
The World Health Organization says there has been a sharp increase in the number of over-weight children in developing countries. In African countries, the WHO says the number of over-weight or obese children is twice as high as it was 20 years ago. Around the world, about 43 million children under the age of five were overweight in 2013.

  Overweight and obese children are more likely to become overweight and obese adults. The condition can generate serious health problems like heart diseases.

   Francesco Branca is the director of the WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development. He says urban lifestyle makes people eat processed food more often ,which has a high sugar ,fat and salt content. He also says people are gaining weight because of their lack of activities. They travel in cars or other vehicles more than on foot.

   The WHO experts say to lower obesity rates is especially complex in countries that also deal with high rates of infectious(感染性的) diseases.

   The WHO has some basic solutions for individuals and countries. The organization says you should lower your intake of fat, sugar, salt and processed food and eat more fruits,' vegetables and increase physical activity. The WHO says these actions are especially important for children.

   And WHO expert Branca says mothers should breastfeed their babies for at least the first six months of life, if possible. More importantly, governments should consider providing vitamins for children and educational campaigns about problems linked to obesity would also help. In his view, government policies should deal with how food is marketed to children and food producers must balance quality and taste with the dangers of sugar, fat and salt. "Reducing the number of overweight children will not be easy. The goal is difficult to meet even in wealthy countries. " he adds.

1.What is the main idea of Paragraph l?

A. Children in developing countries generally weigh too much.

B. Overweight children in developing countries have increased greatly.

C. The number of overweight children in the world has doubled.

D. The World Health Organization has increased greatly.

2.According to Branca , people are becoming overweight because of their changes in _______

A. lifestyles           B. transportation

C. physical condition       D. school educational .

3.Which of the following word can best replace the underlined word in Paragraph 2?

A. cure     B. prevent    C. worsen    D. cause

4.According to WHO, which of the following is true?

A. Poor nutrition is often related to children obesity.

B. To lower infectious disease rates is more complex than to lower obesity rates.

C. Eating less sugar and more vegetables helps lower obesity rates.

D. Increasing physical activity is most effective to lower obesity rates.

5.What can we learn from the last Paragraph?

A. Babies breastfed aren't likely to become overweight.

B. Governments should play a necessary role in fighting obesity.

C. Food producers should be stopped from marketing, food to children.

D. The number of overweight children decreases easily in wealthy countries.











1.段落大意题:从第一段的句子:The World Health Organization says there has been a sharp increase in the number of over-weight children in developing countries.可知这段讲的是在发展中国家过度肥胖的孩子的数量在增加。选B

2.细节题:从文章第三段的句子: Francesco Branca is the director of the WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development. He says urban lifestyle makes people eat processed food more often ,which has a high sugar ,fat and salt content. 可知根据Branca所说,人们变胖是因为生活方式的改变,选 A

3.猜词题:从第二段的句子:The condition can generate serious health problems like heart diseases.


4.细节题:从文章第五段的句子: The organization says you should lower your intake of fat, sugar, salt and processed food and eat more fruits,' vegetables and increase physical activity. The WHO says these actions are especially important for children.可知根据WHO所说,少吃糖多吃蔬菜可以有助于降低肥胖的几率,选C

5.细节题:从最后一段的句子:More importantly, governments should consider providing vitamins for children and educational campaigns about problems linked to obesity would also help. In his view, government policies should deal with how food is marketed to children and food producers must balance quality and taste with the dangers of sugar,可知政府应该在对抗肥胖方面起到必要的作用,选B




I had an experience some years ago, which taught me something about the ways in which people make a bad situation worse by blaming themselves. One January, I had to hold two funerals on successive days for two elderly women in my community. Both had died “full of years”, as the Bible would say. Their homes happened to be near each other, so I paid condolence (吊唁) calls on the two families on the same afternoon.

