建议 | 设立“公交车司节”(Bus Drivers’ Day) |
背景 | 公交车司机从早到晚服务大众,工作辛苦…… |
时间 | 在10月7日庆祝。国庆黄金周最后一天,乘客可以与公交车司机一起庆祝节日。 |
原因 | 促使公交车司机树立优质服务意识; 鼓励人们少用私家车,多坐公交车; 减少交通拥挤现象; 减少二氧化碳排放量,利于保护环境。 |
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Mayor,
I'm writing to you about starting a Bus Drivers' Day.
Bus drivers work very hard for the public from morning till night. To thank them, I think it necessary to have a Bus Drivers' Day on October 7th, when passengers can celebrate it with them on the last day of National Day Golden Week. It will not only develop bus drivers' awareness of good service but also encourage more people to take buses instead of driving their own cars. Thus, traffic jams will surely be reduced. And with less carbon dioxide released, our environment will be better protected. (88)
Yours sincerely,
Wang fang
概况 | 中国第三大城市;别称:五羊城、花城;广东省省会; 全市面积7434平方公里;人口1000多万。 |
历史 | 2200多年历史的文化名城,历史上丝绸之路(海路)的始发港。 |
地理 | 珠江从市中心穿过,温暖湿润。 |
旅游 | 风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富。 |