

Nowadays, millions 【1】 lonely singles are now going online instead. 2 World Wide Web is quickly becoming the world’s most popular matchmaker(媒人).

Singles are flocking(涌向)to the Internet 3 (main) because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other. 4 (use) dating sites(约会网址)is quick and convenient. Many singles say the regular dating scene has just led them from one bad experience to 5 and are ready to try something else. Dating sites also make 6 easy to avoid someone 7 you are not interested in. In the real world, 8 , ignoring someone you don’t like can be difficult.

Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems. People aren’t always those who they declare to be in their online 9 (describe). Safety is another concern. You are just 【10 (like) to find a criminal online as you are Mr. or Miss Right.














【1】of.考查介词。millions of“数以百万的,成千上万的”是固定用法表示概数,故填of.

【2】The.考查冠词。此处特指World Wide Web,故填The.



【5】another.考查代词。from one to another“从一个到另一个”,是固定搭配,故填another.




【9】description.考查名词。此处由their online修饰后面用名词,指“他们的网上描述”,故填description.

【10】likely.考查形容词。be likely to“很有可能”是固定短语,根据句意填likely.



We spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, and looking for that special love.Unfortunately, that’s not usually how life works.To be loved, you should love and respect yourself as much as you do others.In order to love someone, you should love yourself.

●Stop comparing(比较) yourself to others. 【1 We all have different gifts.When you compare yourself to others for what they have, whether it is a car, a house, or a job, it makes you feel bad about yourself.Really be grateful about everything you have.Gratitude(感恩)keeps your heart open to love.

●Practice receiving love.To truly love is to be able to receive it.When someone loves you, does some kind deeds(事情)to you, or says kind words, accept it. 2】 Know that you are worthy of love.It is important to accept a gift of love by others.You give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself that you are lovable. 3

4】 Write about your experiences, good and bad.When you write down good experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings.When you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel self-compassion.Compassion is not self-pity, but rather willingness to accept one's own pain and regret.

●Stop trying to be perfect.Stop blaming yourself for being less than perfect. 5

Just follow all the steps above and don't let anyone's expectations of you put any pressure on you.

A.Keep a diary.

B.Love others.

C.Do not feel sorry about it.

D.Always do your best, but not reaching perfection(完美) is not a failure.

E.Allow yourself to accept the love that has come to you.

F.You give someone a joy of giving by loving you.

G.Everyone on the earth is unique(独一无二的).


Ali is from a Middle Eastern country. He now stays in the USA. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. He has smoked for nine years. Ali says, I tried to quit (放弃) smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. My parents smoke. My brothers smoke. All my friends smoke. At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. Here in the United States, not as many people smoke. ____【1】____

Many smokers are like Ali: they want to stop smoking. ___2____ They know it can cause cancer and heart disease. But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. The drug is nicotine. People who smoke a lot need nicotine.

____3___ The nicotine (尼古丁) makes him sick. In a few days, the smoker’s body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. Without nicotine, he feels bad.

____4__ Many people who quit will soon smoke again. At a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette. Then they will smoke another cigarette, and another. Soon they become smokers again. ____5___

A. It is very hard to quit smoking.

B. It will be easier to change the smoking habit here.

C. Thus nicotine makes smokers addicted to cigarettes.

D. The smokers know that smoking is bad for their health.

E. When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible.

F. Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start.

G. But it is said that medicine is needed to stop them from smoking.


For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly necessary magazine. Covering the ages and the great civilizations of the world, Apollo brings you well-illustrated yet academic articles by internationally famous scholars, as well as information on exhibitions and sales. Experience five monthly issues for as little as £5 each.

The Guardian Weekly

The Guardian Weekly gives you a global view with articles from four of the world’s most respected newspapers. Read the news from different views and draw your own conclusions on the stories shaping our world. Try it for 3 months for just £15. 55. Plus get a free copy of The Guardian Year 2003.

New Internationalist

Full of excellent writing and photography, the NI covers one key subject each month, from Terrorism to Poverty to Climate Change. Reporters from around the globe provide you with a comprehensive world view. PLUS:masses of fresh reports and stories to keep you up-to-date on world affairs. 3 months free and free World Map.

The Week

The Week is the only weekly summary giving you the best of the British and foreign newspapers in just 35 pages. Designed to be read in just 1 hour, it provides you with everything you need and want to know. Try The Week now with 13 issues for just £13. 75. If you decide it’s not for you, just tell us within the first 6 weeks and you can get your money back.

