
一Which coat would you prefer.sir?

     一I’ll take     ,to have n change sometimes.

    A.allthem    B.them dl    C.both them   D them b0Ih



句中的prefer说明是在两者之间进行选择,排除A、B。both修饰代词或名词应为botll of them或they both。所以答案应为D。




1.Where does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At home.

B.At the doctor's.

C.In a chemist's.

2.Whet will the man do first?

[  ]

A.To arrange for a trip.

B.To move into a new house.

C.To make a house.

3.Whet did the man offer to do?

[  ]

A.Bring her to town.

B.Take the box of bricks down.

C.Carry the heavy boo.

4.Who will go to Canada?

[  ]

A.The man and Ken.

B.The woman's brother.

C.The women.

5.Where was the woman born?

[  ]

A.In the United States.

B.In Australia.

C.In Britain.



6.Where did the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.At the women's house.

B.In the kitchen.

C.At a department store.

7.How did the woman find out about the shelf?

[  ]

A.One of her friends has one.

B.She bough one from her friend before.

C.She read about it in an advertisement.

8.How much is the price for it going to be?

[  ]

A.$ 15.50.

B.$ 12.50.

C.Not mentioned in the dialogue.


9.Who are the two students?

[  ]

A.A new student and an old student.

B.Students learning Spanish.

C.Students learning English.

10.When is the conversation probably taking place?

[  ]

A.On the first day of the woman's arrival.

B.In the first class of the training course.

C.During the break between classes.

11.Where are they probably going first?

[  ]

A.To Room 110.

B.To Room 310.

C.To Room 290.


12.Who is Fred?

[  ]

A.The women's husband.

B.The man's brother.

C.The woman's brother.

13.What will Fred's farm probably be like next year?

[  ]

A.It will be completely destroyed.

B.It will be larger.

C.It will be more beautiful.

14.What did the woman once do on the farm?

[  ]

A.Milking a cow.

B.Ploughing a field.

C.Helping to get in the harvest of crops.


15.Where is the conversation taking place?

[  ]

A.In a second-hand clothes shop.

B.At the police station.

C.At a lost-property office.

16.What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?

[  ]

A.She doesn't believe the man.

B.She can't do her job well.

C.She is too busy to talk to the man.

17.Which coat did the man mention in the dialogue?

[  ]

A.A white raincoat with a wide belt.

B.A long grey coat with black buttons.

C.A brown overcoat with silk lining.


18.Where is the speaker?

[  ]

A.In an art evening.

B.On an exhibition of paintings.

C.In a TV program about art.

19.What is Dr. Wilson busy doing now?

[  ]

A.Taking photographs for a newspaper.

B.Teaching painting for university students.

C.Writing a book about art.

20.What can we expect in Dr. Wilson's talk?

[  ]

A.Lifestyle in Italy in the 19th century.

B.19th century painters and present-day art.

C.Her experiences in European countries.


第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.How often does the man play golf?

A.Once a week.

B.Once a month.

C.Every day.

2.What did the woman win in the contest?

A.A free trip.

B.A good camera.

C.A medal.

3.What is the boy going to do next?

A.Have dinner.

B.Do his reading.

C.Watch TV.

4.When does the man leave home?

A.At 6∶00

B.At 7∶00

C.At about 6∶40

5.How is the girl going to spend the weekend?

A.Staying with her parents.

B.Boating in the Water Park.

C.Preparing for the competition.




6.Why does the girl want to change her coat?

A.Because the coat doesn't fit her.

B.Because the coat is too expensive.

C.Because she doesn't like the colour.

7.Who bought the coat for the girl?

A.Her brother.

B.Her sister.

C.Her mother.

8.Which coat will the girl probably take?

A.A red one, Size 11.

B.A yellow one, Size 9.

C.A blue one, Size 11.


9.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Driver and passenger.

C.Policeman and witness.

10.What caused the accident to happen?

A.A dog.

B.A child.

C.An old man.

11.When did the ambulance(救护车)come?

A.At 8∶40

B.At 8∶30

C.At 8∶45


12.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the woman's house.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In the man's office.

13.What does the woman advice the man to do to improve his cooking?

A.Take a course.

B.Teach himself.

C.Learn from her.

14.Why does the man want to make a phone call?

A.He wants to call his wife.

B.He'd like to learn how to cook.

C.He want to talk to his secretary.


15.Why does the man ask the woman for help?

A.He has to go to the café.

B.He has to write a report.

C.He has to wait for a call.

16.What does the woman suggest the man for dessert?




17.Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A.At school.

B.At a restaurant.

C.At a grocery store(杂货店).


18.Why did the Harrises think they would have to go to bed hungry?

A.Because it's a 5-star hotel.

B.Because they thought no meals would be served late in the evening.

C.Because they were very tired after the trip.

19.How long did the service time for lunch last in the 5star hotel?

A.2 hours.

B.4 hours.

C.3 hours.

20.What did Mrs.Harris think of the times of the meals in he hotel?

A.She thought they would have enough time to see they city.

B.She thought they would have to spend too much time on meals instead of traveling.

C.She thought the times were suitable and felt very satisfied.

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