



1.What do they eat for lunch and for supper?

[  ]

A.A green salad for lunch and some beefsteak for supper.

B.Some bread and potatoes for lunch, and some meat for supper.

C.Some meat for lunch and a green salad for supper.

2.How much meat do they want to buy?

[  ]

A.About twenty pounds.

B.About two pounds.

C.About three pounds.

3.What food shall they buy?

[  ]

A.A green salad and some potatoes.

B.Potatoes and beefsteak.

C.A green salad, some beefsteak and potatoes.


4.What is the distance between the earth and the moon?

[  ]

A.380,000 kilometers.

B.165,000 kilometers.

C.385,000 kilometers.

5.What did they do on the moon?

[  ]

A.They tied some equipment to the rock there.

B.They put up a tent there for rest.

C.They brought back some rocks from the moon.

6.In which part of the moon did the astronauts land?

[  ]

A.On top of a mountain.

B.In the Sea of Tranquility.

C.By the side of Cape Kennedy.



  M:What food shall I buy today?

  W:I want a green salad for lunch. For super, I want some meat.

  M:What kind of meat, madam?


  M:How much beefsteak do you want?

  W:About two pounds. Do we have enough bread and potatoes?

  M:We have enough bread. But we don't have enough potatoes. Shall I buy some potatoes?

  July 20th, 1969 was an important day, when two Americans——Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon, the first men on the moon. They went in a spaceship called Apollo 11, which left Cape Kennedy on July 16th and went 385,000 kilometers. The journey took three days. On July 20th the spaceship landed in the sea of Tranquility.

  Armstrong first stepped on the moon, and then Aldrin. They walked on the surface of the moon, picked up some rocks and put them in the space-whip. They jumped up and down. Then put a flag in the ground. On July 21st Apollo 11 left the moon and returned to Earth. Three days later it came down in the Pacific Ocean, and a ship took them to America and to their families.


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