Before discussing different kinds of emotions, let us briefly talk about how researchers   1 bodily processes, actions and behavior, and how this relates to what we do in our daily lives when we observe emotions in  2  .
Bodily processes can be directly measured by   3  of a polygraph. (测谎器)When a polygraph is skillfully used to   4  how we react bodily with what we are   5 , it is called a "lie detector". Bodily processes can also be measured  6 . This is what we do when we observe someone blushing (脸红). However, we are not always  7  of what bodily processes respond to.
Measuring action   8  behavior is the other way researchers assess the emotions.    9 , one measure of fear of snakes is how  10 a person will go to the snake. Another procedure is to have a person  11  how afraid he is, or how he feels, in this way, researchers have 12  the so-called "fear thermometer" to assess a person’s fear.  13  our everyday living, we do very much the same thing. Only not too   14 . We react to what a person does, what he says, 15  he says it, and how he looks. Is he smiling? Is his voice trembling? We put all this  16  together to infer what a person is feeling.
  17 , we do not always act as we feel. Sometimes we do things that we don’t feel like doing.  18  we say we feel one way and then we act another. Actors, for example, successfully learn to "make believe" emotions, or learn to   19  them. Thus we   20  always tell what a person is feeling by what he says or by what he does.

A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the others
A.For exampleB.On one handC.As well asD.At times
A.needn’t B.shan’tC.won’t D.Can’t

完形填空 (共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)
“A robbery ...” a voice came from the radio.John was driving home late last night from a trip, and now he was having trouble staying   36   .He turned   37  the radio and tried to fix his attention on the   38  , but his eyes kept on closing.
  It was   39  that he noticed the hitchhiker (搭便车者) by the road.  40  even thinking about what he was doing, he stopped the car.
  “To Midrille?” “Get in.” The hitchhiker got in and immediately John was   41   that he had picked him up.The young man    42   a strange face and long hair.When John asked him questions about himself, he changed the   43  
  John   44  the news.He began to sweat  and his thoughts   45  nervously to all the money he was   46  
  At the next small town he stopped his car and said, “I’m sorry.I’m so   47   that I can’t drive you to Midrille.I think I’ll find a   48  and spend the night.”
  The young man slowly   49  into his pocket.“This is it!” thought John.At that   50 moment he considered shouting for help, but instead of a gun, the hitchhiker pulled out several    51   .“Oh, no.I don't want your money.Just get out.Okay?”
  The young man looked    52  .He insisted on   53  John the money.John watched until his   54  had disappeared from sight, then stepped on the    55  and drove out of town.

A.on B.offC.up D.over
A.outside C.speed D.way
A.there B.earlier C.then D.moment
A.Without B.After C.By D.For
A.happy B.sad C.angry D.sorry
A.wore B.owned C.had D.made
【小题8】 B.subject C.question D.face
A.rememberedB.thought C.heard D.forgot
【小题10】 B.arrived C.changed D.turned
A.paying B.having C.carrying D.borrowing
A.afraid B.hungry C.cold D.sleepy
【小题13】 C.hotel D.station
A.reached B.forced D.put
A.important B.very C.long D.short
A.knives C.handkerchiefs D.bills
A.frightenedB.puzzled C.worried D.curious
【小题18】 B.offering C.handing D.returning
A.driver B.friend C.passenger D.thief
A.door B.gas C.window D.motor

Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Once __41 __, such opportunities are like valuable diamonds hidden in the sand.
Several years ago, I spoke at a school about how we were surrounded by “___42___  ” if we could only recognize them. A man stopped by to see me, and I remembered him as somebody who had suffered through a(n) ___43___ divorce (离婚) and was examining what was most important to him. He took a small ___44___ out of his pocket. Here is what he said to me that day.
“I ___45___ on this stone when I was leaving church last Sunday. You had spoken about  ___46___ opportunities—diamonds. I put the stone in my ___47___ to remind me to look for those “diamonds” that I need. I have been trying to sell my business . On Monday morning, a man who seemed interested in ___48___ some of my stock (股票) stopped by. I thought, ‘Here’s my diamond—don’t let it ___49___!’ I sold the entire stock to him by noon. Now my next diamond is to find a new ___50___  !”
Not long afterward, he did find a new and better job. From then on, he decided to keep his stone with him all the time as a ___51___ to look for “diamonds” as he dug through the ___52___ of life.
Richard DeVos is right when he points out. “This is an exciting world. It is filled with opportunities. Great moments wait around every corner.” Those moments are diamonds that,   ___53___ left unrecognized, will be forever lost.
Are you looking for “diamonds” every day? If not, you may ___54___ pass them by! Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in the difficulty you’re ___55___ now.

A.go offB.give inC.stay up out

Until recently, I hadn’t done much community service.In face, I did nothing to benefit anyone but myself.My selfishness and laziness were clear before I received an assignment from my teacher.Each student was required to complete 10 hours community service.To me, 10 hours was a huge amount of time to spend helping others.Volunterring, for me, has been a truly life – changing experience.
My mom suggested that I organize a food drive(募捐活动)in our development(新建筑宅区)and donate what I collected to a local shelter.Anything that would help finish the project seemed like a good idea, so I agreed.I made up flyers(传单)asking for donations and placed flyers at every house in my neighborhood.
I was getting ready to fetch the cans from my neighbor’s yards on the day of the food drive when all of a sudden it started to pour.Rain flooded the roads and wind blew hard, but I was determined to complete my task.My mom drove me around our development and I jumped out at every house to collect items people had put out.
When we finally arrived the shelter, I was a little nervous because I had never been there before.The woman in charge was extremely grateful for the donations and said that the world would be ganizing the food drive and delighted that my service to the community would make a difference in people’s lives.
As I was leaving the shelter, a man asked if I was the one who had brought all the food.I shyly nodded, and he said, “A round here, you are a hero.” From that point on, I made myself a promise that I would serve the community more often, even when it was not required.Through this school assignment, I have realized that caring for others is an important part of living and the world would be a completely different place if people all help those who are less fortunate.
【小题1】From the first paragraph we know the author          

A.was satisfied with the assignment of his teacher
B.was unwilling to do good things for others
C.thought it impossible for him to spend 10 hours helping others
D.didn’t realize his selfishness until he received the assignment
【小题2】The author decided to serve the community more often because      
A.he was treated as a big hero by his neighbors
B.he received gratitude from the woman in the shelter
C.he found what he did had an effect on people’s lives
D.he found the people in the shelter were warm – hearted
【小题3】The author wrote this passage in order to his pity for those poor people about the future of the world
C.give advice on organizing a drive
D.expect more people to think of others

How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.
Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. What’s more, life is always presenting new things to the child — things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his parents. He is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things or being punished for what he has done wrong.
When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.
【小题1】According to the second paragraph, the writer thinks that __. for a child is comparatively easy
B.a child is always loved whatever he does
C.if much is given to a child, he must do something in return
D.only children are interested in life
【小题2】After a child grows up, he __.
A.will have little time playing
B.has to be successful in finding a job
C.can still ask for help in time of trouble
D.should be able to take care of himself
【小题3】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.People are always satisfied with each part of their life.
B.Life is less interesting for old people.
C.Children are free to do what they want to do.
D.Adults should no longer rely on others.
【小题4】The underlined word "responsibilities" in the second paragraph means__________.
【小题5】The main idea of the passage is _________ . is not enjoyable since each age has some pains
B.young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard
C.childhood is the most enjoyable time in one's life is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life

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