【1】Which of the following magazines will probably provide you with articles about music and paintings?

A. Apollo.

B. The Week.

C. New Internationalist.

D. The Guardian Weekly.

【2】Which of the following would you most probably read if you want to get

information from the world’s most popular newspapers?

A. Apollo & New Internationalist.

B. The Guardian Weekly & The Week.

C. The Guardian Weekly & New Internationalist.

D. Apollo & The Week.

【3】The purpose of writing these four texts is to______.

A. tell the readers the latest news

B. introduce the four magazines to new readers

C. show the importance of the four magazines

D. get more readers to subscribe(订阅)


Pets are popular. They’re good listeners, they encourage us to exercise, and they’re always on our side when we argue with others. They can bring people comfort and pleasure.

But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick. Washing your hands often especially after you touch, feed, or clean up a pet is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease. Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)carefully every time you wash.

You also can protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animal cages or cat litter boxes. Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub (浴缸), but if you do, always disinfect (消毒) the tub immediately afterward.

Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.

You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy. Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them. It’s not a good idea to share your food with your pet. Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick. Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs (细菌) that cause serious illness.

And funny as it can be to see your dog or cat drinking from the toilet, don’t let pets do this. It’s bad for your pet’s health! Give them clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Never give milk to cats. The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother. Cow’s milk is not for pets, especially for cats, as it makes them sick.

Finally, some animals aren’t pets. Don’t take in a wild or abandoned (被抛弃的) animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick. Instead, turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.


【1】 From 18-25, according to I.Q. scores;but you are wiser and more experienced with increasing age. You are smartest in your 20's; around 30, your memory begins to go down, particularly your ability to perform mathematical computations(数学计算). 2 Your vocabulary at the age of 45, for example, is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain has almost four times as much information as it did at the age of 21.

3 You have the best physical sense of yourself from 15 to 24; the best professional sense from 40 to 49. Before the age of 24, we believe that our happiest years are yet to come;over 30,we believe that they are behind us. A National Health survey agrees: after the age of 30, we become more realistic and do not view happiness as a goal in itself. If we keep our health, achieve professional and emotional goals, happiness, we feel, will follow.

4 Generally between 30 and 39, but the peak (顶峰)varies with different professions(职业). Mozart wrote a symphony and four sonatas by the age of 8, and Mendelssohn composed his bestknown work A Midsummer Night's Dream at 17, but most of the great music was written by men between 33 and 39.

Though the peak in most fields comes early, most Nobel Prize winners did their top research in their late 20's and 30's—creative people continue to produce work with high quality(质量) throughout their lives. 5

A. When are you most creative ?

B. When are you happiest?

C. When are you smartest?

D. Do you know what I.Q. refers to?

E. But your I.Q. for other tasks goes up.

F. Creative people usually produce a lot of works.

G. For the “wellconditioned mind”, there is no upper limit.(限制)


Pets are popular. They’re good listeners, they encourage us to exercise, and they’re always on our side when we argue with others. They can bring people comfort and pleasure.

But it is important to keep in mind that pets can carry diseases that can make you sick. Washing your hands often especially after you touch, feed, or clean up a pet is the best way to keep yourself healthy and prevent the spread of disease. Be sure to clean your fingernails(指甲)carefully every time you wash.

You also can protect your health by wearing gloves while cleaning animal cages or cat litter boxes. Avoid washing your pet in the bathtub (浴缸), but if you do, always disinfect (消毒) the tub immediately afterward.

Be sure to bring your pet to the hospital for examinations every two weeks or month and whenever your pet is sick or injured.

You can do a few other things to keep yourself and your pet healthy. Only give your pet food that has been planned ahead for them. It’s not a good idea to share your food with your pet. Human food (like chocolate) can make animals sick. Never feed your pet raw meat because it can carry germs (细菌) that cause serious illness.

And funny as it can be to see your dog or cat drinking from the toilet, don’t let pets do this. It’s bad for your pet’s health! Give them clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Never give milk to cats. The only milk an animal should drink is from its mother. Cow’s milk is not for pets, especially for cats, as it makes them sick.

Finally, some animals aren’t pets. Don’t take in a wild or abandoned (被抛弃的) animal as a pet because it may have diseases that could make you or your family sick. Instead, turn to an animal rescue group that is trained in helping sick or abandoned animals.

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