
Normally when I pop in to see my parents, my mum bursts out of the house with a big smile. Not today. "Your brother," she says, "he's showered twice this afternoon. Does he know how much it costs to run this house?" Are we limiting water now? I didn't think the recession(萧条) had got that bad. My poor brother is a boomerang kid. Like 60 percent of guys immediately after university, he's back at home. Graduating £15,000 in debt and faced with unpaid internships(实习期) or low wages thanks to the flooding of the market with graduates, a lot of twenty some things simply don't have the necessary income or parental support to live independently.
Three years after getting their degree, most graduates are still not earning above the average salary. They have a near 50 percent tax burden, thanks to student loan repayments and council tax on top of income tax and national insurance. Unless you have parents who can afford to finance what is effectively a second home for them, returning to the parental nest is often the only affordable option.
The boomerang effect is becoming even more pronounced thanks to the recession. One in four of those losing their job during the downturn is under 25. Only 13 percent of final-year students have jobs. Home is the only place many are going: 111,000 16-29 year olds moved back home in 2008, five times the average of previous years.
Boomeranging is bad news. It poses serious problems for parents' finances. They've already supported their children through university, topping up loans with handouts, averaging £12,300 in total, to keep twenty somethings afloat. Now their retirement savings are being eaten away by continuously dependent children.
It’s bad for the returning kids too. Ambitious young people will be left frustrated, seeing their university peers from more wealthy backgrounds excel only because parents' money was there to support them through the initial period of poverty wages. Those living in rural areas are further disadvantaged by lack of access to cities where most new jobs are located. Half of all young people now feel they will not achieve their goals. Research by the Prince's Trust reveals that one-quarter of all 16-25 year olds are regularly down or depressed. And depression does not help self-motivation, the very trait needed to seek out job opportunities.
小题1:In paragraph 1, the mother’s criticizing her son for showering too often shows _________.
A.the price of water has increased
B.she thinks her son is selfish
C.her son is an economic burden
D.she wants to have a shower herself
小题2:What is the boomerang mentioned in the passage?
A.A person earning low income.
B.A person who has heavy tax burden.
C.A youth who cannot get parental support.
D.A youth returning to parents after graduation.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following does NOT contribute to the tax bill of most young graduates?
A.National insurance. B.Income tax.
C.Council income. D.Student loans.
小题4:Who is comparatively most affected by the recession according to the passage?
A.Those who haven’t completed their university studies.
B.Those who are supported through by their parents.
C.Those who can have access to the urban facilities.
D.Those who were born into the well-off families.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Global Recession
B.Boomerang Kids
C.Unemployment Rate
D.Falling Incomes

小题2:猜测词义题。根据第一段的后一半内容可知the boomerang是指那些毕业以后又回到家里的学生。
小题3:细节题。根据第2段2,3行They have a near 50 percent tax burden, thanks to student loan repayments and council tax on top of income tax and national insurance.可知ABD都是,除了C。
After 21 years of marriage,my wife wanted me to take another woman,my widowed mother, out to dinner and a movie.Due to the  31  of my work and my three children,I visited her only  32  .That night I called inviting her to go out.Though a bit   33 ,she accepted it happily.
That Friday after work,I drove over to  34  her up.On reaching her house,I noticed that she seemed to be nervous about our 35 .Wearing the dress she had worn to    36   her last wedding anniversary,she smiled like an angel.
We went to a  37  that,although not elegant,was very comfortable.After we sat down,I    38  my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me.A smile was on her lips.“I used to have to   39  the menu when you were smal1,”she said.“Then it’s time you relaxed and let me return the   40  ,”I responded.During the dinner,we had such a   41  conversation-all about each other’s life—that we 42 the movie.When back home, she said, “Pity we didn’t see the film.Yet I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me   43  you.” I agreed.
A few days later,Mother died of a massive heart attack.It   44  so suddenly that I had no  45  to do anything for her.some time later,I   46  an envelope of a copy of a restaurant receipt from where mother and I had   47  .An attached note said,“I paid this   48   in advance.I wasn‘t sure whether I could be there;but nevertheless,I paid for two—one for you and the other for your wife.You’ll never know   49   that night meant for me.I love you, son.”
At that moment.I understood the importance of giving our loved ones the time they   50   because these things can never be put off till “some other time”.
Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failure in career made him a depressed man, often __16__ that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so __17__ with the city that he had to leave.
So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily __18__ up their new home, the light suddenly __19__. Terry was regretful to have forgotten to bring along __20__ and had to wait __21__ in a low mood. Just then he heard light, hesitant __22__ on his door that were clearly audible (听到) in the __23__ night.
“Who’s it?” he wondered, since Terry was a __24__ to this city. And this was the moment he especially hated to be __25__, so he went to the door and opened it __26__. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor. ” “No,” answered Terry in anger and shut the door __27__. “What a nuisance!” He complained over it with his wife. “No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to __28__ things.”
After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the same girl outside. __29__ this time she was __30__ two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She __31__ me here to give you these.” Terry was very __32__ by what he saw. At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his __33__ in life. It was his __34__ and harshness (刻薄) with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was __35__ nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred (蒙蔽) by his unsympathetic mind.
A.complainingB.telling C.hoping D.pretending
A.pleasedB.disappointed C.exhausted D.encouraged
A.looking B.turning C.coming D.tidying
A.went onB.went down C.went out D.went through
A.candlesB.matches C.lights D.bulbs
A.happily B.patiently C.hopefully D.helplessly
A.steps B.words C.knocks D.screams
A.dark B.quiet C.noisy D.crowded
A.newcomer B.stranger C.guest D.settler
A.called B.disturbed C.watched D.offered
A.surprisingly B.delightedly C.impatiently D.willingly
A.gently B.kindly C.politely D.violently
A.lend B.sell C.harness D.borrow
A.And B.But C.So D.For
A.holding B.hiding C.fetching D.lifting
A.suggested B.commanded C.sent D.forced
A.frightened B.pleased C.puzzled D.surprised
A.failure B.success C.complaint D.determination
A.warmth B.coldness C.kindnessD.sympathy (同情)
A.doubtfully B.hardly C.actually D.nearly
Last weekend, my kids along with few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car. My 10-year-old daughter came up with the idea of   36 other people’s cars as well. It was pretty    37   outside and I had no plans to   38   being in the bright sun. She    39   wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水)to passers-by for free. I had seen little kids   40   and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free. Although I felt    41  , I decided to help her.
  42   she asked me, “What if we    43   this a smile car wash?” I couldn’t hold back my tears and    44   her and the other kids to go outside the house and come up with    45    ideas. While I kept myself busy in drying the car, the gang walked up to me with a(n)  46  with beautiful images of smiles. They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the    47    of their exercise was “smile”. It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 5-11 years with the   48 to do something for others.
All that seemed  49  and came right from their heart. Nothing seemed to 50    to them: their playtime, the heat outside—they just wanted to   51 others and do something nice in the community!
I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional   52   to help clean cars. Passers-by were    53    and one even shouted back to them saying “God Bless You, my kids…” One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars, which they refused. A pretty heartwarming  54  !
I feel blessed by being    55   by such wonderful and loving souls.
While success is surely sweeter than failure, it seems failure is a far better teacher, and organizations that fail spectacularly often flourish more in the long run, according to a new study by Vinit Desai, assistant professor of management at the University of Colorado Denver Business School. Researchers have found that people missing their goals perform much better in the long run. That is because they gain more knowledge from their failures than their successes and the lessons are more likely to stay longer in their minds.
“We found that the knowledge gained from success was often fleeting while knowledge from failure stuck around for years,” said professor Desai, who led the study. “But companies often ignore failure. Managers may fire people or turn over the whole workforce while they should treat the failure as a learning opportunity.”
Prof Desai compared the flights of the space shuttle Atlantis and the Challenger. During the 2002 Atlantis flight, a piece of insulation (绝缘体) broke off and damaged the left solid rocket booster (助推火箭) but didn’t influence the program. There was little investigation. The Challenger was launched next and another piece of insulation broke off. This time the shuttle and its seven–person crew were destroyed. The disaster led to a major investigation resulting in 29 changes to prevent future disasters.
The difference in response in the two cases came down to this: Atlantis was considered a success and the Challenger a failure.
“Despite crowded skies, airlines are extremely reliable,” he said. “The number of failures is extremely small. And past researches have shown that older airlines, those with more experience in failure, have a lower number of accidents.”
