
The Firegathering

1820 May

The Firegathering festival returns to an unidentified place somewhere in the Sussex countryside this May.The ticket price is a very agreeable 40an amount that the organisers promise covers only the costs of staging the event.As well as the night?club singers and dancers and circus performersyou can expect live performances from local stars.If this looks like it might be right for youyou’d be well advised to book your ticket soonthe event has sold out every year since its beginning four years ago.

Sheep Music

2022 July

Sheep Music started life as a garden party and has developed into a full?scale(全面的) community event.Even though the advertising has always been limited to word of mouththe huge number of people in 2005 left organizers worried that the large crowds could ruin the festival’s family feel.Luckily July sees the return of this brilliant party.The climax(高潮) comes in the shape of Saturday night’s full?scale parade(游行) and fancy dress ball that you just would not expect to happen in the other sleepy Welsh borders.

The Big Chill

35 August

Ten years on and The Big Chill could very well be close to becoming a big pop festival like Glastonbury.That saidthe many thousands in attendance are still able to relax in the beautiful Eastnor deer park and listen to plenty of music that would otherwise pass them by.Families have always been given a warm welcome and it’s fair to say that The Big Chill is probably the most child?friendly of all the medium?sized festivals.If you’ve never beenyou should certainly go.

Summer Sundae

1012 August

Although only a year old this summerSummer Sundae has quickly inspired the imaginations of Leicesteks music lovers.Last year’s event was a successnoted by more than a few mentions at the UK Festival Awards.It is set in the impressive grounds of De Montfort Hall.Although the performers are still to be confirmedthe cabins are sure to be there.These small buildings are made from wood and carpetsstorage spaceand can fit a family for the night.

1.What can we learn about The Firegathering?

AThe festival will take place in a park.

BNo profits will be made from the festival.

CThe audience will be bigger than expected.

DA lot of national stars will perform at the festival.

2.How did Sheep Music advertise itself?

ABy holding a parade.

BBy advertising orally.

CBy giving performances.

DBy holding a family party.

3.Which festival will provide accommodation for the audience?

AThe Firegathering.? BSheep Music.

CThe Big Chill.? DSummer Sundae.

4.What is the similarity of these festivals?

AAll of them entertain attendants with music.

BAll of them have a long history.

CAll of them need advance booking.

DAll of them can be compared with Glastonbury.









解析 推理判断题。根据第一则广告中的“The ticket price is a very agreeable 40an amount that the organisers promise covers only the costs of staging the event.”可知门票收入只能支付会演的成本。由此推断,它并不以盈利为目的。

2.2】 B

解析 细节理解题。根据第二则广告中的“Even though the advertising has always been limited to word of mouth...”可知Sheep Music是通过口头宣传的。

3.3】 D

解析 推理判断题。细读最后一则广告的最后一句:这些小建筑物是木制的,铺着地毯,有储藏间,适合一家人过夜。由此推断,Summer Sundae提供住宿。

4.4】 A

解析 细节理解题。根据四则广告中分别出现的singers and dancersfancy dress ballplenty of musicmusic lovers可知,这些节日都和音乐有关。


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