
What a Scientist Is Like

If you were asked to imagine a scientist,what image(形象)would come to your mind?The common idea that most kids from kindergarten through college have of a scientist is a man wearing a white lab coat with messy hair, big glasses,and several glass cups of mysterious colorful liquids giving off clouds of smoke.As for adults,the majority view scientists as strange people who spend 100 hours a week slaving away in a lonely laboratory.However, the reality is quite different.

Recently I’ve had a chance to take part in a scientific experience far from my laboratory and into Costa Rica.It supports a huge amount of wildlife due to its geographical placement between North and South America.It is home to more than 500,000 species,which represents nearly 4% of the total species worldwide!

First we worked alongside conservationists to preserve wildlife at a leatherback turtle(棱皮龟)rescue center. We helped the volunteers preserve turtle populations by removing rubbish from the shoreline to create a safe environment for turtle eggs to come out.After that we stayed at Mount Arenal where we studied seismic activity relating to earthquakes.During our stay at Arenal,we rode over the mountainous areas and took a long walk through the rainforest.After reaching the top,we went down and through waterfalls to the beautiful valley below!On the last day we got a hands-on introduction to rocket science where we learned about new rocket technology that will be used on the international space station.

During my Costa Rica experience,I know that being a scientist doesn’t mean working in a lab all day and night. A scientist is one who loves learning and getting a better understanding of the world from helping preserve wild-life, learning about earthquakes or inventing rockets.I think that schools should really stress that science is so much more than wearing a lab coat and mixing chemicals.Kids need to be aware of the excitement and adventures science can bring!

1.According to the first paragraph,scientists are often believed .

A. to work as slaves B. to behave in a strange way

C. to spend too much time in labs D. to do experiments in messy labs

2.The author helped to preserve the turtle population by .

A. creating a safe nest for turtles B. picking up rubbish on the shoreline

C. collecting the turtle eggs on the beach D. finding a comfortable environment for turtles

3.What does the author learn about science from his experience?

A. Science is full of boring experiments. B. Science is more than working in a lab.

C. Science is related to mysterious liquids. D. Science is about wildlife and earthquakes.

4.Why does the author write this passage?

A. To encourage kids to study science. B. To tell the story of traveling in Costa Rica.

C. To expect more people to travel in Costa Rica. D. To share the secrets behind science phenomena.


Researchers say current exercise guidelines are unrealistic and argue that doctors should sometimes advise small increases in activity instead. They warn the 150-minute weekly target is beyond the reach of some people — particularly older individuals. And striving to reach these goals could mean the benefits of lighter exercise are overlooked. But public health officials say current recommendations have proven benefits in lowering the risk of heart disease.

There is increasing evidence that inactivity is linked to heart disease, Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病) and some types of cancer. UK guidelines for adults recommend at least two-and-a-half hours of moderate activity a week, in short periods of 10 minutes or more.

But in two separate articles in the BMJ, experts argue the message needs to change, with greater emphasis on making inactive people move more. Prof Philipe de Souto Barreto at the University Hospital of Toulouse, advises people who are sedentary(久坐的) to make small incremental increases in their activity levels — rather than pushing to achieve current goals. He points to previous studies which show even short periods of walking or just 20 minutes of vigorous activity a few times a month can reduce the risk of death, compared to people who do no exercise.

In the second article, Prof Phillip Sparking of the Georgia Institute of Technology, says doctors should tailor their advice — particularly for older patients. He suggests using GP visits for people over 60 to discuss "realistic options" to increase activity — such as getting people to stand up and move during TV commercial breaks.

Prof Kevin Fenton at Public Health England, says: "Everyone needs to be active every day — short periods of 10 or more minutes of physical activity have proven health benefits, but getting 150 minutes or more of moderate activity every week is the amount we need to positively impact on a wide range of health conditions. "This includes reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes."

1.What is the current exercise goal mentioned in the passage?

A. 10-minute exercise. B. 20-minute exercise.

C. 60-minute exercise. D. 150-minute exercise.

2.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. A 10-minute exercise has little effect on the health.

