
5.A new graph has revealed exactly how long you'11 need to sweat it out in the gym to neutralize (抵消) swallowing a favorite fast food.
While eating fried chicken,pizza and burgers will all entail a gym session of over an hour doing cardio(有氧运动)or lifting weights,women have it far harder than men and must work extra hard to banish calorie-packed meals.
After a classic McDonald's favorite,the Big Mac,men would need to do 42 minutes of cardio or 57 minutes of weightlifting.
As for women,fifty one minutes of cardio would help counter the 24 grams of fat in a Big Mac---over a quarter of the recommended daily allowance---or an hour and eight minutes of weightlifting.
However,the 450g Tesco chocolate cake was by far the worst offender.Clocking in at a whopping 1,710 calories and 90 grams of fat,only a hardcore gym session is going to shift the calories you've absorbed from this dessert.The average woman would have to lift weights for almost four hours to work off the calories in this cake.
Comparatively a chocolate bar seems healthy,with 237 calories which would take 25 minutes for the average woman to run off.Alternatively you could spend thirty three minutes doing weightlifting exercises.
Men will have to complete 40 minutes of cardio and 53 minutes of weightlifting while women will have to complete 48 minutes of cardio and 64 minutes of weightlifting against the calories in French fries.
32.The fat of the recommended daily allowance for women isAgrams.
A.18             B.20                     C.24           D.30
33.According to the passage,Dis the unhealthiest food.
A.French fries       
B.the Big Mac      
C.a chocolate bar  
D.Tesco chocolate cake
31.Compared with men,women must spendAto consume the calories in French fries.
A.11 more minutes lifting weights        
B.8 less minutes doing cardio
C.8 more minutes lifting weights          
D.11 less minutes doing cardio
35.The main purpose of the passage is toA.
A.inform us to stay away from fast food    
B.offer us advice on how to keep healthy
C.tell us some information about fast food    
D.suggest what we do to work off the calories.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者主要向我们介绍了吃一口垃圾食品要运动多久才能抵消所吸收的脂肪和热量,以此告诉我们要少吃或不吃垃圾食品.

解答 32.A  推理判断题,根据第四段As for women,fifty one minutes of cardio would help counter the 24 grams of fat in a Big Mac---over a quarter of the recommended daily allowance---or an hour and eight minutes of weightlifting.可知建议妇女每日减少的脂肪是18g,故选A.
33.D  细节理解题,根据第五段However,the 450g Tesco chocolate cake was by far the worst offender.可知在文中乐购的巧克力蛋糕是最不健康的食物,故选D.
34.A  细节理解题,根据最后一段Men will have to complete 40 minutes of cardio and 53 minutes of weightlifting while women will have to complete 48 minutes of cardio and 64 minutes of weightlifting against the calories in French fries.可知男人要举重53分钟,而女人需要64分钟,因此女人比男人要多11分钟,故选A.
35.A  主旨大意题,通读全文可知作者通过本文呼吁我们要远离垃圾食品.故选A.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

12.Lately,everywhere you look,people are running around with fitness trackers on their wrists.Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app,these trackers can report how many calories you've burned and the distance you've traveled.Still curious about yourself?You can also learn the number of stairs you've climbed and steps you've taken,metrics(度量)it had never occurred to me to wonder about.
Not one to resist peer pressure,however,I paid $100for a Fitbit Flex.I chose that brand on  the basis of research:asking my friend Sari which tracker she used.
The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker.I entered my height  and gender(性别)and certain information I considered none of its business:birth date and  weight.Then I established goals.The American Heart Association recommends we all walk 1 0,000steps a day-about five miles,and so does Fitbit.I decided 6,000steps was a good place for me to start.
I changed my tune when,on day one,I hit 6,000steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my  wristband.Confident enough now,I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000steps.
OK.So I got a little obsessed(着迷).On day five at a department store,I decided to check  my progress.My target number was just 275steps away!I walked around the dress department  watching my smartphone register each step I took.I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.
Now I always wear my tracker,not because I've grown to love fitness but because I like  being trendy and self-absorbed.Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to  congratulate me on walking more than 10,000steps.Who wouldn't love a tool that turns your  every footstep into an accomplishment?