At the first home, the son of the deceased (已故的) woman said to me, “If only I had sent my mother to Florida and gotten her out of this cold and snow , she would be alive today. It’s my fault that she died.” At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, “If only I hadn’t insisted on my mother’s going to Florida, she would be alive today. That long airplane ride, the sudden change of climate, was more than she could take. It’s my fault that she’s dead.”

You see that any time there is a death, the survivors will feel guilty. Because the course of action they took turned out badly, they believe that the opposite course — keeping Mother at home, putting off the operation — would have turned out better. After all, how could it have turned out any worse?

There seem to be two elements involved in our willingness to feel guilty. The first is our pressing need to believe that the world makes sense, that there is a cause for every effect and a reason for everything that happens. That leads us to find patterns and connections both where they really exist and where they exist only in our minds.

The second element is the view that we are the cause of what happens, especially the bad things that happen. It seems to be a short step from believing that every event has a cause to believing that every disaster is our fault. The roots of this feeling may lie in our childhood.

A baby comes to think that the world exists to meet his needs, and that he makes everything happen in it. He wakes up in the morning and summons the rest of the world to its tasks. He cries, and someone comes to attend to him. When he is hungry, people feed him, and when he is wet, people change him. Very often, we do not completely outgrow that childish view that our wishes cause things to happen.

The author had to hold the two women’s funerals probably because     .

A. he wanted to comfort the two families    B. he was an official from the community

       C. he had great pity for the deceased    D. he was priest of the local church

People feel guilty for the deaths of their loved ones because     .

       A. they couldn’t find a better way to express their sorrow

       B. they believe that they were responsible

       C. they had neglected the natural course of events

       D. they didn’t know things often turn out in the opposite direction

According to the passage, the underlined part in paragraph 4 probably means that     .

       A. everything in the world is predetermined

       B. the world can be interpreted in different ways 

       C. there’s an explanation for everything in the world

       D. we have to be sensible in order to understand the world

What’s the main idea of the passage?

       A. Life and death is an unsolved mystery.

       B. Every story should have a happy ending.

       C. Never feel guilty all the time because not every disaster is our fault.

       D. In general, the survivors will feel guilty about the people who passed away .

Surfing-the art of riding a wave on a pointed board-is the wildest, fastest natural water sport known to man. In recent years, it has developed into a major sport around the world, from Australia to South Africa. Australians challenge man-eating sharks to ride the green waves in Australia; Hawaiian experts risk their lives on huge, thirty-foot swells(巨浪)against the wind of Oahu; Californians of all ages go out all the year round. In the winter, surf-riders put on life-suits to ride grave waves so cold that their flesh turns blue.

Surfing is no sport for weak persons. Swimming a quarter of a mile or more, and pushing a surfboard out to where the swells are just right for riding, can be real work. Then, at exactly the right moment, you climb up the wave and go fast across the face of a powerful swell with the white water jumping at your feet. The huge wave bites at your shoulder, threatening (威胁)at any moment to smash you flat. In the next several seconds, a cool head and lightning-quick action back to the pressure of the attacking wave will bring your board under control for that great ride down the back of the great, green mountain of water. Once on the beach, you know why surfing is growing in popularity as an international sport, and you're glad to be a member of this new water world.

The first paragraph mainly tells us ________ .

A. people around the world go surfing all the year round

B. the definition (定义) of the sport

C. how to surf in the sea

D. where to surf around the would

The author believes that surfing________.

A. is not an easy sport

B. can be done by anyone

C. should be done by everyone

D. does not require courage

In order to experience what real surfing is, ________.

A. you must first swim a quarter of a mile to warm your body

B. you will first ride on a board to reach the beach

C. you must first put on warm clothes before doing surfing

D. you must first swim to the swells with your board

The West began to take more notice of the East.The fifth volume of an enormous work reassessing the Chinese contribution to science and technology is to be published next year.The first volume,which was published twenty years ago,set the tone for the whole work.In it,evidence was given to show that many inventions which,until then,western historians had claimed forEurope,were made first in China.The attempt to rewrite the intellectual history of the world was not received without protest by some reputable historians.However,the evidence that has been presented so far in the first four volumes has persuaded many historians who were skeptical at first.China’s invention of paper,printing,the magnetic compass and gunpowder has never been disputed,but this new history has added advanced bridge design,mechanical clocks,paddle boats and many other inventions to the list.