Prof Desai doesn’t recommend finding out failure in order to learn. Instead, he advises organizations to analyze small failures to collect useful information rather than wait for major failures.
小题1:Why did experts pay little attention to the problem of Atlantis?
A.Because it worked perfectly.
B.Because the right booster was still OK.
C.Because nothing serious happened then.
D.Because fewer people died in the flight.
小题2:Fewer accidents happen to older airlines in that _____.
A.their planes couldn’t fly high in the sky
B.they gained much from experience in failure
C.their planes were often checked by the experts
D.they were unpopular among passengers
小题3:The passage is written mainly to _____.
A.show failure is a better teacher than success
B.explain why Challenger failed
C.introduce something about Prof Desai
D.tell managers how to achieve success
小题4:Which writing strategy is NOT used in developing the passage?
A.Giving definitions.B.Making comparisons.
C.Analyzing causes.D.Providing different examples.
If you’re finding it tough to land a job, try expanding your job-hunting plan to include the following:
Set your target.
While you should always keep your options open to changing your mind , you should also be sure to target exactly what you want in a job. A job-hunt with a clear target will surely help you achieve better results than an aimless one.
Schedule plenty of interviews.
Use every possible method to get interviews-answering ads, using search firms , getting in touch with companies directly , surfing the Web, and networking(向同行请教 ). Even if a job is not perfect for you, every interview can become one of your positive experiences.
Follow up
Even if someone does not hire you ,write them a thank –you note for the interview. Then, some weeks later, send another brief  letter to explain that you still have not found the perfect position and that you will be available to interview again if the original position you applied for—or any other position , for that matter –is open. Do this with every position you interview for, and you may just catch a break!
Make it your full-time job
You can’t find a job by looking sporadically( 断续地) . You have to make time for it. If you’re unemployed and looking , devote as much time as you would to a full –time job. If you have a job while you’re looking, figure out an organized schedule to maximize your searching time.
Network vertically(纵向地 )
In the search stage of your job hunt , talk to people who are on a level above you in your desired industry. They’ll have an accurate and deep understanding that people at your level won’t have , and will be in a good position to hire you or recommend you to be hired .
Keep your spirits up
Looking for a job is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do, keep up your confidence , continue your efforts, and think positively, and eventually you will get a job you want.
小题1:From the passage , it can be learned that to get a job , one should absolutely avoid___.
A.having as many interviews as possible
B.looking without a clear target
C.applying for the same position a second time
D.changing his goal set previously
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It will be of great help for you to seek advice from experienced job hunters
B.There can’t be too much time for you to hunt for a job if you are out of work
C.There is no point having the interview unless a job is perfect for you.
D.There is no need for you to write letters to the company that refused you
小题3:According to the passage , it can better help job hunters get hired by ______.
A.consulting higher level people in their desired industries in advance
B.working out a well organized timetable for their job interviews
C.recommending themselves to the company they desire to work for
D.taking a positive attitude toward their future job–hunt success
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage ?
A.Procedures in Searching for a job
B.Advice for Successful Job Hunters
C.Tricks for Job-hunt Success
D.Guidance from Successful Job Hunters
Abuse can be defined as “to treat wrongfully or harmfully”. There are different categories of abuse that have been recognized and within our case study there appear to be two distinct forms of abuse, family abuse and child abuse. These can be subdivided into terms of physical abuse and psychological abuse. Physical abuse is the intentional physical injury or harm or deliberately not preventing harm occurring. The minimum physical signs seen in our study of James are bruises but they might feel more painful to his heart than the more serious invisible injuries. Emotional abuse is the continual failure to meet basic emotional needs. Emotional development is prevented and well-being harmed. The emotional signs in our case study can be seen in James by his actions of being withdrawn and non-communicative. The behavioural sign to abuse taking place to James is his aggressive behaviour.
The short term effect of physical abuse on James is physical pain. In the long term, injuries that often happen can result in secondary illness and complications, permanent scars or even disabilities. His emotional effects in the short term are a fear of people, withdrawal, and poor relationship with others. The long term emotional effects could be low self-respect, depression, inability to form relationships.