25.Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?C
A.To measure their blood pressure.
B.To tell them the right direction.
C.To report the amount of exercise.
D.To email information to others.
26.The underlined part"none of its business"in Paragraph 3probably means"B".
A.necessary    B.unimportant    C.priceless   D.ridiculous
27.The author started from 6,000steps becauseC.
A.it is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex
B.it is the best choice for beginners
C.the author wasn't confident at first
D.the friend Sadri asked the author to do so
28.What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?D
A.Thrilling and dangerous.    B.Painful and unbearable.
C.Boring and uncomfortable.   D.Joyful and encouraging.
10.Despite the anxiety that Jones'Host-said by some to be the first digital novel-caused in 1993,publishers weren't too concerned that e-books would one day replace printed books.However,that attitude was changed suddenly in 2007 when Amazon's Kindle came onto the market,which led to e-book sales jumping up to 1,260%.Since then,e-books'popularity has continued to steadily rise.The publishing industry seemed to have lost all possible ability to regain its position.Will printed books eventually become a thing of the past?
According to Mike Shatzkin,founder and CEO of the Idea Logical Company,printed books just for plain old reading will,in 10years from now,be unusual."Not so unusual that a kid will say,‘Mommy,what's that?'but unusual enough that on the train you'll see one or two people reading something printed,while everyone else is reading off of a tablet."And Shatzkin believes that the demise of print is sure to happen,though such a day won't arrive for perhaps 50to 100or more years.
Robert Stein,founder of the Institute for the Future of the Book,however,believes that books won't disappear entirely,at least not anytime soon."Print will exist,but it will be in a different field and will appeal to a very limited audience,as poetry does today.Like woodblock printing,hand-processed film and folk weaving (编织),printed pages may assume an artistic value,"he says.He imagines that future forms of books might be developed not by conventional publishers but by the gaming industry.He also predicts that the distinction between writer and reader will be made less obvious by a social reading experience in which authors and consumers can digitally interact with each other to discuss any passage,sentence or line.
Is there anything we risk sacrificing,should print really disappear entirely?According to Maryanne Wolf,director of the Center for Reading and Language Research at Tufts University,electronic reading can negatively affect the way the brain responds to text,including reading comprehension,focus and the ability to maintain attention to details like plot and order of events."My worry is that we'll have a short-circuited reading brain,excellent for gathering information but not necessarily for forming critical,analytical deep reading skills,"Wolf says.
The field,however,is in an early stage,and findings about the negative effects of e-reading are far from certain.In light of this,Wolf hopes that we continue to maintain a"bi-literate"society-one that values both the digital and printed word."A full reading brain circuit is a huge contribution to the intellectual development of our species.Anything that threatens that deserves our attention."