In the four volumes published so far no attempt has been made to explain why China has not kept up with the West in science and technology in modern times.It is probable that the answer is to be found in the social and economic history of China,where a static(稳定的) society under a relatively kind regime(政权) of scholar-gentry(贵族) contrasts with the potentially revolutionary and dynamic(有活力的) society of the West at the end of the Middle Ages.In recent years,the Chinese government has been making every effort to catch up with the West again,and there is little doubt that the gap is being reduced year by year.But will China avoid the West’s mistakes?

The first volume was published__________.

A.ten years ago             B.last year                    C.five years ago            D.twenty years ago

In Line 7,the word “skeptical” means _________.

A.doubtful                    B.worried                     C.sad                           D.angry

Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Gunpowder.                     B.Needle.                            C.Paddle boats.             D.Bridge design.

The best title for this passage is _________.

A.China’s Inventions

B.Comparisons Between the East and the West

C.China Is Catching Up

D.Situations in China

Leif Erickson reached North America around the year 1000, but the attempt to explore was started slowly. It would be five centuries __1__ other Europeans landed on that continent.

Why were Europeans the ones to __2__ to the American? The Chinese and Arabs had the __3__ and technology to sail across the seas. __4__ of them tool regular voyages in the Indian Ocean and the Asian Pacific for trade. But exploration? By the mid-15th century China had followed the closed-door policy to __5__ itself from the rest of the world. The Arabs, with access to the minerals and spices (香料) of Africa and the Far East, saw no __6__ to journey into the unknown.

Europe, on the other hand, needed gold and silver; its mines could not __7__ the demand for coinage (铸币). Ottoman Turks blocked the routes across the land to Asia. Only the sea held the promise of new wealth.

__8__ the return of Magellan’s ships in 1522 from its voyage around the world, the belief was __9__ that the oceans were interconnected, promising the age of discovery. The English, as well as the Spanish, Portuguese and French, __10__ themselves to finding the “river of the west” through North America to the east.

A. after B. since   C. before D. when

A. push B. pull    C. draw   D. drive

A. sources    B. resources    C. substances  D. matters

A. Neither    B. Both   C. Any    D. None

A. prevent    B. protect       C. isolate D. differ

A. need B. chance       C. choice D. regret

A. create      B. meet   C. raise   D. develop

A. As    B. For     C. With   D. At

A. extended  B. estimated    C. accepted     D. made

A. contributed   B. referred      C. devoted      D. connected




   When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks,

And at restaurants did not take her seriously ,did not give her good service ,pretended not to

Understand her ,or even acted as if they did not hear her .  

My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she . I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs.Tan..”

   And my mother was standing beside me ,whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me cheek already two week lone.”

And then , in perfect English I said : “I’m getting rather concerned .You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”

Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”

The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.

  When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.

1.Why was the author’s mother poorly served?

       A.She was unable to speak good English.

       B.She was often misunderstood.

       C.She was not clearly heard.

       D.She was not very polite.

2.From Paragorph 2, we know that the author was____________.

       A.good a pretending

       B.rude to the stockbroker

       C.ready to help her mother

       D.unwilling to phone for her mother

3.After the author made the phone call, __________

A.they forgave the stockbroker

       B.they failed to get the check

       C.they went to New York immediately

       D.they spoke to their boss at once

4.What does the author think of her mother’s English now?

       A.It confuses her.

       B.It embarrasses her.

       C.It helps her understand the world.

       D.It helps her tolerate rude people.

5.We can inter from the passage that Chinese English__________.

       A.is clear and natural to non-native speakers

       B.is vivid and direct to non-native speakers

       C.has a verv bad reputation in America

       D.may bring inconvenience in America

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