The world always makes way for the dreamer.
When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remember sitting in that dark hall listening to Mr. Zigler   1  everyone’s spirits up to the ceiling. I ___2___there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to  3  people feel like that.” My father asked me   4  I meant. “I want to be a motivational(激发积极性的)speaker just like Mr. Zigler,” I replied.  A(An)  5  was born.
Recently, I began seeking my dream of motivating others. 6  a four-year relationship with Fortune 100 Company   7  as a sales-trainer and ending as a regional(地区的) sales manager, I left the company at the height of my .  Many people were  9  that I would leave after earning a six-figure income(收入). And they wondered__10  I would risk everything for a dream.
I made my   11  to start my own company and leave my worryingless position(职位)after  _12__ a regional sales meeting. The vice-president of our company made a   13   that changed my life. He asked us, “If a god would offer you three wishes, what would they be?” After giving us a   14  to write down the three wishes, he then asked us, “Why do you need a   15  ?” I would never forget the power I felt at that moment. I realized that   16  I had accomplished in the past had prepared me for this moment. I was ready and didn’t need a god’s help to become a motivational speaker. A motivational speaker was   17  .
Having made that decision, I was immediately   18 ___. One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off (下岗) from his job, and now we had no  19 . But I held fast to my dream. The wonder really began to happen. In a short time my husband found a better job. And I was able to book several   20  engagements(业务)with new customers. I discovered the unbelievable power of dreams.

A.thatB.whatC.which D.if
A.beginningB.workingC.acting D.regarding
A.disappointedB.movedC.surprised D.delighted
【小题13】 D.speech
A.dayB.instant C.weekD.moment

Just be happy. Sounds too simplistic, doesn’t it? But, in reality, we can have much more happiness if we choose to consider things from a positive point of view. Everyone experiences the ups and downs of life, however, we can make a decision to take advantage of the negative or pratice what the old saying says to do:“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”
It really boils down to your attitude and you have the ability to work your attitude into any shape you like. Here are some tips:
●Ignore those who tell you life is too difficult to be happy. what do they know?
●When you awaken each morning, be thankful for another day, even if it’s raining.
●Smile at those you meet, even if they don’t return the favor.
● Don’t borrow trouble. Each day has enough of its own.
●Don’t allow trouble to bury you in its gray depth of sorrow.
●Don’t give in to negative thinking.
●Be positive even when others are not.
●Refuse to give up on anything worth having or doing.
●Do something you enjoy each day, even if it’s just a walk in your neighborhood.
● Whistle as you go though the day.
●Work at being happy because it’s worth it.
You’re human, like everyone else, and from time to time you need a little pick-me-up in your decision to be happy. When you reach that stage, find someone else who has decided to be happy. Join forces with him and march forward in your decision to be a happy person. Simply speaking, a happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
Choose today to just be happy----as much as it depends on you!
55.The amount of happiness depends on________.
A.the ups and downs you’ve experienced
B.what attitude you take towards life simple a life you manage to live
D.the kind of environment you stay in
56.The underlined sentence advises us to________. hard for a comfortable life    B.drink lemonade when in difficulty
C.make the best of what we have          D.ignore the negative side of life
57.Which of the following doesn’t help maintain your good state of mind?
A.Think in advance about future troubles.
B.Greet others with a cheerful smile.
C.Stay positive all the way through.
D.Try to enjoy every single moment.
58.The best title for the passage might be “________”.
A.Don’t lose heart        B.Share your happiness
C.Live a simple life      D.Let’s cheer ourselves up

Have you ever heard the saying “If you want a friend, be one”?
Here is how one new teacher made friends with the girls and boys in her class on the first day of school. As the bell rang, the teacher smiled at each girl and boy. Then she said in a quiet voice, .”Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year..I’d like to know each of you .I am sure we will enjoy working together.” Everyone felt that she meant what she said because of her sweet voice and her friendly look.
She told the girls and boys her name and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she told them some of the things she liked to do and she was hoping to do with them during the year.
Then she said to the class, “Now you know my name and the things I like and I want to know your names and the things you like. Then I will feel that I know you.”
Could you make friends by doing the same as this teacher did?
One way of getting to know girls and boys in your class is to find out more about them. It is often to be friends with those people who have the same hobbies with you. You play the same games and go on journeys together.
You may find that some new comers in your class miss their old friends and feel strange and lonely. You can invite them to take a walk or to ride bikes with you. You will find many things in common to talk about. Just talking together in a friendly manners is one good way to make friends.
86 How do you understand the saying “If you want a friend, be one’’?
If you want to have a friend, try to make one be your friend.
You can make friends by doing what a friend should do.
You may have a friend by doing everything for him.
When you need a friend, you have to be a friend of yourself.
87.The teacher’s sweet voice and her friendly look__________.
showed that she would like to be a friend of the girls and boys.
made every girl and boy happy
told the girls and boys everything about herself
meant she wanted to tell the boys and girls something interesting
88. A new comer will be our friend if ____________.
A. he always thinks of his old friend        B  you ask him to do something
C. he knows you very well                 D. you talk with him in a friendly way
89.If you want to make friends with others, which of the following shouldn’t you do?
A. Learn more about them.               B. Go on journeys together
C. Share different hobbies with them        D. Try to be the same to them.
90 What is the best title for this text?
A. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed     B. The Teacher Can Make Friends with Students
C. How to Make Friends with Students?     D. One Good Way to Make Friends

Let’s do some sleep math.You lost two hours of sleep every night last week because of a big project due on Friday.On Saturday and Sunday,you slept in,getting four extra hours.On Monday morning,you were feeling so bright—eyed that you only had one cup of coffee,instead of your usual two.But don’t be cheated by your energy.You’re still carrying around a heavy load of sleepiness,or what experts call “sleep debt”一in this case something like six hours,almost a full night’s sleep.
Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get.It’s a shortage that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly sleep.“People get more sleep debt gradually without being noticed,”says William C.Dement,founder of the Stanford University Sleep Clinic.Studies show that such short term sleep lack leads to a foggy brain,worsened vision,and trouble remembering.Long-term effects include obesity(肥胖),insulin(胰岛素)resistance,and heart disease.A survey by the National Sleep Foundation reports that we’re losing one hour of sleep each night——more than two full weeks of sleep every year.
The good news is that,like all debt,with some work,sleep debt can be repaid.Adding all extra hour or two of sleep a night is the way to catch up.For the long-term lack of sleep, take it easy for a few months to get back into a natural sleep pattern.
Go to bed when you are tired,and allow your body to wake you in the morning(no alarm clock allowed).You may find yourself catatonic(有紧张症的)in the beginning of the recovery cycle:expect to have ten hours shut—eye per night;As the days pass,however,the amount of sleeping time will gradually decrease.
So earn back that lost sleep and follow the rules of your innate(固有的)sleep needs. You’ll feel better.“When you put away sleep debt,you become a superman,”says Stanford's Dement,talking about the improved mental and physical capabilities that come with being well rested.
53.If you have short-term sleep lack,you may___________.   
A.put on weight    B.get heart disease  C.hate eating food   D.have a poor sight
54.The example of sleep math is used to show______. what case you build up a sleep debt what way you can make up for lack of sleep
C.why you are energetic even without enough sleep
D.why you need six hours’sleep every night
55.By saying the underlined sentence,Dement means that______. need a lot of sleep to be a superman will be in a good state with enough sleep need to be a superman to repay sleep debt will become a superman with more sleep debt
56.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?   
A.How can you keep energetic?    B.What is sleep debt?
C.Can you catch up on lost sleep?  D.Can coffee refresh you?

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