The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful,” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses(冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral(道德) freedom.

A single angry word has lost many friends. When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. Many a person has dropped dead in great anger. Fits of anger bring fits of disease. “Whoever the gods would destroy they first make them mad.” “Keep cool,” says Webster, “anger is not argument.” “Be calm in arguing,” says George Herbert, “for fierceness(狂怒) makes error a fault.”

To be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself. “Anger,” says Pythagoras, “brings with folly and ends with regret.” You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him.

Self-control is man’s last and greatest victory.

If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking also.  

What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of self- control.   B. How to conquer oneself?

C. The relation between a man’s moral freedom and his feelings.

D. A man should keep cool.

What’s the meaning of “whoever the gods would destroy they first make them mad”?

A. If you are mad, the gods will kill you.

B. If you lose your temper first, gods will kill you first.

C. If you can’t control yourself, you will be crazy.

D. If the gods want to kill you, they will make you mad first.

Which of the following is NOT true, according to passage?

A. The first and best of victories is for a man to conquer himself.

B. You will make a small mistake serious if you don’t keep cool.

C. You must measure a man’s strength by the power of the feelings which conquer him.

D. Anger brings with folly and ends with regret.

Which of the following can’t help you avoid anger, according to the passage?

A. Be calm in arguing.      B. Check your temper or anger by speaking low.

C. Keep your mouth shut.   D. Try to make the other angry first.

Most people call it "body language" —the clues(线索) to the meaning that we get from gesture, facial expressions, posture —everything that isn't spoken.Experts call it "nonverbal communication," but it means the same thing: a second source of human communication that is often more reliable to understanding what is really going on than the words themselves.
Understanding body language is important to success, whether in the business world or in our personal lives.However, most of our ideas about body language are wrong, according to modern communication research.
There is a belief that people with shifty (变化的) eyes are probably lying.As Paul Ekman says, "When we asked people how they could tell if someone was lying, too much blinking(眨眼) and shifty eyes were the winners.But sometimes people act like that because they are shy.Liars pretend to be calm in order not to be caught.
Ekman goes on to argue against such a wrong belief.Although this kind of body language is probably an expression of nervousness, it is not always because the person is lying.Shyness can, for example, make people shift their eyes.To understand what someone's behavior means, you have to watch them carefully.
There is also a belief that when meeting someone, the more eye contact, the better.As a result people would like to make initial (开始的) contact in formal situations, like a job interview, by staring fixedly at the other human.Yet Ekman points out that most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting a few seconds, but any eye contact that is longer than that can make us nervous.
In short, you must carefully consider the speaker and the speaking environment.Experts suggest that unless you know about someone's basic communication style, you will have little hope in understanding their true feelings through body language.In other words, body language carries important but not always true messages.
【小题1】According to the passage, body language is _____.

A.a language that is not spokenB.a clue to get the meaning
C.a reflection of people's behaviorsD.a source of human communication
【小题2】The word "that" in paragraph 3 refers to ____.
【小题3】From the passage we can learn that ____.
A.there is no doubt that a liar has shifty eyes
B.people sometimes blink because of shyness
C.eye contact lasting a few seconds can make us nervous
D.understanding body language is more helpful in business
【小题4】How many examples are given by the writer to support his point of view?
【小题5】It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.body language is trustworthy in telling who is lying
B.body language helps us better understand other people
C.sometimes we can't judge a person by watching his body language
D.the speaker and the speaking environment are important to a person's body language

When the six very best students from different cities in Guangdong Province all together chose universities in Hong Kong ; when the very best students of Beijing picked up HK University while giving up the nearby Peking or Tsinghua University ; when the highest enrollment(录取) rate of Hong Kong Science and Industry University reached 48:1, it’s the high time to ask where the real education heaven for students in China is.
Years ago, the answer certainly would be “Peking or Tsinghua University”. But now no one could give the exact answer without hesitation . The only sure thing is that HK universities have gradually showed an unusual attraction to a great many mainland students.
There’s no doubt to call this HK craze (狂热), which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves.
How can HK universities shake the steady foundations of Peking and Tsinghua University and attract so many mainland students?
First, Hong Kong universities offer large-amount scholarship, especially for the top students who can receive the scholarship as much as 400,000 HK dollars. Since higher education has become a kind of heavy burden of many families, it’s easy to understand why the reaction to the generous offering of HK universities is great.
Second, most HK universities receive professors and students from all over the world and carry out bilingual (双语) education. This kind of excellent language atmosphere is another attraction for mainland students.
Furthermore, university students in Hong Kong have a better chance to study abroad as exchange students.
Can mainland top universities like Peking or Tsinghua University be calm as before when facing the unexpected competition from HK? Will they take relevant measures to win back the top students who once help them set the worldwide reputation? Time will explain it .
The fierce competition brought by HK universities can be a good thing for an entire improvement of education in China. After the awakening and action-taking of mainland universities , they can perform better together with HK universities.
At least, it reminded the mainland universities the tuition fees (学费) are among students’ top concern when they are choosing universities . It’s time to move.
【小题1】What is the passage mainly talking about?