B. Heart diseases happen easily to the old in activity.

C. Two-and-a-half hours of exercise is not necessary.

D. Inactivity easily brings about many serious diseases.

3.What is the suggestion of Prof. Philipe de Souto Barreto according to the third paragraph?

A. People should spend less time on exercise.

B. People should lower their activity levels.

C. People should increase exercise properly.

D. People should achieve their current goals.

4.Which of the following is TRUE about current exercise guidelines?

A. They are impractical. B. They are reasonable.

C. They have no effect on us. D. They are popular with people.


How to Win a High School Election

If you plan on running for student office, you want to know how to win a high school election.1. You need to consider the following key elements (要素) of an election.

■Learn About Your School.

Before you can be an official for your class, you will need to know about your class and the school as a whole. You can’t make a difference if you don’t know what to change.2..

■Get involved (参与) before winning the election.

If you want to make changes to some of the rules in the school’s policy, you’ll have to get official support of the school. Ask to join in on meetings with school officials. It’s also a good idea to get to know some of the parents of the students who will vote for you. You can do this by attending PTA meetings.3. Ask questions and voice your opinion so you stand out.

■Get to know your voters.

4. And try to make good first impressions on them. Be careful though, you don’t want to seem fake (假装的) because then people won’t vote for you. Simply say hello and let people know you are running for whatever office you choose. If they seem interested in you, continue the conversation, if not, back off. Being pushy is another thing that will lose you votes.

5. Just as confidence is very important during your presentation (展示), it also plays an important role every day. Stand tall, smile, and be friendly. Have fun with your election because students want someone who is real and friendly.

A. Let yourself shine.

B. Meet as many high school students as possible.

C. While at these meetings, don’t be a passive attendee.

D. Get started on how to win a high school election.

E. Write a speech about what you would like to see changed.

F. Read the student guidebook about the history as well as present rules for the school

G. Putting up posters and relying on your popularity isn’t enough to make sure that you will win.

How long can you safely freeze food?

Frozen food lasts indefinitely. But does that mean the raw chicken you bought on sale and froze will taste as good a year from now as it will three weeks from now? No. You can cook up that chicken a year later and it won’t harm you, but its taste and texture will be diminished. The key is knowing when frozen food starts to lose quality.1..

Fruits and vegetables.

You can freeze most vegetables and non-citrus fruits for about 8 to 12 months, according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation. (You can freeze citrus, too, but you need to take some extra steps.) Vegetables will benefit from blanching(用沸水烫)before you freeze them. 2., which affects nutrient levels and appearance of your veggies.


●Ground beef, turkey, veal, pork and lamb: For best flavor and texture, these ground meats are best used within three or four months of being frozen.

●Steaks and chops: These cuts of beef, veal, lamb or pork can be frozen for six to 12 months before losing quality. Chops of these meats start to lose quality after four to six months.

●Poultry: 4. ; pieces of birds keep their quality for up to nine months.

●Fish: For best quality, fatty fish (salmon, tuna) should be consumed within two to three months. Lean fish (cod, flounder) should be consumed within six months.

Soups, stews, chili and casseroles

Soups, stews chili and casseroles that have vegetables, meats, grains, pasta or cheese will keep their quality for two or three months in the freezer. 5..

A. Raw meat

B. General leftovers

C. Whole birds can keep their quality for up to a year

D. The point of that process is to stop the enzyme(酶)process

E. It’s still safe to eat, but it will have a lower quality taste and texture

F. This depends on whether they are newly purchased of freshly made and frozen

G. There isn’t a magic number of days for each food, but there are general guidelines to follow

When Katie was nine years old, her teacher gave each kid in her class a cabbage seedling (幼苗). She ___ the seedling in her backyard. Then she watered it every day______it grew into a 40-pound cabbage!

The vegetable was too ____ for her family to eat. “I knew my cabbage needed to _____a special home,” said Katie. So she______it to a local soup kitchen — a place that provided _____for people who were hungry.

Because of her ____, the soup kitchen invited Katie to help serve the cabbage. That cabbage helped to______lots of people.

Katie loved the_____of growing food to feed people. She _____she needed more garden space.