67.How did publishers feel about the rising e-book sales inspired by the Kindle?A
68.The underlined word"demise"in Paragraph 2probably meansB.
69.According to Robert Stein,paper books will exist because ofA.
A.the artistic value
B.the digital interaction
C.the growing popularity
D.the conventional design
70.It can be concluded from the last two paragraphs that Wolf holds thatD.
A.e-reading will weaken the power of our brain
B.digital books and paper books should not co-exist
C.e-reading will make us more critical and thoughtful
D.we should not risk losing a full reading brain circuit.
17.Many people give up studies because of money,but they have not got the realization that they need studies more than ever because of their poverty.Without studying,how could you change your fate?The final result may be that you are always short of money.I have been long holding a view that you can save money in every aspect in your life but not in your study.
I used to save every penny when I was studying abroad and bought everything as cheap as possible.When it came to textbooks,I would never think about saving money but bought it without the least hesitation even though it might cost me almost 70euros.My classmates might borrow my books to copy,but I thought it to be time-consuming and I would easily get some pages lost.Besides,it was because I knew that the book was bought at a high price that I would try my best to finish it,while my classmates might put it away after flipping through a few pages.
It is the same with studies.When you use a lot of money trying to learn a language or a skill,and the money was earned with your hard work or was even borrowed from others,would you give it up easily?For a rich student and a poor student who spent the same money for a course,will their attitudes towards the course are the same?Definitely not!And I can claim for sure that the poor student would study harder than the rich student.
Moreover,from my students'case,I also see a common problem in our society:When coming across difficulties,the first thing popping up in our mind is not to think about how to try them,but to give up.Many people would feel headache when meeting a small problem and then  amplify the problem to find an excuse of giving up.Actually what we need to do is not fearing the problem but trying every means to solve it.When you get addicted to this habit,no matter what you do,you will not succeed,because everything you do will have its own problems,whether small or big.

32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?D
A.Even if we don't study,we can change our fate.
B.The author used to spend little money in buying books.
C.The poor students'and the rich students'attitudes towards a course are the same.
D.We should try our best to solve the problems that we face.
33.Why didn't the author borrow books from his classmates to copy?C
A.Because he was a rich students.
B.Because those books were not what he needed.
C.Because it might be time-consuming and he would easily get some pages lost.
D.Because he would try his best to finish reading it.
34.In the fourth paragraph,the underlined word"amplify"most probably means"B".
A.ignore           B.expand 
C.shrink           D.solve
35.By writing the article,the author wants toB.
A.advise us to form good habits
B.tell us we should study hard and don't fear challenges
C.learn from the poor students
D.encourage us to save money in every aspect in our life.
Dear Miss Manners,
    My friends'kids always ask for gifts or say,"You didn't give me a gift"for their birthdays or Christmas.This is done while their moms are present,and they don't say anything. How do I ask my friends to tell their kids that it's rude to ask people for gifts?
Dear Paul,
    Never mind the mothers,who are obviously not going to teach them manners.I suggest responding directly and pleasantly to the children with,"Why-were you planning to give me one?"Their astonishment should give you the opportunity to explain politely that we are not supposed to force others to give gifts and giving presents is generally expected to be mutual.
Dear Miss Manners,
I am celebrating a milestone birthday with a formal theme party at a club.The time of the party is 7 p.m.to midnight.It includes a cocktail hour at 7,with dinner following.
    Can I add the 7 p.m.cocktail hour to the invitation?I would hate guests to misunderstand and think that they could arrive anytime between 7 and midnight.
Dear Caroline,
    The temptation to tell one's guests when they are expected to leave is one with which Miss Manners sympathizes.Clear signals are often neglected.If the hosts do not rise from the table to announce coffee in the living room as the final act,guests feel awkward about being the first to get up.And then some people just never know when to go home.
    However,putting both starting and finishing times on an invitation,often done for cocktail parties,indeed suggests that they may arrive during the event-not toward its end,to be sure,but not necessarily at the starting point.
    You are giving a dinner party,so you should inform your guests that it will start at 7,as drinks before the meal are part of the routine.That tells them to arrive on time-and you can only hope that they will take themselves off at a decent hour.
70.According to Miss Manners,the proper way to deal with a kid asking for gifts isC.
A.to ignore the kid's request for gifts
B.to scold the kid for asking for presents
C.to tell kids gift giving is voluntary and two-way
D.to advise the kid's mum to teach him proper manners
71.Which of the following does Miss Manners advise you to do at a party?D
A.Suggest guests arriving during the event.
B.Directly remind guests to leave at a proper time.
C.Inform guests of both starting and finishing hours.
D.Give guests clear hint when they should leave the party.
72.In witch part of a newspaper can you find this passage?A
A.Advice Section.
B.Live Chats Section.
C.Entertainment Section.
D.Classified Ads Section.

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