. They encourage others to start reading.

   D. They enjoy reading the same kind of books.

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