Abuse can arise for many reasons and there are a number of theoretical views which may be useful in clarifying why the abuse has taken place. The female view believes that sex and family roles give approval to a culture of abuse. Considering the historical and fixed ideas, men have power and control. In James’ case he lives in a re-constructed family with the father being rude and a heavy drinker. From a psychological angle, alcohol misuse can bring mental health problems which may increase aggression in the person and so James is more at risk from abuse by his stepfather. The relationship between the mother and James involves a dependency of James on his mother. With other problems in James’ mother’s life, this leads to increasing stress and the inability of his mother to cope with and manage a family with four children borne by two mothers. The attachment theory states that significant separations of a child from the carer in the early years can have an effect on their emotional development and can lead to psychological and social difficulties in later life. The loss of both his father and his half sister’s father with whom he lives may have contributed to his behaviour.
Abusive behaviour can sometimes be the result of mental health problems, brain damage or being abused themselves. By becoming the abuser they believe they are taking control; some even believe that they are not doing anything wrong and cannot stop themselves. When working with individuals who have abused, it is important to be aware that they may go on to abuse again and there is a need to protect the community from the abuser.
小题1:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “bruises” in Paragraph 1?
A.Slight injuryB.Deep CutC.Body disabilityD.Inner wound
小题2:According to the writer’s case study, which of the following cases can be defined as abuse?
A.A father scolds his son because he doesn’t pass the exam in school.
B.A car knocks down a woman but the driver doesn’t take her to hospital.
C.A father never talks to his daughter and shows no interest in what she does.
D.A husband is angry with his wife when she stays out late into the night.
小题3:From the passage we can infer that ______________.
A.James’ step father doesn’t show any concern for his mother
B.James’ mother gave birth to a girl in the re-constructed family
C.James’ stepfather is rude to all the children in the family
D.James’ mother loves her husband more than her own son
小题4:Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.Categories of AbuseB.How to Prevent Abuse
C.Abuse and Its CausesD.Effects Caused by Abuse
Eye See You
    Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. -- Jonathan Swift
I walked into a wild third-grade classroom. Music was playing _36_, children were under tables applying make-up, kids were throwing a football indoors, and students were _37_ wherever they could find _38_. I was a mid-year _39_. The previous _40_ said he could no longer manage these children and _41_  without notice during the holiday break.
As soon as I walked in the room, I realized why he _42_. I sat down _43_  in my chair and began reading their _44_ softly. After each name, I _45_, asking God to help me understand that child. I then nailed a _46_ to the wall next to the chalkboard and began _47_ my name and a reading assignment on the board. I then asked each child to come to me, and tell me their names and what they wanted to learn. It was a _48_ task, because only two children there wanted to learn something! Rules were _49_, boundaries established, parents contacted. But the mirror saved the day -- no, the year! Unbeknownst(不知的) to the children, the mirror allowed me to see their every _50_ while I was writing on the board. They soon became _51_ as to how I knew who was misbehaving while I was writing on the board. When one student finally asked me, I told him I had a special teacher’s eye in the back of my head that my hair _52_. At first they did not believe me. _53_ they did begin to exhibit better behavior, especially while I wrote on the board, thinking I had magical _54_. I never told them differently. Why _55_ a good thing?
A.mix upB.bring upC.mess upD.burn up

A man and his girlfriend got married. Everyone could tell that the love they had for each other was true.
A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a proposal, "I read in a magazine about how we can   36  our marriage. Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit   37  with the other. Then, we can talk about how we can   38  them together and make our lives happier together."
The husband   39 . So each of them went to a(n)   40  room and thought about the things that annoyed them about the other for the rest of the day.
The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their   41 .
"I'll start," offered the wife. She   42  her list. It had many items on it, enough to fill 3 pages. After the wife had read all three pages to her husband,   43  the husband stated, "I don't have anything on my list. I think that you are perfect the   44  that you are. I don't want you to   45  anything for me."
The wife, touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his   46  of her, turned her head and wept.
In life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed. We don't really have to go   47  for them. We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Why waste time seeking the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wonderful things before us?
A.enrichB.strengthen C.lengthen D.deepen
A.annoying B.surprisingC.satisfying D.inspiring
A.fix B.doC.find D.set
A.smiled B.refused C.agreed D.hesitated
A.spareB.separate C.empty D.special
A.dishes B.magazines C.livesD.lists
A.put awayB.handed in C.took outD.wrote down
A.disappointedlyB.unluckily C.bitterlyD.quietly
A.advice B.warningC.acceptance D.pride
A.leaving B.waiting C.asking D.looking

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