
The students'Union has decided to set up Study BBS of your own.All of us can benefit a lot from it.It offers us chances to communicate with each other,which can help us exchange our learning and life experience.We can share different cultures as well.What's more,it's a good place for us to make good friends.A life without a friend is a life without sunshine.In addition,anyone who has difficulty with their studies and daily life can ask for help on it.If you have any good suggestions to offer,you can lend a helping hand.Finally,good advice on how to enrich our school and how to develop our school is also welcome.
Wish you to join and fully express your ideas..

分析 (高分句型一)It offers us chances to communicate with each other,which can help us exchange our learning and life experience.
(高分句型二)In addition,anyone who has difficulty with their studies and daily life can ask for help on it.
高级词汇:exchange交换;have difficulty with 做某事有困难;
What's more而且,表递进;In addition另外;Finally最后;

解答    The students'Union has decided to set up Study BBS of your own.All of us can benefit a lot from it.
(高分句型一)It offers us chances to communicate with each other,which can help us exchange our learning and life experience.(交代此论坛的目的)We can share different cultures as well.(进一步说明目的)What's more,it's a good place for us to make good friends.A life without a friend is a life without sunshine.(高分句型二)In addition,anyone who has difficulty with their studies and daily life can ask for help on it.If you have any good suggestions to offer,you can lend a helping hand.Finally,good advice on how to enrich our school and how to develop our school is also welcome.
    Wish you to join and fully express your ideas.

点评 该书面表达的时态使用得当,概括文章所要求的全部要点,而且能够有效地使用语句之间的连接成分,所写内容连贯,结构紧凑,完全达到了预期的写作目的.

3.An early morning winter storm had brought several inches of snow m my small town in the mountains.Schools were canceled,roads were dangerous and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed.Still,I knew I had to get the day started so I put on warm clothes and walked outside.The snow got all over my shoes.The cold wind dried my lips and my eyes.My 47 year-old back ached in anticipation(预想)of the shoveling(铲雪)I would have to do if the snow didn't stop soon.
Yet,when I looked out on the white blanket that covered the ground,I couldn't help but smile a bit.It was so beautiful.It softened the bare trees and hid the dead grass.In the distance I could hear the sound of the snowplow(雪犁) on the road,the barking of a happy dog and the laughter of children playing outside,enjoying their way off from school.
The sweet music of that laughter brought back a hundred memories of winters past.I remembered catching snowflakes (雪花) on my tongue,building snowmen,making snow angles,running down hills and always losing snowball fights with first my brothers and then my own children.Standing there in that warm coat of memories made the wind a little less cold and my back a little less sore(疼痛的).I turned up my head,stuck out my tongue and for the first time in years caught a snowflake on it.It tasted so fresh and clean.It tasted like youth,like joy and like love.
May you always feel young in spirit,no matter how old or achy your body may be.May you always delight in the simple joys of life.May you always share your happiness with the hearts of children.And may you always give your love,your light,your laughter and your warmth to others even on the coldest days.

25.What was the author's first reaction when he knew it snowed heavily?A
A.He was upset.B.He was happy.
C.He was thankful.D.He was moved.
26.From which senses did the author describe the joy of having snow?D
A.Taste and smell.B.Sight and smell.
C.Smell,hearing and taste.D.Sight,hearing and taste.
27.What does the author mainly want to tell us with this article?D
A.Appreciate every snowstorm you spend with your family.
B.Snow brings both fun and trouble.
C.Memories can change our opinion.
D.We should stay young at heart.
28.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph l,we can know that"C".
A.my back ached because of the cold weather.
B.I didn't want to start my day on such a snowy day.
C.my back would ache upon thinking of cleaning up the snow.
D.the snow didn't stop and I felt too cold.
2.What are you like in the morning?Do you find it easy to get up?Or it is really hard for you?A group of people from Denmark have formed the B-Society.According to them,human beings are divided into two types:A-people and B-people.A-people have no problem getting up in the morning,and operate much better earlier in the day.However,B-people are better later in the day."I'm useless early in the morning,"says one of the members of the B-Society."All I can do is drink coffee,and stare into space.People used to get up early because they had to feed the animals.But I haven't got any cows or chickens,so I can sleep late."she adds.Since the society was set up,the B-Society has welcomed several thousand members.
    Right now,the B-Society is fighting hard for business to join its B-certification(认证)list.Companies that are"B-certified"basically give their employees the opportunity to come in when they want.In some companies,employees arrive at any time up to 3:30 p.m.------each to their own rhythm."This is a small hi-tech company."said one director from a B-certified company."And I need brains which are working at full speed."
    And it is not just business that is benefiting from this.Teenagers who can't get out of bed in the morning,and parents who never quite get the kids to school on time,can now benefit from B-classcs.From next year,a school in Copenhagen will offer classes which start later in the day (at ten instead of eight).And even the government seems to like the idea.
    The B-Socicty was founded by Camilla Kring,a professor from the University of Copenhagen.On her website,she says,uWhen B-peopIe's work rhythms are considered at the work place,their productivity and quality of life is increased,which can increase productivity for the entire organization."
    She adds that,"B-Society will create a new daily rhythm in schools and other institutions as an alternative to the current rhythm of'early at work and early at home'.We are working for the establishment of kindergartens,primary and secondary schools as well as universities that open between 10 a.m.and 8 p.m..''.
    Would you like to work for a B-certified company?

56.According to the text,who belong to the B-Society?A
A.Late risers               
C.Animal lovers           
D.Sleep experts
57.In B-certified companies,employees canD.
A.do whatever they like
B.get more work opportunities
C.work on any days they choose
D.go to work at any time of a day
58.In Camilla Kring's opinion,B-peopleC.
A.are more hard working than A-people
B.have a better quality of life than A-people
C.are more productive if given more freedom
D.like the rhythm of"early at work and early at home"
59.What can we learn about the B-Society?D
A.It will establish its own schools.
B.It has got the government's support.
C.It is popular with most young people.
D.It works to create a more flexible society.
60.The author's purpose in writing this text is toC.
A.stress the importance of getting up early
B.express his attitude towards the B-Society
C.introduce a group having a special daily rhythm
D.call on people to work for B-certified companies.
18.Dear John,
My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you've shared about life and positive energy has changed my life.This past year has been one of the hardest for me.I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life.In January,after two years of being together,my boyfriend left me.
I read your blog every morning as I drink my coffee at work,but it wasn't until this March that I told myself"no more negativity"as you taught readers in your blog.
Since then I've got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive.When people walk in the front door,I'm the first face they see,so I smile big when I say"good morning"to them,especially on Mondays.Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help,I offer it with an open mind.The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive assistant position that I wanted.
One of the biggest things I've taken to heart from your blog is changing my opinions on my job.Yes,it was not an important position,but when I was passionate (热情的) about it,I could make my life fulfilling.
All in all,I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me.So thank you so much,John.My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction,Take care!
8.Amber wrote the letter mainly toD.
A.introduce herself to John           
B.talk about her bad year
C.ask for some advice               
D.express her thanks
9.We can infer from the passage that AmberC.
A.didn't like her boyfriend           
B.spent a lot of time online
C.wasn't satisfied with her job        
D.received very good education
10.What is implied about John in the letter?D
A.He is a very famous writer.
B.He used to live a very negative life.
C.He doesn't like sharing his life stories.
D.He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.
11.What does Amber's change tell us?C
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Bad luck doesn't exist long.
C.A positive attitude is rewarding.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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