
What ________ her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.




A lot of management training each year for Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our course is the retention(保护力) of quality employees-a real challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale(标准)in the service industry. During these discussions, I ask the participants(参加者), “What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager?” Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.”

Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的) position while she looked for something better. On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check. When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in the back of the store that served as an office. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was concerned and confused.

Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as we would like to; but we do care, and I want you to know you are important to us.”

The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of this convenience store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays. An important lesson for the price of a Little League baseball glove.

1.Among many of the problems in the service industry, what is talked about in this passage, is_______.

         A.how to ensure his employees’ high pay

         B.how to attract more customers

         C.how to look carefully after the employees

         D.how to keep the good employees from leaving

2.Although a new manager, Cynthia would do her job well in keeping quality employees because she________.

         A.had mastered all the courses for the manager

         B.had already formed good relationship with the employees

         C.know the way how to deal with her employees

         D.had her own personal experience

3.This passage shows us that to run a business well it is necessary for managers to let their employees know________.

         A.how much they can get for their job.

         B.what good positions they can get later

         C.they are very necessary to the business 

         D.they are nice as well as useful

4.The story told in this passage tells us that employees care about___________.

         A.only how large a pay they can get

         B.love from the managing people rather than only money

         C.if their children could be properly taken care of

         D.what position they can be offered


More than ever, kids today have given up reading for activities like watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet, but recently a new trend (趋势) has been catching on that will hopefully change that.

In fact, book clubs are becoming more popular among American kids. 11-year-old Kenya Debarros read about singer Lena Horne. “It was just amazing to see a black woman as the star and not just a mammy or a maid,” she says. But did all these kids come enthusiastically (热情地)? No, not exactly.

“I like book club, uh, I don’t know, but I am just trying it out. My mom didn’t make me, but I just tried it out,” says 16-year-old Antonio Nash.

And if they’ll try it, the experts say, there are ways to get them to come back. Make it fun, serve pizza, serve chocolate cakes and have door prizes (门票对号奖). It also helps to connect books to the real world. They talk about things that are happening in the community, so they can relate whatever they’ve read in the book to what’s happening now.

Here they have long talks about the books they have selected, which most kids don’t get to do when they’re in school, and these kids say, in book clubs they’re learning to love books and love reading.

“I feel like I’m actually in the book and doing what the actual main character is doing,” says 13-year-

-old Justin Woodard.

16-year-old Antonia McManus says reading gives her a nice break from the day, “Sitting down and reading a book gives me some time to get away from the world, and get my mind straight.”

52. What does the underlined phrase “catching on” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Happening.              B. Realizing.    C. Becoming popular.   D. Bringing in.

53. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Book clubs develop very fast in America.

B. Book clubs are popular among American kids.

C. American kids’ habits are changing towards reading.

D. A new trend helps change children in America.

54. It can be known from the passage that ______.

A. book clubs are designed to improve kids’ study

B. book clubs are mainly to help kids forget the reality

C. kids like to go there for the silent surroundings

D. kids may get unexpected rewards in book clubs

55. Why does Antonia McManus like going to the book club?

A. She finds reading restful.

B. She could get some sound sleep.

C. She likes the noisy conditions there.

D. She can deal with her problems there.


第三部分语法填空 (共2篇,20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


( 1 )

My sister had dropped out of school and  61    very unwise decisions with her life. She chose to spend her time with people who were lost  62      she was. They all chose to ignore their   63         (responsible) and supported one another in a life which involved drinking and partying. 64           (sad), they were all losing time. They were young and had the potential to become   65         they wanted if they would only choose to respect themselves and believe in a better life.

My sister was lost but my father never gave up on her. She may not have even known it but his prayers and faith  66     her may have been the very thing she needed. I remember sitting at the family dinner table  67      everyone had gathered except my sister. Once again she had chosen to drink with friends instead of spending  68     evening with our family who loved her very much. We said she would not come. But my father said she would. We all rallied against him,         69    (bet) she would not show up and asked why he would say that. We       70     (convince) he was in denial. He simply said, “I will always bet on her, on all of you.”

( 2 )

Deciding what present you should give someone is never easy. Many things must be considered such as  71    the person is interested in and how old he is. We must also consider the reaction of the person  72    (receive) the gift. One of the   73  (bad) gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher, Ms Chen. Ms Chen  74   (teach) me English since Junior 1, and to show my  75  (appreciate) I decided to get her a present. I asked my classmates about her interests  36  I made my final decision. Then I went to the department store  77    I worked part-time and bought her  78    expensive gift box of Sichuan beef.  I was certain she would like it because I  79    (tell) by my classmates that she loved hot food. I left the box with a card on her desk, and I was sure she would like them.  80    was only after I

heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG(味精)!


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