A.Some thoughts brought by the enrollment of HK universities.
B.Higher education in Hong Kong.
C.The competition between HK University and Beijing University.
D.The fall of mainland universities.
【小题2】Top students from mainland apply for HK universities because________.
A.many students now would love to study abroad to get a better experience
B.they concern only about the tuition fees when choosing universities
C.HK Universities offer higher scholarship, better environment and more opportunities for their further study
D.Beijing University has lost its worldwide reputation
【小题3】   From the passage we can see HK universities________.
A.didn’t mean to enroll top students from mainland
B.didn’t expect their enrollment of mainland students would be so popular
C.have strict enrollment rules and only 1 out of 48 students can get the chance to study there
D.are proud of their teaching staff and facilities.
【小题4】What does the author mean by saying “It’s time to move .” in the last paragraph ?
A.Mainland universities should take measures as soon as possible to attract students.
B.The opportunities come for top students to study abroad .
C.Mainland universities should make full preparations to enroll Hong Kong students .
D.Top students should be offered further education free of charge .

“The first and best of victories for a man is to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful,” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses (冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom.

A single angry word has lost many friends. When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. Many a person has dropped dead in great anger. Fits of anger bring fits of disease. “Whoever the gods would destroy, they first make them mad.” “Keep cool,” says Webster, “anger is not argument.” “Be calm in arguing,” says George Herbert, “for fierceness makes error a fault.”

To be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself. “Anger,” says Pythagoras, “begins with foolishness and ends with regret.” You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him.

Self-control is man’s last and greatest victory.

If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking too.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Self- control is important for a man

B.We should learn to be strong.

C.A man who keeps cool won’t lose any game.

D.The great heroes in history knew how to control themselves.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.If you are mad, the gods will fail you.

B.If you lose your temper first, gods will fail you first.

C.If you can’t control yourself, you will be crazy.

D.If the gods want to fail you, they will make you mad first.

3.Which of the following is NOT true, according to passage?

A.The first and best of victories for a man is to conquer himself.

B.You will make a small mistake serious if you don’t keep cool.

C.You must measure a man’s strength by the power of the feelings which conquer him.

D.Anger begins with foolishness and ends with regret.

4.Which of the following can’t help you avoid anger, according to the passage?

A.Being calm in arguing

B.Checking your temper or anger by speaking low.

C.Keeping your mouth shut

D.Trying to make the other angry first.

5.If a man lacks self-control,______________________________

A.He will always be controlled by all the people all the time.

B.He will began with foolish everything every day and lack the strength.

C.Moral strength and nerve of character will lack as well.

D.He will have power of gover himself.


When the six very best students from different cities in Guangdong Province all together chose universities in Hong Kong ; when the very best students of Beijing picked up HK University while giving up the nearby Peking or Tsinghua University ; when the highest enrollment(录取) rate of Hong Kong Science and Industry University reached 48:1, it’s the high time to ask where the real education heaven for students in China is.

Years ago, the answer certainly would be “Peking or Tsinghua University”. But now no one could give the exact answer without hesitation . The only sure thing is that HK universities have gradually showed an unusual attraction to a great many mainland students.

There’s no doubt to call this HK craze (狂热), which is even out of the expectation of those HK universities themselves.

How can HK universities shake the steady foundations of Peking and Tsinghua University and attract so many mainland students?

First, Hong Kong universities offer large-amount scholarship, especially for the top students who can receive the scholarship as much as 400,000 HK dollars. Since higher education has become a kind of heavy burden of many families, it’s easy to understand why the reaction to the generous offering of HK universities is great.

Second, most HK universities receive professors and students from all over the world and carry out bilingual (双语) education. This kind of excellent language atmosphere is another attraction for mainland students.

Furthermore, university students in Hong Kong have a better chance to study abroad as exchange students.

Can mainland top universities like Peking or Tsinghua University be calm as before when facing the unexpected competition from HK? Will they take relevant measures to win back the top students who once help them set the worldwide reputation? Time will explain it .

The fierce competition brought by HK universities can be a good thing for an entire improvement of education in China. After the awakening and action-taking of mainland universities , they can perform better together with HK universities.

At least, it reminded the mainland universities the tuition fees (学费) are among students’ top concern when they are choosing universities . It’s time to move.

1.What is the passage mainly talking about?

A. Some thoughts brought by the enrollment of HK universities.

B. Higher education in Hong Kong.

C. The competition between HK University and Beijing University.

D. The fall of mainland universities.

2.Top students from mainland apply for HK universities because________.

A. many students now would love to study abroad to get a better experience

B. they concern only about the tuition fees when choosing universities

C. HK Universities offer higher scholarship, better environment and more opportunities for their further study

D. Beijing University has lost its worldwide reputation

3.  From the passage we can see HK universities________.

A. didn’t mean to enroll top students from mainland

B. didn’t expect their enrollment of mainland students would be so popular

C. have strict enrollment rules and only 1 out of 48 students can get the chance to study there

D. are proud of their teaching staff and facilities.

4.What does the author mean by saying “It’s time to move .” in the last paragraph ?

    A. Mainland universities should take measures as soon as possible to attract students.

    B. The opportunities come for top students to study abroad .

    C. Mainland universities should make full preparations to enroll Hong Kong students .

    D. Top students should be offered further education free of charge .


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