Her school had an unused ____, and Katie thought it was the perfect spot. The school liked the garden idea, and all the students were_____to help. But Katie didn’t ____ there. She worked with local _____who gave her plots (小块土地) of land for additional (额外的) gardens.

Katie hoped to grow all kinds of crops,_____ she didn’t know how. She asked for help from an expert gardener. Together, they_____ the types of vegetables that grow best in the area. A seed company then gave them all the plants.

Katie’s ____ grew even bigger than her cabbage. Her group, Katie’s Krops, now has seven gardens. All the land _____that they can grow a lot of food for the needy. Encouraged by Katie, lots of kids and adults_____ to plant and water.

Katie’s Krops has _____soup kitchens over 5,000 pounds of vegetables so far.

1.A. studied B. cut C. planted D. washed

2.A. though B. if C. until D. because

3.A. fresh B. hard C. sweet D. big

4.A. build B. accept C. leave D. find

5.A. sent B. returned C. told D. lent

6.A. houses B. jobs C. clothes D. meals

7.A. kindness B. happiness C. protection D. question

8.A. recognize B. hire C. feed D. save

9.A. silence B. luck C. trust D. satisfaction

10.A. forgot B. promised C. doubted D. decided

11.A. desk B. room C. field D. book

12.A. excited B. hurry C. brave D. possible

13.A. stop B. lie C. live D. help

14.A. students B. farmers C. teachers D. workers

15.A. so B. or C. for D. but

16.A. cooked B. chose C. hid D. changed

17.A. trouble B. idea C. picture D. mistake

18.A. means B. hopes C. feels D. advises

19.A. hate B. happen C. refuse D. volunteer

20.A. sold B. bought C. shown D. given

True leadership is not just the ability to identify the talent and skill of the polished individuals around you. It involves being able to dig beneath the surface and discover______.

Once there was a boy who constantly sat and talked in his math class,and seemed______in group activities. Most teachers would______think of him as a problem student.

However,Anna was different. She believed the student was above______in other areas so she created a strategy to find out.

Anna didn’t’t______the parents. Instead she organized a handful of activities in the class to get more information. In place of calling out for volunteers in class she created a______for each Friday:Girls vs. Boys.

The first week the class was totally______.Everyone wanted to win. Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying to get a turn. ______,Anna waited,and waited,and waited. Finally the______teacher paired the boy with the most______girl student in class.

Now the two teams had a______score,all the students sat back eager to see the result. As the teacher placed the question on the board,most of the students began to______their heads:this was a question they had never______in class.

“______!” the teacher yelled. Both students started doing it______ thinking of how to solve the complex question. Their classmates,full of ______,exclaimed,“Hurry,hurry,hurry!” The boy finished it just seconds before the girl and spun around with his______raised,“I won!” Almost nobody could believe the student they admired failed until Anna______the result.

This was what Anna tried to get. It turned out that the student wasn’t bad,he was______.So we can see that______hidden abilities is not always easy but the end results can be magical. Try your hand at this quality of leadership now and report your results.

1.A. truth B. treasure C. motivation D. potential

2.A. active B. disconnected C. discouraged D. cautious

3.A. immediately B. appropriately C. abnormally D. scarcely

4.A. limit B. prejudice C. average D. value

5.A. contact B. comfort C. warn D. blame

6.A. dilemma B. debate C. game D. competition

7.A. creative B. enthusiastic C. noisy D. curious

8.A. Yet B. Still C. Somehow D. Therefore

9.A. arbitrary B. puzzled C. ridiculous D. wise

10.A. elegant B. careless C. hardworking D. considerate

11.A. rare B. close C. poor D. different

12.A. turn B. lift C. shake D. nod

13.A. covered B. feared C. overlooked D. raised

14.A. Try B. Hurry C. Look D. Go

15.A. skillfully B. slowly C. casually D. abruptly

16.A. chaos B. anxiety C. courage D. excitement

17.A. arms B. hopes C. confidence D. eyes

18.A. obtained B. analyzed C. confirmed D. adjusted

19.A. upset B. spoiled C. tired D. bored

20.A. foreseeing B. recognizing C. appreciating D. assessing

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